Episode 25

The bartender did raise an eyebrow this time. "Lady, it's 10am. Tell me you're here for a coffee or a tea." I shook my head.

"Nope, the usual. Only two. With a bit of luck that'll do. And after today, if all goes well, I'll only come back for your pretty smile and not this poison you serve me."

That got a smile out of him, and he went to grab the bottles while I took my usual spot. There were already a few losers like me, drowning their sorrows in beer or vodka. This was my place, I thought. For now, at least.

My drink arrived, and the longing deepened. It wasn't gonna be easy, getting rid of this. I sighed.

Enough moping, time to work. Liliane should have arrived at the office by now, so I called her while sipping my Black Russian. This time she answered.

"Hey love how's it going?" "Tiiiinaaaaa it's so good to hear from you how are you what are you doing are you really not coming back?" I should've known this was gonna be a long conversation. I tried to keep it minimal.

"I'm doing okay, just stuff to work on that I can't do at the office. I'll be away 3 months top. Don't worry about me, okay? Now, how are you, and how is the kid?"

There was a small silence on the line. She was probably taking a breath for the next sentence. "I'm fiiiine all gooood I can't believe I wasn't sacked after I brought the girl to the Agency and that I got put in charge of monitoring little Erwan it's such an honor!" I heard her take a breath. "He's not doing too good though his parents are really mean to him they don't allow him to play or do anything other than just go to school and do homework and they don't even supervise that he's all alone he keeps talking to the frog-"

"Liliane for the love of food, breathe!" I couldn't take it anymore. I felt out of breath just listening to her. "Take a breath please, then go on. So the kid isn't doing well. Have you talked to Jo?"

She took an audible breath and started again. "I haven't talked to Jo because I don't know if this is bad enough yet but he keeps telling the frog he's lonely and wants to see you or maybe anyone who would help him and get him out of there because he's very sad."

I took a big gulp of my drink and a deep breath. The kid was sad and alone. We knew it was bad. But was it bad enough to call Jo? "Send Jo an email with all this info, she'll be glad to know what's going on. Keep it simple, keep it short. I promised the kid I'd come see him in a few days, Jo'll let me know if it needs to be sooner. You're doing good love. Thanks."

I downed my drink and hung up before she could start another rant. I didn't have the energy for any kind of ramblings. And my headache didn't like her voice.

I motioned for a second glass of Black Russian, and tried to relax. Everything was going fine so far. Everyone was accounted for and mostly taken care of. I still needed to find a way to help my diabetic friend, Laura. But that would have to wait until my shit was fixed. She wasn't in any immediate danger, unlike August and Erwan.

After that second drink I went home. I was unsteady on my feet and in a nostalgic mood. Shit. That wouldn't do.

August was waiting for me, dressed in another black and white outfit. Those were her favorite colors. She looked splendid with her auburn hair up in a bun on her head, a simple black necklace around her neck, and black and white nail polish.

"Oh you had time to do your nails then, nice! Looks good." I complimented her. My words were slightly slurred but I was still comprehensible.

She pretended not to notice but I saw her flinch. "What's wrong girl?" I asked. "Nothing," she lied. I raised an eyebrow and stared her down. Eventually she sighed. "Remember my father? He used to beat us bad when he was drunk. Mom lost 3 babies that way. I… I had to go to the hospital once because of it. He broke my arm and a few ribs. Seeing you like that brings back memories I'd rather forget."

I understood better. Damn I was doing everything wrong with this poor girl. "I'm sorry" was all I could say. It wouldn't do much good though. "I won't make you go through any of this again. It's the last time you're seeing me drunk." And I meant it.

She looked at me, sadness in her eyes. "I hope so. This shit is bad. It hurts you, and everyone around you." Ouch.

I went to the window and grabbed a smoke. "I know, love. And I know this does too" I said, gesturing with the smoke. "And I promise I'll fight it. But I can't do it with people around or even work to do. I need like a week, alone. I think. I'll start with that anyway."

She nodded. I lit my cigarette and got my phone out. I played a game of solitaire to try and refocus my mind but I was too far gone. When I looked up, August was sitting across from me.

"Need anything?" She shook her head. No. An awkward silence fell on us and stretched like a cat. 

This was going to be a long day.