Episode 26

We left early that evening to be on time at Eileen's. I didn't like being late, and that whole day had been heavy. I really liked August but I'd be glad to be alone. I wasn't used to having people around like that. I didn't like it much.

The door opened as soon as I rang the bell. Once again, the two stories defeated me. I was breathless and my head was spinning when I made it up. Eileen still had her coat on.

"I've only just arrived, you ladies are right on time! So, what are we eating tonight? I don't see a bag. Tina, you haven't forgotten have you?"

I smiled and took my wand out. "I'm a fucking fairy godmother, remember? I don't need bags."

I went to the kitchen and left the girls to get acquainted. This was the awkward part I wanted no part of. They'd have to handle the introductions themselves. I had magic to perform.

I didn't usually do 3 people meals with magic. It required more effort than doing it by regular means. But I was also broke. Not that I could tell either of them. Besides, a little showing off would be good for my currently very poor image.

Facing the counter, I lifted my wand and started chanting. Kitchen magic was not my specialty, so it wouldn't be anything too fancy. But it would taste good and would fill us up. I planned on making enough for leftovers. I felt eyes looking at me. Refusing to give them the satisfaction of seeing me flustered, I kept chanting and twisted my wand. A huge meatloaf appeared, and a plate filled to the brim with roast potatoes.

That's when I turned around. "Tada! Dinner is served." They applauded, laughing. I curtsied. "Shall we? Or would you like to talk first, maybe?"

"Eat first, talk later" Eileen looked half starved. I wondered when her last meal had been, and nodded. Food would do her good.

She grabbed plates and silverware, and August and I brought the food to the table. It wasn't a fancy affair but it was good. Tasty. Warm. Comforting. Just what we all needed, I figured. We ate for a while in silence, simply enjoying the food.

After a while August couldn't hold it anymore. "So you're a real princess, right? What's that like?"

Eileen tried to hide a smile, and failed. "I used to be" she said. "I grew up in luxury with fancy balls and fancier dresses, yes. I had all the best, latest toys to play with. Even my pajamas were designers. But then my mother died when I was 14, and my father didn't handle it well. When I was 16, he disappeared. The Agency has been taking care of me since. They helped me find my jobs and this place. I guess I kept the title, but not the lifestyle."

I knew she didn't like talking about it. I was very proud of her for opening up to August like that, right away. 

"It must have been fun, growing up like that." August's voice was thick with longing. "I didn't have any fancy toys or designer clothes. Then again, I'm not a princess. Dad had money but he hoarded it like a dragon. I was lucky to even have birthday presents. It only happened because my mother insisted."

She toyed with her food a bit, then started eating again. Another silence, not quite uncomfortable, but filled with words unsaid. I had to break it.

"You girls grew up very differently, but you have a couple of things in common still. An absent father for one, although that's not the fun part. Good taste in clothes. And a thirst for knowledge. And hey, you both know exactly what you want in life. I envy you that. I never really had the opportunity to choose what I'd be, growing up. I was a fairy godmother from the day I was born."

They looked at me, eyes wide. I never talked about myself or my upbringing. This was as much as they were going to get. I got back to my food, and they followed suit. Soon enough we were done.

"Anyone want dessert?" They both did. I magicked a tiramisu to complete the filling meal, and we set to with gusto.

There would be leftovers of dessert too. I couldn't do much better than that, really. I wanted to fill Eileen's fridge, but it wasn't my place. The girls would have to figure it out. At least they would eat the next day, maybe even two days if they were careful. I hadn't taken much for myself, hungry though I was.

We chatted a while, but quickly enough Eileen started yawning. I left August's bag of clothes in a corner and made my escape. I wanted nothing more than to go home and crash. It had been a tough few days.