Episode 29

The call to Gianni went well, all things considered. The poor guy was all over the place and hadn't slept. He did agree to all our demands after Cecile reassured him that they were all right. That was very good. We set the time for dinner and hung up.

"Well, that's done. What now?" Cecile asked. "A nap,"I answered. I was still tired and the bags under their eyes told me they probably were too.

"Nap it is. I can take the couch if you'd rather have your bed."

I refused. I liked sleeping on the couch, especially during the day. I slept better there. Never knew why, never thought to wonder really. It didn't matter. I took the couch.

As I was falling asleep I reflected upon all that had happened in such a short amount of time. This case was so close to being resolved, and yet I found no satisfaction in it. There was a kingdom at stake, and an unhappy princess who was going to marry despite not wanting to, to a man who didn't want to either. That wasn't what I'd call a Happy Ever After.

Oh well, not every story has a happy ending, and this wasn't so bad as far as arrangements went. The marriage, as far as I knew, would be on paper only, and she would get a scholarship and a garden, and he would get his kingdom. All would end well.

And maybe I could finally quit drinking when it was all done.

I finally managed to fall asleep, lulled by the soft snores coming from the bedroom. Right. I still had that mystery to solve.

I woke up again three hours later, feeling a bit disoriented. As much as I liked sleeping on the couch, I wasn't used to it. I still managed to find my way to the coffee machine and prepare coffee for the both of us. I was sure Cecile wouldn't be long to wake up.

I was right. They emerged from the bedroom completely disheveled. I smiled. Couldn't help it. It made them look pretty attractive, to look like this. Not the usual perfectly manufactured butler, but a person. A human being just waking up. I found a fondness for them I didn't have before then.

I quickly hid my smile and offered them a mug. We went to sit at the kitchen table again, yawning. A few sips later I felt better. I opened the window and grabbed a smoke, while Cecile looked to the bottom of their mug as if the truth of the Universe was written on it.

"Penny for your thoughts?" They raised their head at that. Smiled. "I'm just thinking about tonight, and hoping it will go well. And trying to find a way to thank you for all you've done for me, for us." Now that was too sweet.

"I don't want a thank you I want this fucking case closed and my princess taken good care of." Better.

They smiled again. That smile was really growing on me. "You know we'll do our utmost to make that happen, Tina. We have the same goals, and we want our queen to be happy."

I grumbled. I needed more coffee if I wanted to have any kind of conversation. Not enough sleep and too much happening. I refilled my mug and grabbed another smoke. I took my phone out and started the usual checking routine. News from Liliane caught my eyes.

Erwan's parents had done him wrong, and she was informing both Jo and me of what happened. And what happened was not good at all.

His parents had fought. The poor kid had tried to stop the fight, interposing between the two. He was currently at hospital. We should have acted sooner.

Completely forgetting Cecile was still here, I called Jo. "Hey. I just read Liliane's email, have you gotten to it yet?" She answered with a negative. "Long story short, Erwan is at hospital, broken bones, cracked skull, we need to do something. Yes, we. I can't handle this on my own, not with that big case coming to a close. I can't do anything until tomorrow. No, I can't push anything back. Too long to explain. Jo, do something. Make sure the kid is safe. I'll go see him tomorrow."

I hung up. Cecile was looking at me wide eyed. "Can I help?" I shook my head. "No, unless you have a magic trick to instantly heal bones." Their turn to shake their head. "Sadly no. Although I can make it faster, and make sure it all heals well, with your help."

I sighed and took my head in my hands. "We don't have time today, but if that's true, you'll come with me to the hospital tomorrow. I can't let that kid suffer like this, not after I promised him to look after him." I was close to tears. I felt like a failure. To Erwan, to August, to Laura with her diabetes… I'd failed them all.

Laura! I told her I'd call her back, and I hadn't found the time. But I couldn't do it now, the dinner was too close and too important. I'd have to call the next day.

I realized being lost in my own misery was not going to help anyone. People were counting on me tonight.

"Cecile, we have to do something I'm sure you're not used to doing." They raised an eyebrow. I conjured a wicked smile. "We're going grocery shopping."