Episode 30

I wasn't a fan of grocery shopping. I usually magicked my meals. But this time we had to make it a big deal. And besides, Cecile was paying, so we could take some extra food for the next few days for the girls.

As we entered the shop, Cecile's mouth slightly opened. "What… What is all that?" I laughed.

"That, my dear, is a grocery shop. A big one, because we need plenty of things for tonight and the next few days. Can't let your future queen starve now can we? Anyways, let's start with the meat." 

2 hours later we were sweaty and exhausted as we got out of the shop and made our way home. But we'd gotten all we needed, and a little more with it.

And I needed a drink. 

When we arrived, Cecile noticed my shaking and remarked on it but I was too focused on breathing to react. I felt my head was going to explode. I looked at them with pain in my eyes, which weren't focusing.

Before I could try to say anything, Cecile made the bottle from the night before reappear and served me a full glass.

That would have to do, I couldn't go to the bar in this state anyway. Or to Eileen's. I looked at the time. We didn't have much of it left before we had to leave. I tried not to down the drink, but the thirst was too strong. I motioned for another one.

Cecile served me again, silently. I was grateful for that. I needed quiet around me to deal with the dark thoughts creeping in my mind.

I was going to be wasted in front of the girls if I didn't keep myself in check. That couldn't happen, I'd promised August. I never broke a promise. I wasn't about to start.

"Okay that'll do, thanks." Cecile put the bottle back where it came from and frowned. "That looked really painful, Tina." I laughed a sour laugh. "It was. That's what happens when I don't drink for too long. That's my dark secret, and now you've witnessed it. Don't tell anyone or I'll have your eyes out before you can say fuck."

They smiled again. "I won't tell. But we really need to work on that soon, Tina. We can't leave you suffering like that, and besides you'll soon be godmother to a queen, it won't do."

It wouldn't, indeed, do. But my priorities were elsewhere.

"We have one hour before we're supposed to be at Eileen's, and we'd better not be late. I suggest we start preparing the entrées here so that they have something to munch on while we do the rest there."

Cecile nodded, lost in thought. "What do we make? I'm afraid I'm not much of a cook, and you don't really look like one either."

I laughed. "Avocado toasts. We can use magic. Shouldn't be too hard".

It wasn't, and we were done on time to teleport to the castle for the prince, then to Eileen's. I even had time to steady myself after so much moving around. I really didn't like teleportation.

Once more the stairs were my enemy. But this time Cecile gave me their arm to help me up, made it easier. Gianni raised an eyebrow at us but didn't comment, and I made sure to let go before Eileen could see. I would never hear the end of it otherwise.

We bumped into Gianni as we tried to make our way in. He was standing there, on the doorstep, hypnotized.

"This- This is your home? All of it?"

I looked from behind Cecile's back. Eileen was frowning. "Yes, Your Majesty. It is. What's wrong with it?" She looked defensive, and I hoped real hard that Gianni wouldn't blow it.

"It's, well, very nice. I expected, erm, bigger, but it's very- ah, I apologize, it's a very nice apartment" He stumbled.

Eileen smirked, and curtsied. I could feel the sarcasm dripping from the gesture. I winced.

Cecile pushed Gianni forward so we could all get in and shut the door before any more awkwardness happened. I embraced Eileen and August, who had made her way to us. "Hey ladies, what's up? Long time no see!"

Cecile gave them a perfect bow while Gianni waved. He still looked very uncomfortable. That wouldn't do at all.

"We made some toasts for you guys to eat while we prepare the meal, so go on, get seated and help yourselves. Cecile and I will take care of everything tonight. And we might even eat a bit."

I ushered Cecile to the kitchen and whispered "What the fuck is wrong with him?" "He hasn't slept in 3 days and is not used to tiny apartments, Tina." 

I grumbled and took the groceries out. Half of them went in the fridge, the other half I laid on the counter. I rolled up my sleeves and took my wand out. We were about to do some grand cooking. I was surprisingly excited to be doing so with Cecile. It was probably because I would get to boss them around and be the most knowledgeable for once. Probably.

As we worked our weird tandem magic, we heard the sound of chatter in the living room. I hoped the awkwardness was gone thanks to the toasts, and that Gianni wouldn't fuck up again.

We made lots of bite-sized things. Not a standard meal, since we wanted the conversation to flow. There was a lot of variety in what we made. Gyozas, nems, verrines, petits fours, sandwiches… You want it, we did it. It only took 2 hours. I was so proud of us. 

The meal went surprisingly fine. The girls made fun of Gianni, who took it fairly well considering he was a prince. Probably not used to it.

Even Cecile joined in on the fun by poking me with jokes and puns. It was perfect. Until we came to the serious stuff.

"So," Gianni started. He never finished. Eileen looked at him with a question in her eyes and he froze. "Yes?" She seemed at the same time curious and defensive. I could understand that.

"Well, I think we should perhaps address the elephant in the room…" His voice seemed to fail him under Eileen's darker stare. She didn't want to address the elephant. She wanted a good time, to enjoy herself for once. Again, I understood. But I couldn't let her do it.

"Okay guys, how about some dessert? And we'll talk business." They all quietly nodded. I grabbed Cecile and dragged them to the kitchen.

"What's for dessert? We didn't buy anything sugary, I checked."

"We didn't need to, we'll magic it. Anyway we need to find a way to approach that damned elephant. Can you help?" I got my wand out as I spoke and twisted it nervously, making colored sparkles appear. My chest was tight. This wasn't my field of expertise. Fuck, this wasn't a HEA, this was a mockery of everything romance!

"I will try, Tina." They looked me in the eyes, grave and sincere. "I promise, things will go well after a bit. Relax."

That soothed me. A little. I wanted a drink to steady my nerves, but now wasn't the time. I needed a clear head for this conversation. And a lot of luck. I finally realized the sparks and turned my wand to the counter.

"Let's make strawberry crumbles, shall we?"