59: Consulting Madame Huang

59: Consulting Madame Huang

Li Mei knew that this decision wasn't something she could make lightly. To help guide her through this important moment, she sought the wisdom of Madame Huang, the village's renowned herbalist. Madame Huang had been a trusted advisor to Li Mei's mother, and Li Mei had always respected her experience and insight.

One warm afternoon, Li Mei sat across from Madame Huang in the elder herbalist's cozy cottage, filled with the earthy scent of dried herbs and the warm light filtering in through the windows. She explained the situation: Liu Feng's offer to expand her reach and his promise of a business partnership that would provide her with resources she could never obtain on her own.

"Madame Huang, I don't want to risk losing control over my work," Li Mei confessed. "But at the same time, I know I cannot continue at this pace. The demand for my remedies is growing, and I can't meet it all on my own. What should I do?"

Madame Huang stroked her chin thoughtfully, her wrinkled fingers brushing over a small bundle of dried ginseng roots that sat on the table between them. After a long pause, she finally spoke.

"You are wise to be cautious, child," Madame Huang said, her voice steady and calm. "The path of expansion is not without its dangers. But if you want your remedies to reach those who need them, you must trust someone. The key is finding balance. Find a partner who shares your vision. But be careful—don't let someone take advantage of your hard work."

Li Mei nodded, absorbing the elder's words. It was clear that Madame Huang didn't just speak of business wisdom, but of life lessons she had learned through her years of cultivating herbs and healing the sick. The advice made sense: the right partnership could help her grow, but the wrong one could destroy everything she had worked for.