60: Finding Help

60: Finding Help

As Li Mei spent the next few days considering her options, one thought became clear—if she was to expand her operations, she would need help. She could no longer handle the growing demand for her remedies on her own. The work was exhausting, and she wanted to ensure that her quality would not be compromised.

She turned to Madame Huang once again, seeking her guidance. The elder herbalist had connections in neighboring villages, and Li Mei hoped that she could recommend a few trustworthy individuals who could assist her.

Madame Huang smiled, recognizing the determination in Li Mei's eyes. "I know a few young women who have shown promise in the art of herbalism," she said. "They are diligent, and most importantly, they respect the plants as you do."

Through Madame Huang, Li Mei was introduced to Xiao Lin, a young woman who had grown up in the village and had a natural talent for plant cultivation. Xiao Lin had been tending to her family's herb garden for years and had developed a keen understanding of which herbs grew best in which conditions. The other was Mei Qiu, a skilled apprentice who had worked with her mother, a well-respected herbalist, in a nearby town. Mei Qiu had a particular knack for making medicinal tonics and herbal remedies.

After interviewing them both and learning more about their backgrounds, Li Mei felt confident that they could help her maintain the quality of her remedies. She invited both women to work alongside her in her garden and workshop, and together they began preparing large batches of remedies for the first time. Li Mei took time to teach them the methods she had perfected, showing them how to harvest herbs like ginseng and goji berries with care, how to dry them properly, and how to mix them into the perfect blends for healing.