Okay.... so after the... conversation last night.. Luna and Miles have a agreement with her asking Mordred about Jaune and Miles just... not trying to make Mordred mad... which hopefully would turn it well...
Miles doesn't exactly have a good track record for that... she had to get in between Mordred and Miles more time than she would like.
Not that her presence made Mordred calm down....
'.... sometimes it's feels like she listen to Jaune more than me...' Luna thinks to herself while she is making breakfast.
"You okay Mom?" Jaune's voice made her turn her head and sees him walking up to her.
'He..... feels normal... yesterday he was kinda weird.. I guess he was just tired yesterday.....'
"Yeah I'm okay Jaune... you wanna help me with breakfast?" She asked him which Jaune answered by simply get to her right side and start to help her cut the potatoes.
She always love it whenever Jaune help her do anything around the house.. he doesn't need any instruction and just know how to do it... for example, this..
Jaune look at the ingredient on the table and instantly know that she is planning to make some hashbrown and breakfast sandwich.
He would make a pretty food house husband for any woman lucky enough to get his heart.. that she can 100% say that as a fact...
She is a little happy that Jaune doesn't follows his father in that regard cause Miles couldn't cook to save his life...
She knows that because she is the one who packed her home-cooked meal for him whenever he go on a mission and she also made sure to pack MREs for him too in case the mission took him into a place where he can't buy food...
*sigh* 'Miles need to learn how to take care of himself... Jaune would teach him if he asked... but Mordred would probably make it hard for Miles....'
"So... where did you go yesterday with Mordred, Jaune?" She is really curious about where both her spirited daughter and Loving son goes yesterday because they both had been out for so long that she almost asked her husband to make a search party for them...
"Well.. we were having fun in the woods I guess." His words shocked her because the woods?! She never knew that her children goes into the forest!?
Even with the Local hunters culling out the grimm population in the forest, it still not safe for any children to go venturing there!
"Jaune, you know that's dangerous! You shouldn't go there!" He grab his shoulder and turn him to face her. "I thought you were smarter than that Jaune!"
She really hopes her words get through him because she doesn't know what she is going to do if she lost him.
Luna expected her son who is as smart and mature as he is would understand the danger of this!
But.. contrary to her expectation, Jaune doesn't cru or yell at her saying how he could take care of himself... which is stupid in her part, she should know better that Jaune would do that... her son is too mature for his age to ever lash out on her like that... she raised him better than that....
"Mom... can I explain? Please.." Her son calm voice made her take a deep breath to calm herself down because she should not get a panic attack infront of her son.... cause God damn she almost did have one...
"I know its dangerous, Mom... but its okay... you do remember that I was with Mordred, right? She could kill any grimm that try to kill us Mom.. "
Mordred..... she forgot that Mordred was with him... could Mordred protect Jaune? Yes... she can certainly say yes to that... Mordred would rather die before she let her little brother die to a grimm.
But still.. its a grimm... even with Mordred Being a prodigy, it is still dangerous for both of them to go out to the woods..... they're still kids...
"But still Jaune... you shouldn't go out there.. you're smarter than this.. did Mordred asked you to go with her there?" Because that is the only reason that would make sense to her head on why Jaune would go to the woods.
As much as Mordred love her little brother, sometimes she forgot that not everybody is like her.. not everybody have their Aura unlocked...
Jaune's eyes widen before he shakes his head and to explain calmly. "No Mom, Mordred didn't asked me to go with her. I was the one who asked her."
....oh.... she knows that he is lying.... she knows it... it hurt her that her son first lie to her was this... but it also warmed her heart a bit knowing that he lied to protect his sister...
She should reprimand him and punish him... but she can't.... she can't do that to her boy... so... just this once she'll let it slide... her son deserve this much at least..
"Okay... I believe you... but no more okay? No more going to the woods.. it's too dangerous for you even with Mordred there..." she then let out a sigh because why did her son go to the woods anyway, he usually go to the town and spend his time there. "Next time, just go to the down like you usually do, okay?"
He nodded at her. "Okay mom.... but... we should continue making the breakfast... the others would wake up soon.."
Shit.. she forgot about breakfast.. but who could blame her? She prioritize her son's safety over breakfast at any moment with no hesitation!
"Yeah... lets continue making breakfast then..."
A few minutes had passed before she open her mouth to talk to Jaune again.
"Jaune... is Mordred okay? After last night?"
She can't neglect Mordred especially after last night.. even if Mordred is not as close to her as she would like, she is still her Daughter... she gave birth to her...
"Mordred? Well... she was just annoyed at Dad.... she calmed down after we got inside my room."
Annoyed? That is an understatement... Mordred wasn't annoyed at Miles.. Mordred was Furious at Miles... Miles really need to stop being so socially inept with his own children because this... this is what happened.....
"...can you tell Mordred Later that your father is Sorry? He.... he doesn't meant anything bad by what he asked her... you know your father isn't the best at... communicating..."
Jaune let out a soft laugh. "Yeah.... I'll tell her that.. and she will be more understanding if we give her double extra bacon.. you know how much she loves that.."
That's... that's was supposed to be her job.. being the one that knows how to calm down her children better than anyone and how to... placate them... but it looks like her job has been stolen by Jaune when it comes too knowing how to calm down Mordred....
She really should be offended or sad about it.. but she can't... because why would she get sad at the fact that her son and daughter is much closer than they are to their own parents...
She shouldn't be suprised about this by now especially at the fact that Jaune and Mordred Knows about each other more than Noir and Blancheur know things about each other... and Noir and Blancheur are twins so that is saying something...
where is Jaune? Where the fuck is he?!
That... that was the first that that crossed Mordred's head as she woke up to an empty bed...
She then quickly get off the bed and was about to storm out of the room and shout Jaune's name in an effort to Find him but she stop dead in her tracks and take a deep breath...
Why? Well she finally realized that they are inside their home and Jaune couldn't be kidnapped without her waking up.. and once again, she is inside her home.... its safe here.
"Why didn't he wake me up.. that stupid fucker must know how worried I would get.." she then sigh and get out of Jaune's room to use the bathroom and brush her teeth.
In the hallways she can see Saphron walking out of her room and headed straight of Olivia's room but she stop as she looks at Mordred.
"Mordred... you're okay?" Saphron ask her because after what happened last night... its not her fault that she would be worried about Mordred... thankfully it looks like Jaune managed to calm her down...
Mordred frowned at Saphron. "Why wouldn't I be okay?"
"Well.. last night you and dad were.. fighting again... and I think you were about to punch him when we get there if not for Jaune stopping you..." Saphron explained to Mordred which only made Mordred become annoyed... Mordred isn't.. a morning person... and the fact that she is being questioned about Miles this early in the morning? Well.. that is not a good combination in the least..
"What about it, huh? Fuck him for trying to say some shit to me and trying to exclude Jaune..." she then cross her arms over her chest. "He should know better than that... fuck him..."
"Oh... so that was the problem....." Saphron then let out a tired sigh because their father should know better than do that to Jaune in front of Mordred no less... "he should know better than do that... I guess it was his fault..."
Saphron then continue. "So, what did he want to ask you about?" Maybe it's something about her trying to graduate combat school early like Artoria.. but Artoria graduate a year early, not 3 years early...
"Why the fuck would I know?" Her answer only made Saphron raised an eyebrow in confusion..
"...well it could be something important..." Saphron tell her..
"Well whatever it is, I don't want to fucking hear it.. if Jaune can't hear it then I don't want to either!" Because seriously... she would never let anyone disrespect Jaune like that! Like what the fuck!? If Miles is trying to say something to her then just say it! Why the fuck would he need to say it without Jaune being there! Fuck him and his stupid mouth!
Saphron opened her mouth as if to say something before she close it and shakes her head. "Well... I'll go grab Olivia and take her to get breakfast..."
Saphron then start to walk away but stop as she heard tell her to wait.
"Wait! Is anyone in the bathroom?" Mordred is serious about this question... because if the blonde dumbass Jeanne is using the bathroom now... well Mordred is seriously fucked with her own morning breath because Jeanne always take the longest when any of them used the bathroom.
She got a whole morning routine going on like hey... you're not the only one that want to use the bathroom! Get out!
Saphron Chuckled. "Well.. I heard her wake up before I talk to you."
But before Mordred could reply to Saphron, she stopped as she sees Jeanne's door open. "Shit!" Mordred quickly run to the bathroom and lock the door behind her. "Fuck....."
She then take a few deep breath and calm herself down because she almost had to endure 30 minutes of her own morning breath cause she had to wait for Jeanne to finish her morning fucking routine...
She then shakes her head and go to the sink to brush her teeth.
As she brush her teeth she starts to think of Jaune and how he should wake her up but.. she also think on how sweet he is because he knows that she isn't a morning person.....
Hopefully.. Jaune is alright today.. because shit, she doesn't know what to do if Jaune's heart is fucking him again today..
[AN: well.. sorry for the Short chapters but on some better news.. chapter 40 and 41 respectively have 4.5k words each and chapter 39 got 2.5k words.. and oh yeah give me more comments! I love reading them! And reviews too! And before I forgot again GIVE ME POWERSTONES BECAUSE 150 POWERSTONES EQUAL A BONUS CHAPTER! and... JOIN MY PATREON IF YOU WANNA READ 10 CHAPTERS AHEAD! my patreon is patreon. Com/Zaneninjacat ]