"Okay... Mordred.. so what you're saying is that mom is going to arrange a suprise beach trip?" I asked Mordred.
She nodded at me. "Yeah! Mom asked me shit about you! Like what's your favorite food! Your favorite places! Hell she even asked me about what you love doing for fun!"
Mom asked her that? That is... suprising to say the least... but.. a good suprise I would say... a good suprise indeed.
"So... why didn't mom asked me this?" I asked Mordred cause I am frankly curious about why didn't mom just ask me those question? Why Mordred?
Mordred look at me as if I'm stupid. "... are you dumb? Of course mom is going to ask me, and not your stupid ass."
.... and how does that explain why she asked her?
I then let out a sigh. "...but why tho?"
"Because you're obviously not going to he honest about it and say something like helping around the house and go to the town or some shit cause you don't want her to create a trip just for you... don't know why you prioritize the others." Mordred the roll her eyes at me and let out a sigh.
Well... she isn't wrong to say that.. now that I think about it, if mom were to ask me those type of questions, I would indeed say something simple like that.....
She then sit next to me on my bed and poke my chest. "Everything is okay in there? Or it's still painful?"
....well I even forgot that my heart was really painful yesterday because i woke up fine today.. "No... its not painful anymore.."
"...is it Jaune's not painful or normal people's not painful.. cause those two shit are two different things.. you would even call having a broken arm not painful because you don't want to worry other people." She let out a sigh. "Just be straight with me... is it painful Or not .."
I shake my head at her. "Its normal now, Mordred. Just like usual." And I am saying the truth because my heart is completely fine now..
"That's good then, cause if it's still painful then I am going to drag you to bed and force you to sleep."
Mordred sound serious and I know that she would do that in a heartbeat... she could drag me to Mom and make her try to heal me, but she knows me better than that.
If my Aura can't heal whatever that happened to my heart then mom's Semblance won't work either considering that it is basically Aura healing...
Talking about my Heart.. I still don't know what cause my heart attack... I have a hunch that it have something to do with that dream.
Who was that girl.... I thought dreams is made up by somebody's imagination and the people in the dreams are made out of their memories of the people they met in their day to day life...
But I never seen that girl before.. and the dream felt so real.... not only the girl, I never even met that man.. I forgot what was his name but I remember his purple hair. I never met someone with purple hair before so it can't be from my imagination.
I don't even know people with purple hair exist, and his hair looked natural and not dyed.
And I don't know how or why, but I know for sure that somebody died.. somebody close to me.. but who? If it was Artoria then Mom and Dad would be informed by now so I can scratch Artoria's name off the list..
But who? Who died? And how am I close with that person?
I really need to think more about this more because what If this kind of things happened again but rather then when I was sleeping, it happen when I am outside?
I would be really vulnerable to anything..... and I don't want to make the others panic...
Can I stop it if it happened again to me? How would I even train for this kind of scenario anyway? Maybe if i- "Jaune!"
I got snapped out of my thoughts and looks straight at Mordred. "....yeah?"
"Finally... I've been calling out to you for ages now.. you're stuck on your fucking head Jaune." She let out a sigh. "You're lucky I didn't throw a pillow at your stupid face.."
I let out a chuckle. "Well I guess I am lucky then.. so... why did you call out to me anyway?"
And once again she looked at me as if I'm a dumbass. ".... you're impossible you know that? I told you that I suspect mom is going to throw a suprise beach trip for us and it never crossed your mind to pack up your stuff so we can relax while the other rush to get their beach shits into their bag?"
Oh... yeah... it didn't crossed my mind to pack my swimming trunks and the other essential...
"Sorry.... I don't know what I would do without you, Mordred."
"Probably keel over and die because of how much an idiot you are." She then stand up and open my closet and search through for my stuff.
Her words may be harsh.. but she is loving in her own ways.. I wouldn't want her to ever change...
"Miles, I just asked Mordred about Jaune's favorite."
I told Miles I get inside the bedroom.
He perked up. "Well that's great.. so what did she say?"
"Well she told me that Jaune enjoy going to the beach so there.. I'll arrange a beach trip for the entire family and I'll handle the girls while you go have some father son bonding time with him."
I explain to him and frankly.. distracting the girls would be the easiest and hardest thing for me to do...
How is it both easy and hard you would say? Well I know that my girls would be smart enough to understand what I'm trying to do which is giving their father the space to have some time with their brother...
And you would think that because they understand it then it would be easy.. well it is easy.. now let's go to the hard part... with my girls being smart enough to understand it... that meant that Mordred would understand it either...
I wouldn't be suprised if Mordred stubbornly decided to stick close to Jaune.. neither I and especially Miles can do anything about it.. no one can.
No one.. except for... Jaune that is.
I would bet my kidney that if Jaune say the word, Mordred would give him some space... but i also wouldn't be suprised if Mordred stalked the two of them.
Sometimes Mordred is a little overprotective of Jaune... which is good, I would rather her being overprotective rather than she not caring about Jaune's safety at all.
Oh yeah, I forgot to bring up the fact that Mordred brought Jaune to the forest, I should scold her for it... but I'll decide to let this one go for now....
"So... how do you asked her for that information?" Miles asked me curiously which I can't blame him.. he didn't even got the chance to Ask Mordred that question before Mordred exploded in anger..
"Well I just asked her about what is Jaune's Favorite things..."
The wide eyed expression on his face is a little bit funny... oh poor Miles.. her husband really never had a chance at doing this...
"That's it?" He asked me in suprise.
"Yes.. that's it.." His face is telling me that he didn't believe it.
"...no bribes?" The word came out of his mouth but even I know that he didn't believe his own words either, he is just grasping at straws by this point.
"Nope, no bribes."
"For real?"
"For real, real."
Miles then let out a sigh and sit on the edge of the bed. "What did I do wrong...."
I cannot help but think of how cute he is right now... is that bad? Well I don't care anyway. "A lot of things.. but you are trying to make things right too, so that gotta count to something." I then pat his head.
"...do you.. do you ever think that Mordred would... would stop being so... so harsh on me?" He asked me and I can't help but stop to think on it.
Would Mordred give him a break from her hostile behavior? Maybe... but it is a possibility if Miles made up for his mistakes with Jaune... Mordred would at least learn to tolerate Miles at the very least.
"Well I can't promise you that... but there's a chance that it could happen if you made up with Jaune.. you know how Mordred is.. if you and Jaune become buddy buddy, Mordred would stop being so harsh with you.." My words make him let out a sigh of Relief...
"But...." Okay, now he look tense again. "But you would be on thin ice with her.. that I can count on.. the moment you treat Jaune like you usually do in the past? Or even like last night.. well you would destroy what little trust she has in you completely."
"Thanks for the words of confidence, Luna."
I let out a chuckle and lightly pinch his cheek. "Hey, cheer up, as long as you don't screw things over then everything will turn out well."
"Yeah... yeah I guess so..."
As expected from my genius mind, the other are rushing around the house grabbing their essentials and their stuff whole Jaune and I relax on the couch.
Why would Jaune relax with me rather then help his sisters you may ask? Well the answer to that is simple...
I am forbidding him to do so by resting my legs on his thighs as I lay on the couch, basically pinning him down and I guess me glaring at him whenever he tried to get up also helped a little with making him sit down on his ass for once and let the other do their own shit without his help.
Cause God damn, she knows that Jaune wanted to help just for the date of helping but fuck me... its exhausting to watch him doing that..
And ain't no way in hell imma let him do all of this kind of shit after what happened yesterday! What if his heart starts to act stupid again because he used to much energy helping these stupid lazy fuckers!?
"Mordred... please..." he looked at me with his puppy eyes.. which would work if I didn't steel myself and push him down with my leg again.
Do I really need to say the magic words so he sit the fuck down? Shit.. okay...
"Jaune... if you don't sit down and relax... I'll cry... I don't want you to have another heart attack, Jaune."
He instantly look away from me and nodded.
Thank God that works.. cause I think I would have to tie him down to stop him... but i won't lying when I said that I'll cry.. because as much as it'll hurt my pride, I will cry again if I see him in the state that he was yesterday...
Fuck me... hopefully the other is finish packing up their stuff fast, because fuck me.. I'm fucking bored.
Thank God Jaune convinced me to drink the motion sickness pill or some shit...
Cause I am right know laying down on the back seat with my head on Jaune's lap and my leg on Jeanne's lap.
How am I in this position you may ask? Well all I had to do was just lay my head down on Jaune's lap and he start to massage my forehead without missing a beat and how did I convince Jeanne? Well I offer her that I'll have a spar with her tomorrow...
This is why Jaune is my favorite and not that bitch Jeanne.. because I don't need to offer Jaune anything and he'll do everything for me... which also goes the same for me, he doesn't even have to ask me shit and I'll kill anyone he want to... not that I expect him to ask me to kill anyone, he's too kind for that.. and who would even anger Jaune that much anyway? Everyone in town loves him..
To be honest I prefer to seat at the front passenger seat next to the driver for my health reason not because I am more comfortable there (I'm more comfortable being by Jaune's side.) But fucking unfortunately... Miles is driving the car and mom is sitting on the passenger seat... even if mom offered to trade place with me, ain't no way in hell I'm going to sit through 2 hours of a car trip with Miles by my side...
Would rather have Noir screaming down my ears rather than that shit... and I consider Noir screaming as a certified military torture method...
Shit... 2 hours... hopefully the fucking pills lasted that long cause if not, I'm going to jump over the seat and vomit on Miles's face.. and that's an Arc fucking promise.
"Kids, make sure to not leave anything in the car! Make sure to bring your bags with you!" I hear Luna talks to the kids as I open the minivan's trunk and the kids one by one.
Mordred pushed me slightly to the side and grab two bags which I could use an educated guess to be hers and Jaune's bags.
I saw Jaune tried to take his bag off from Mordred's hands but she shakes her head and walk to the beach which also meant that it also made Jaune followed her..
I let out a sigh as Luna approach me. "How am I going to do this, Luna... it won't work..."
She put a hand on my shoulder. "Miles... you had fought much more fearsome creature... creature that would put Mordred's anger to shame... you can do this.."
She have a point.. but... "but Mordred is different, Luna.. She's my daughter... what if I made her angry again and ruined Jaune's day? This could only end in disaster.."
"Miles... listen to me..." she then grab my chin and turn it to face her. "This could very well be the greatest chance you have to fix everything... don't you miss Mordred calling you papa? Don't you want to make Jaune actually love you again? Come on.. this is it.." she then pat my cheek. "Please? Do it for me..."
I... I can't disappoint her now... can I?....
"Okay... I will... but... please be there for me..." I really need her to be there for me.. because I don't think if I can do this without her.
She nodded at me. "I will, I promise Miles."
Okay... that's good.... I can do this....
Fuck.. I can't do this...
Look at Mordred... She's playing with Jaune at the shore but.. maybe cause of her big sister's instinct, she is shielding Jaune from my view with her body and glaring at me occasionally....
"Miles..." Luna called out to Me.... and shit.. even if I don't have any confidence to not fuck this up.. I need to do this...
I nodded at her. "Girls! Come here for a second! I want to talk to you about somethings!"
Wait! Why is she calling the girls here!? Is this the distraction she talked about!? She didn't tell me this! Shit! Mordred is walking here with a confused Jaune being dragged by her.... she probably dragged Jaune along because she doesn't want to leave Jaune alone even though Luna only called out to the girls...
After a few second all of my children had arrive... and that also include the annoyed Mordred and the confused Jaune..
"What is it, mom?" Saphron asked Luna and I can see Jeanne and the twins nodding to Luna in curiosity too...
"Well I would tell you about it, Saphron... but I only asked for the girls to come.. not the boys.." Luna motioned to me and Jaune with her hand.
As expected, this doesn't goes well with Mordred who glared at Luna. "Whatever you want to say to me, then you can say it to Jaune too!"
Hopefully this is not going to be a repeat of last night....
"Mordred.. calm down.. I am planning to talk about.. girl's things... things that only a girl should hear." Luna tried to explain to Mordred but it only made Mordred become more angry but before she can open her mouth, Jaune put a hand on her shoulder and shake his head.
"Mordred.. please... its okay, and I don't exactly want to hear about... you know... girl's thing..." he have an awkward expression on his face which I can't blame him for.
Because if I were to be in his shoes, I would also feel awkward because who doesn't?
Mordred stayed silent as she have Jaune look at each others eyes and have a silent conversation with it for a while before Mordred sighs and looms away from Jaune.
"Go on then.... promise to me that you won't keel over and die..." shit... did she really think that I would let Jaune be in danger if it's the only the two of us? She really doesn't trust me huh...
"Is the Great Mordred Arc worry about little old me?" Jaune teased Mordred.... Jaune... teased... Mordred... oh this is not going to end well.
"Me worried? Nah, I just don't want to lose my personal masseur." She scoffed and walk to Luna and sit down next to her on the beach towel.
"Don't worry, Mordred, I'll be fine.." Jaune reassured Mordred and it looks like it manage to calm her down a little.
How? How did Jaune not make Mordred exploded? This isn't the first time I seen Mordred got teased by her siblings... it never ended well... but this is the first time I sees Jaune teased Mordred.. and she didn't explode... holy shit... how?
I could imagine if it was me that teased Mordred, she would probably try to kill me..... Jaune really is Mordred's Favorite.. noted.
As Jaune starts to walk back to the shore, I catch up to him calmly... thankfully because of my height, I don't need to Jog or rush over to Jaune... my long legs is good enough to make me faster than Jaune's walking speed.
As we are far enough from the others, I call out to Jaune.
"Yes, dad?" Shit... he is talking formally now.. if it were Jeanne or Saphron that I called out they would be more relaxed... shit.. I really messed a lot of shit up.
"Do.... do you want to have a walk with me?" His eyes widen on suprised which I can't blame him, this would be the first time he and I have a walk in years... the last time was... I.. I don't even remember it.... but I'm sure that it was before the... that day...
He nodded at me and give me a smile I felt absolutely unworthy of. "Okay, dad, I would love to."
As we walk alongside the shoreline, I try to start a conversation with Jaune.
"So... its been a while..." shit.. is that the best you can do Miles?
"Yeah... its been a while..."
"Do...do... do you want to get some ice cream?" Wait, do Jaune even like ice cream? I forgot to ask Luna!
Jaune thankfully only let out a chuckle and nodded. "Yeah.. that would be great, dad."
Why the fuck is my son is more relaxed than me!? I am the adult for fuck sake! Get your shit together Miles!
"Well... follow me then.."
I then start to walk ahead of Jaune to the stalls where there are hot dogs, snacks, a few souvenirs but most importantly for this situation, the ice cream place.
Thankfully there are no line right now so both Jaune and I go straight to the counter. "Can I have a large chocolate mint please and one large..." .....what ice cream would Jaune even like? I never seen him it ice cream before.....
"Neopolitan please?" Jaune asked the cashier and the cashier start to scoop the ice cream, and in no time at all Jaune and I start to walk again but with our ice cream.
"So... I never knew that you like neopolitan, Jaune."
I asked him genuinely curious because I would never guess that Jaune would like neopolitan..
"Well... neopolitan isn't my favorite, my favorite is matcha.. i don't like neopolitan..." Jaune told me which only make my heart beat in panic.
Shit... matcha.. I think I saw matcha in the ice cream place! It's the green stuff right? Or is that mint!? Shit!?
Okay, Miles! Calm yourself down! Panicking won't help you at shit!
"Do... do you want to go back to the ice cream shop and get you a new ice cream?" Cause if that Jaune want then I will do it in a heartbeat!
But Jaune replied to me by laughing softly and shakes his head. "No, it's okay dad..."
"Okay.... but.. why did you buy the neopolitan if you don't like it?" Why did Jaune choose the neopolitan? This is making me crazy... what do I do, what do I do?
"Oh... well.. its because it's Mordred's Favorite.. " Jaune explained to me which doesn't exactly make sense.. its Mordred's Favorite and he doesn't like neopolitan... he do know that I will buy ice cream for the others when we get back right?
As if he know that I still doesn't understand his reasoning which is true, I don't understand it, Jaune then explain it more.
"Whenever Mordred and I go out to buy ice creams.. Mordred always buy the Large neopolitan while I buy the matcha ice cream... but she always finish it first and want more Ice cream and sadly, her pocket money isn't enough because we also buy a few snacks before buying the ice cream always..." he then let out a hummed and take a spoon full of the neopolitan. "I would always offer her my ice cream but she doesn't like the taste of it... so after that, whenever we buy ice cream, I would also pick the neopolitan so when her ice cream is finished, I would offer her mine... could I buy her another ice cream? Yes.. but she would get angry at me and talking about how it's my money and I doesn't need to spend it on her... so I had to order neopolitan ice cream so she can be full.."
That... that is really sweet.... Jaune and Mordred really do have a special bond don't they...
"How about this, Jaune? When we later get back to them, I'll buy Mordred 2 portion of large neopolitan? And buy you the matcha ice cream."
His eyes widen and he smiled at me again. "That.. that would be great, dad."
I let out a sigh. 'Okay... here goes nothing..' "Jaune... I... I want to say sorry for.. for being the worst father to you.. and Mordred..."
"Wait dad.. no... no you're not the worst father to us.." His eyes widen in shock and he hurriedly shakes his head as if it could erased about how badly I treated him.
"I am Jaune.. I had been a bad Father to you, since that day... and Mordred always hated me for it.."
And I deserve her hatred..... I deserve all of it..
"Dad..." Jaune call out to me but I can't bare to look at him in the eyes, I don't want to see what his eyes would look like.. would he look at me with anger? Hatred? Disgust?
"I wished that you would hate me too, Jaune... I deserve that..." oh how much I wish it were to be true.. because if Jaune hated me as much as Mordred does... it would make it easier for me to accept it.. I don't feel worthy of how good Jaune treated me even after all of the mistreatment I had did to him...
"Dad!" Jaune snap at me. "I would never hate you."
His words made me stopped dead in my track... because how?! Why!? Why would he never do that!?
"...why? I stopped you from achieving your dreams... I had done so many wrongs to you, Jaune..." to many wrongs than any good father would do to his own son.
"But dad... I would never hate you for it.. am i sad that you do it? Yes.. angry? Yes... but hate you? Never.... you're my father.. I could never hate you, dad..." I finally look at Jaune's eyes and see the tears welling up on it.
I can helped buy reach out and wrapped my arms around him, I expect him to push me away... but... all he did was hugged me back and it made me let out a choked sob.
"I.... Jaune... I'm sorry..." I... I don't know what else to say.. I don't deserve Jaune... a better father Deserve Jaune, not me..
After a few moments of silence from Jaune, he finally speaks to me again.
".... dad.. I always wonder.. but why?.. why did you do it... is it because I'm talentless? A lost cause?"
I.... is that what he thinks? Should.. should I tell him the real reason? Would he understand? God i hope he would because he deserve to hear the real reason...
"No... its not because of that Jaune.. its because... you look so much of my own father... I don't want to lose you too Jaune...."
I hugged him tighter hoping that it would conver just how much I want to be a better Father to him.
"Jaune... please... please help me be a better Father to you, Jaune... please.. I beg you..."
"I will dad... I will... and I love you dad.."
"I love you too Jaune..."
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars and we had reached 50 CHAPTERS ON MY PATREON!!! OWOOOOOO!]