He killed Everyone

But she was still speaking, her voice heightening with excitement when she saw the woman, whose name she didn't even know, shake her head vigorously and bend her head to stare at the ground.

"Unless the Lord agrees to it... I refuse to speak of this!" she said, even as she raised her head and pushed the veil on her face aside. Her face morphed right in front of Violet's eyes into that of an older woman, and Violet's mouth slowly dropped open in astonishment. Her purple eyes were clear as she stood staring right into Violet's face.

"We will also never talk about this, even alone!" the woman continued to say, even as the color of her eyes morphed into a deeper brown.

"How—how did you do that?" Violet stuttered in shock and amazement, thinking of all she could do if she could change her face and eye color. She wouldn't ever be scared for her life and could go anywhere she wanted. Anywhere but from where she was.

"How did you—"