Magnus had barely finished speaking when the entire hall was thrown into complete and utter silence. Violet, who stood behind Cain's seat, couldn't help but jerk her head up to look in the direction of the huge and muscular middle-aged man who had spoken.
He had a greyed beard that would have likened him to a grandpa if not for the mad scowl on his face that made it clear that he could never be put in a Santa Claus role as he continued to speak.
"With what he has done...he deserves to pay for his crime. Removing him as lord is the least!" he said before turning his gaze at Cain, who was already looking in his direction, speaking directly to him.
"The best would be for you to gently step down!" Magnus continued with fierce, crinkled eyes, refusing to back down when Cain turned a dark gaze on him.