
Taking a plane to Vazer's district took about an hour, and before Cain got to their arranged meeting point, the sun had already gone down, and the sky had darkened to a deep, dark grey.

Cain hadn't taken any bodyguards with him and had simply gone along with the men Vazer provided, who were all Reds. He chose to ignore the fact that the person they were picking up was a Werewolf lord.

The car had just parked and come to a stop, with Cain getting out when he instantly spotted Vazer, who had already set up a small table and two chairs in front of the abandoned building where they were meeting.

It was a big project, considering the size of what appeared to be the beginning construction of an estate. Cain didn't hesitate to move closer to the seat, even as Vazer signaled for all the bodyguards to distance themselves and put adequate space between them.