Beatdown Begins Chp 14


Exiting the Time Chamber, I walk outside while feeling the oxygen enter my lungs

Oh my god

Real fresh air

"You look like you went slightly insane in there," Bulma comments looking at me with an understanding look on her face

"I did/He did," Both Gohan and I reply at the same time

"Well... it's understandable," She comments rubbing the back of her neck while I walk forward

I ignore them as I enjoy the air on my skin

All I want to do is relax

"You are so strong," Trunks comments as I do some stretches

"Why are you still in Super Saiyan?" Bulma asks

"Oh, we trained to stay transformed at all times so that we don't have to deal with any issues regarding energy loss," I answer plainly as Trunks nods back at me while still staring at Gohan and I

"Do you think you are strong enough to destroy the androids?" Bulma asks and I turn around

Staring directly at her eyes I give a form nod

She slumps over for a moment before catching herself and getting a look of determination that I can't help but to find attractive

"Where are they now, I can't sense any of them of them going around killing any more people?" Gohan asks trying to sense any energy that he can

I look at him for a moment before closing my eyes and spreading my senses around the planet

Instant Transmission was a huge help in learning how to focus enough to search for someone's life signature

"I can't sense them," I declare still rather annoyed at that

Did Gero actually kill them to make them androids

"I think I can," Bulma says much to my surprise before I shrug it off easily

"Really?" Gohan asks

"Yeah, Trunks was teaching me the basics of it and I can sort of sense 2 huge power levels. Which is quite curious all things considered, I mean, I can sense the 3 of you just fine but...Vegito you mentioned that when looking for my Ki, it seems sort of blurred or difficult to pinpoint accurately, yet, you can't seem to sense the androids who are for lack of a better organic mechanical automatons, similar to me and..." She rambles on as I am rather lost

"Huh mom," Trunk calls out

"Yeah," She answers

"You kind of lost us," He says chuckling a bit while Gohan and I join him except that we both lose mirth that came about as we still need to deal with the androids

"Before that, Gohan and I already came up with a plan even if we are more than strong enough to defeat them, we still need to be careful," I say to them

Bulma and Trunks start paying attention with Bulma sometimes glancing over at Trunks

"Gohan will fight 17 while I will fight 18, Trunks your job is to protect Bulma and give us support by throwing Ki blasts, Bulma you will give energy to Trunks if he starts getting tired, if Gohan and I for whatever strange reason start getting overwhelmed by either of the androids, the 2 of you will rush in to help either Gohan or me, Trunks you will do your best to use the Solar Flare as many times as possible, also try aiming for their eyes, Bulma you will give energy to either Gohan or me if we need it," I say explaining the best battle plan that Gohan and I thought of

We have more of course but that is just to keep them separate and therefore easier to deal with

"Bulma, if you can sense their general location, it's best we get a move on," I say as I do my best to prevent my Ki from leaking out of my body

One of the things that I remember is when Whis was training Goku and Vegeta and mentioned that one should keep their rising Ki inside of their bodies in order to maximize their power and keep the opponent in the dark or something like that

"Alright, lets go," She says as she begins to fly off

"This is it," I tell Gohan as he simply nods and goes after Bulma

I stay a bit behind so that Trunks can stay near one of us at least

We fly for some time as we come across the ocean

Soon we begin flying over it as we follow Bulma until she comes to a stop a few miles away from an island

Focusing Ki on my eyesight, I can tell that there is a rather big mansion on the island along with a small town that seems to be deserted

The mansion honestly seems to have been made to be as ostentatious as possible

At least by human standards

"This is the place," Bulma says as Trunks and I get near her while Gohan is focused on the island

Gohan growls as his power surges and for a moment I think he even went Super Saiyan 2 before returning to Super Saiyan 1

"Those pieces of trash," He growls out furious at the fact that every time the androids were tired of killing for the day they returned to live in a giant mansion living a life of luxury while not suffering any consequences

I raise my hand after I try to sense any form of life on the island and finding nothing I just blast the mansion to pieces

I laugh a bit at finally having started

Sure enough, the ruins of the mansion explode as 17 and 18 fly out

Looking utterly pissed off

I ignore looking at 18's body as she is currently naked and her still-wet hair tells me that she was taking a shower before I blew up the mansion while 17 is wearing the same clothes he always does

If she wasn't pure evil, I might actually find 18 to be one of the most beautiful women I have ever met right alongside Bulma

Such a shame

"You..." 17 begins while making 2 energy blasts only to be dropped-kicked by Gohan in the face sending him flying away

"17," 18 shouts as she sees her brother kicked away

I rush toward her

Appearing in front of her she tries to blast but I simply grab her by the face and send us both flying toward the ground

Slamming her into the ground she looked shocked at the fact that I managed to overpower her so easily

Taking my hand away from her face, I punch her right after

Causing blood to come out of her mouth as a tooth comes off

"What..." I don't let her talk as I punch her in the face again

Embedding her in the group as weblike fissures appear on the ground from the strength of my punch

However, I am containing a lot of energy within my fists so as to not sink the entire island

Keeping Ki inside one's body really does help maximize one's power

She tries to kick me away but I simply grab her by the ankle and send a kick of my own right at her jaw

As she turns to look at me, I feel a sense of satisfaction at what I see in her face
