The End Of A Nightmare Chp 15


The day started out great

I woke up

Had some breakfast

Took a dip in the Jacuzzi

But all that changed when I was taking a shower

As I was enjoying the water on my skin, my home was blasted to pieces

At first, I was furious, but then I felt glee when I saw Gohan

Something to beat to relieve some stress

Then my glee turned into confusion as I looked at the 3 newcomers

One was a boy with blue and the other a woman with similar hair


I have data on her but to see her flying...

The last one was a man with the same hair color as Gohan

I even noticed some similarities to Gohan

I barely even notice Gohan dropkicking my brother in the face

With a snarl, I jump after Gohan to defend my brother

My sight darkens as a hand is placed on my face and I am sent toward the ground by it

Slamming with such force that every bone in my body seems to shake from the force behind the hand

I look into the man's eyes for a moment

Then I try to kick in anger only for my ankle to be grabbed and a kick to be sent toward my face

The kick makes me bite the inside of my cheek

Although, I don't know which one as I am suddenly punched in the face

I feel my teeth crack and one of them breaks as another punch is launched toward my face

Something I haven't felt in a long time surfaces inside me

I stare at the Saiyan in front of me

Glancing at his tail in fear and desperation I send the most powerful blast that I can make to try and weaken him

He smirks at me before using his tail to swipe away my energy blast...


There it is

"That look of fear," I say to 18 looking at her with pure disgust in my voice

I look at 18 paralyzed with shock as she can't believe that she is being overpowered

I shake my head as I grab her arm

Easily breaking it causing her to howl in pain

"Why are you so loud?" I ask her sadistically

She tries to say something but I simply bitch slap her

The I slap her again

And again

And again 

And again

"Wow, you couldn't even handle a few slaps," I say before spitting at her 

I then let her fall to the ground

"Anyone else feel we overtrained for this?" I ask no one 

"Bulma," I call out as she comes over

I catch her look of pure hatred as she looks at 18's unconscious body

"You know what to do," I say plainly as she walks up to 18

She brings out a small scalpel

 I watch as a small aura of ki surrounds it increasing its cutting power and durability

She kicks 18 over on her front

Having access to her back Bulma leans down and makes an incision on the back of 18's neck

Bulma then brings out a small USB and inserts it into the port on the back of 18's neck

18's body begins to spasm and convulse

I watch on emotionlessly as the virus that Bulma created gets to work erasing every single one of 18's memories

It wasn't exactly my first choice but Bulma wants 18 to suffer

A lot

I have no idea what she is going to do with 18 but I doubt it's going to be anything pretty

I look to the side as I swipe the dust cloud around me clearing the view of where Gohan is beating the crap out of 17

I watch for a few minutes as Trunks and Bulma stare at the beating taking place in front of us

Finally, Gohan simply blasts 17 out of existence without any more fanfare

Seriously, I think we overtrained for this

I look at Gohan as a look of pure serenity appears on his face

He begins to come toward us as he returns to his base form

His golden hair simply goes back to black without any other effects

I let go of my own transformation

I turn around to look at 18's body

"We should blast her out of existence," I growl wanting nothing more than to destroy the piece of garbage in front of me

"Trust me, what I have planned will make her wish for death," Bulma comments with a cold look on her face that I can't help but find quite attractive

I sigh as I look to the side with displeasure

WIth 17 gone, there is no reason for me to keep Cell around anymore

Especially since he already has an evil aura around him

I was really hoping that the reprogramming that I did when I first work up would be enough and even then I still kept trying to change stuff, but Cell had already reached a stage where it just wasn't feasible anymore

Such a waste

Oh well, I guess he is staying in stasis for the foreseeable future then

I let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding

Finally...I can take fucking break

"What will you do now?" Trunks asks me

"Hmm, I am not too sure, I guess just training I guess, although, I did want to go out and explore," I answer truthfully while I try not to think of the many, many planets that were subjugated or destroyed by the Cold Force then the Friezaforce

"But...I will wait a bit until things have calmed down enough on Earth before I make any trips into space," I comment to which Gohan looks rather thankful and Trunks looks a bit excited

"Maybe, I can Gohan on your training Trunks," I offer since I literally have nothing better to do other than train

I had a realization while in the Time Chamber

From what I remember it will be some time before Babidi and his allies arrive on Earth to try and awaken Majin Buu which led to a startling and disturbing realization

Beerus did not wake up or he did but he probably went back to sleep since every other Saiyan is dead or something

Which means that training with Whis is not even a possibility at the moment

But...I am not really out of options

"I am so ready to take a nap," I say getting ready to have my sleep outside of the damn chamber

"Bulma..." I hear Gohan call out as Bulma begins to fly off with 18's unconscious body

"What are you going to do?" he asks to which Bulma simply turns her head and less out smile full of sinister intentions

I walk up to Gohan and place my hand on his shoulder

"Let her do her thing," I tell him while I look at Bulma flying away

"I have a feeling 18 will pay for everything that she did," I say with a cold tone in my voice talking about that thing

"I am just glad this nightmare is over," He says in response looking really tired...