The World Shall Heal Chp 16



I let out a sigh as I arrive at Capsule Corp to meet up with Bulma, Gohan, and Trunks

I make my way through Capsule Corp as a clean-up crew made up of nothing but volunteers and a few experts in it run around

They stop to say hi with a smile as I see the thankfulness in their eyes

I smile at them reassuringly

These people...

They are so grateful that the androids have been dealt with that every time they see me, they bow down and say their thanks

I mostly wave them off

Bulma made the announcement on some radios that the androids had been defeated, Bulma had a picture of me shown on TV, surprisingly some managed to survive

I have no idea when she took the picture either

Arriving at a meeting room with some help from one of the volunteers here

I enter to find Gohan, Bulma, and Trunks looking at some papers on the table

I catch a glimpse of what they are looking at and close my eyes for a bit while rubbing my nose

In one of the pictures, the symbol of the Red Ribbon Army can be seen on some people with machinery coming out of them

"They are still around," I remark as I take a seat and look at some of the photos

"Yes, and from the looks of it, they have been kidnapping more people," Bulma says while pushing a picture over so that I can look it over

"When were these pictures taken?" I ask emotionlessly as I look through each of the pictures

"2 days ago," Trunsk answers

"Damn, and it hasn't even been a week," I growl out as I spot a person with a before and after

"I dealt with some of these new androids thankfully, they are incredibly weak compared to 17 and 18, so much so that I didn't even have to take them seriously..."

"Gohan," I interrupt him as I narrow my eyes at him

"I know, I know, don't play around with enemies," He says while rubbing the back of his neck

Something that I tried to instill in him, is the need to kill his enemies quickly

"But...I was thinking that maybe they were still in there somewhere..." This time is he is cut off by Bulma

"We have an issue, these pictures are only around a day and a half apart," She says while grabbing 2 of them and showing them to me

"This means that they possibly also have the means to be able to mass produce these types of androids," She says while we freeze at that

For the love of...

"Damn it all," I say while looking at the pictures

I stare at them for a bit before I start to think about them more deeply

I look at the vehicles that they are using, and an idea pops into my head

"We need to find their bases and destroy them..." Trunks begins but I cut him off

"No," I say

"No, what the hell do you mean NO?" Bulma screams out that last part

I just simply raise my hand to stop her from screaming at me

"Take a look at the picture again and tell me what you see," I tell her much to her and the guys confusion as they look at the picture again

I roll my eyes

"They have vehicles which means that the place that they are hiding is not only big seeing as they are all different vehicles, but it also means that they must also have stuff for their maintenance, such as tools and fuel, but also look at the number of people that have been abducted," I tell them as they start getting looks of realization on their faces

"Dozens of people have been kidnapped which also means that the place they are in must be big enough to keep them all. Which means that they may have supplies that are ripe for the taking," I explain my reasoning

They stay quiet as they process what I just said

"How do you know that the supplies will be enough?" Trunks asks which makes me sigh

"I don't but quite frankly at the point that we are at now, anything is better than nothing,"

"He's right, getting any kind of supplies at the moment will be a lifesaver to people." Gohan cuts in before we all go quiet for a moment before Bulma lets out a sigh

"With the androids gone it will take a few months to bring everything into a type of order, the government is still barely scraping by," She says while rubbing the back of her neck

"Right now, people are focused on shelter, food, and medicine. Once they reach a certain point, the real reconstruction of the world can begin,"

"The world shall heal, but it won't forget what happened," She finishes before slumping back on her chair while I let out a sigh

"What's wrong?" Gohan asks as he is the one who knows me the most at this point

"We still need to keep up with our training!" I exclaim

"Is that all you Saiyans care about?" Bulma whispers but I catch it easily

"You need to train too Bulma," I tell her with a serious tone in my voice as she turns to look over at me waiting for an explanation

"Before we had an entire group defending the planet, the four of us are not going to be enough as we can't be everywhere at once," I tell her one of the reasons why I really want her to keep up with her training

"Gohan, you asked what was wrong before, let me tell you,"

"Frieza's army," I tell them with a sigh

"What about them?" Bulma asks

"Did you really think that it was just Frieza and his father ruling the empire?" I ask them

"You don't mean..."

"Frieza has a brother," I reveal to them as Vegeta's memories confirm it

Cooler exists and from what I have of Goku's memories, he never came to Earth when Goku was alive

"WHAT?" Gohan screams out before he just calms himself down remembering that he could slaughter Frieza easily

"Yes, Frieza has a brother, and I have several theories as to why he hasn't come to Earth and attacked us yet," I say grimacing

"Theory number one, he is still taking over his Father's empire which I am able to imagine that it's not easy, so he could still be taking over and consolidating his power," I tell them

"Second is that he found out about Goku dying and the situation on Earth and decided to wait until he finishes establishing his rule,"

"Third is that he doesn't care about Earth and by extension getting his revenge at all, and quite frankly, it may even be a combination of all three," I say finally while they all stay quiet

"Do you think he would be a problem?" Gohan asks

"He is Frieza's brother, if he is not a problem today, he will become a problem later down the line," I answer him

"That's not what I meant, I am asking if he would be stronger than us?" He asks me and I let out another sigh

"It's possible that he is...