Great Ape Chp 17


Sitting on the edge of my bed as I think about the way my life has been going recently

I have 'Mastered' Super Saiyan and I even managed to use Kaio-Ken while in Super Saiyan

Quite an achievement to be sure but...I still haven't reached Super Saiyan 2 like Gohan has

Then again it makes sense as I barely have a bit more than a year since I started with Super Saiyan

I let out a chuckle at that

I literally woke up with the ability to turn Super Saiyan yet, I am already complaining about not being able to turn into a Super Saiyan 2

I take a good long look at my tail and sigh

I have only transformed into a Great Ape a total of 2 times and that was in the Time Chamber with Gohan to beat me unconscious afterward I just decided to focus on Mastering Super Saiyan and learning to use Kaio-Ken together with it

I close my eyes for a moment while bringing my hand over to my forehead as I begin to try and scan for any powerful energy signatures

I spread my senses as I settle deep into a meditative state while doing this

I have been doing this for the past few days to try and find any threats that may be out there

I may have startled Bulma and the others by telling them about Cooler and the rest of Frieza's army

The thing is...I have no idea what is happening out there at all and that puts me on edge

Being in this world has increased my paranoia of everything going wrong at any moment

I never imagined that being here would cause me so much stress

Closing my eyes in frustration, I try to come up with something that will be useful for me to do aside from dealing with the Red Ribbon Army


I have a lot to do

I want to reach Super Saiyan 2 as I don't really think that obtaining Super Saiyan 3 will be possible for me within a reasonable amount of time and quite frankly, I am not sure I want to obtain it either

From what I remember Goku managed to originally obtain the form after pushing himself incredibly far and that was when he was dead

Drawing the memories of Goku's first time in Otherworld is incredibly useful

From what I can determine, Goku's dead body did not need to eat or sleep but apparently he could still tire himself out enough to take a time out during his training

Not only that but any actual injuries that Goku caused himself during training would be completely healed after 24 hours for the most grievous of injuries

Such as the time that he tried out the Kaio-Ken for the first time in his excitement, ended up with most of the muscles in his body tearing themselves apart and 

Saying the multiplier that you want from the Kaio-ken actually has some use

It helps your mind to focus on the multiplier that you want

After some time training, while saying the names out loud, you can then start practicing using the Kaio-Ken without calling out the technique

Goku most likely used his dead body to push himself further beyond Super Saiyan 2

In Otherworld, it might be possible for Goku to use Super Saiyan 3 as if it was Super Saiyan 2 or something

I am not too sure

Could Super Saiyan 3 be a natural progression of the Super Saiyan form

Heck, can it even be called natural progression

I mean Gotenks was able to use it despite never having died before but that could also be due to his body which was a fusion of 2 which made him capable of achieving such a thing...

I frown as I think about it and nod to myself

I am going to skip 3 and make an honest effort to reach Super Saiyan 4

As I make my decision, I bring my tail to my face as I inspect it

If the Super Saiyan has other levels then...could the Great Ape also have another level...

I sigh as I am heading deep into unknown territory and quite frankly I just stay lying down on my bed as I think about it some more

First I need to learn to control the Great Ape form then I can spend time 'mastering' and then look for something greater than that

Turning my head to the side, I look through the window into the night sky and I let out a small smile as I look at the stars

"I want to travel through the stars," I whisper to myself

Even if I have Vegeta's memories, its not the same

I want to see different worlds out there...

I take a few deep breathes before shaking my head and focusing back on the Great Ape

The moon is needed to trigger and maintain the transformation or rather Blutz Waves...

My eyes open wide as I remember one tiny little detail about Blutz Waves

They help a Saiyan recover slightly faster

Enough that if a Saiyan is fatally injured, their death could be prolonged by their bodies taking in Blutz Waves and if they manage to receive medical attention in time, they could survive

Granted, as far as Vegeta's memories show, such a thing was rather common when Saiyans finished conquering a planet with a celestial body similar to the moon

I know a certain amount of Blutz Waves are needed in order to achieve Great Ape

What if the amount of Blutz Waves exceeded far more than what the transformation needed?

I don't know

Shaking my head to get my thoughts in order, I ultimately make the decision to just put it on the side for now and focus on obtaining Super Saiyan 2

Tomorrow, I am going with Trunks to investigate some of the kidnappings and hopefully find a base that the Red Ribbon Army is using...


Smiling coldly as I look at Android 18 in suspended animation

Turning around I go to my computer and continue working on my next course of action

Vegito's warning about Cooler and his possible army has made me realize that I need to work on this new project of mine

Opening up some files, I look over Android 17's blueprints

I let out a hum as I go over my notes on them

Gero intended to grow another base body for 17 and make the necessary modifications to make one that is similar to the original 17 and then through a fusion process that I am still trying to make heads or tails of how something like this is even possible

I turn to glance back at 18's body

If I want to use this bitch's body and make it compatible with mine, I will need to figure out the process that Gero theorized is highly possible

This is the major reason that I argued to spare 18 and let me deal with her

Gohan and the others suggest that I train if I want to make the most of what I am at now

I let out a smile as that is exactly what I am going to do

Once I reach a point that I am satisfied with, I will sacrifice 18 to make myself stronger