A Another Angle Chp 22


Gohan punches me in the chest while in Super Saiyan

I am in my new form testing the limits of my durability in this new form and I am sent flying back as one of the weak points of this new form is made clear

On its own, this form is...weird

My physical durability is letting me take hits from Gohan while he is in Super Saiyan

I am much weaker than he is in this form

I raise my fist as I fly toward Gohan and hit him square in the chest

"Huh, I actually felt that," Says Gohan as I look at him

"You did?" I ask incredulously

"Yeah, every punch that you landed felt like it had far more weight to it than it should have," He comments while I look at my fist

"It could be that the physical aspects of the Great Ape apply to me in this form. I think I am not really sure what this form even is,"

"What about your Ki?" Gohan asks as I create a Ki ball in the air

"It feels strange, I mean your Ki is bigger but the actual intensity of it is...not what it should be. It honestly feels...wispy, almost," He notes while I nod at that

"I am not sure how to put it either, I mean..." I stop as I try to put the feeling into words

Only to shake my head and let out a sigh

This form might be what is needed for Super Saiyan 4

One thing, I am sure of...I need to train in this form more

It's honestly the strongest form I have at the moment

Oh sure, on its own, I am weaker than when I am in Super Saiyan but combining it with Kaio-Ken helps with that issue

Still though...I should probably try to look at this new form from a different angle...

Maybe a scientific one...

"Hey Gohan, do you think Bulma can help us figure this form out?" I ask him

"I am not sure, but we won't really lose anything by asking her if she wants to help us," He answers a bit unsure if Bulma will agree

We both go back to our base form and I hold my head as everything feels like it is spinning for a moment before I am to normal

"That will take some getting used to," I say with a frown at the feeling

We start making our way over to Capsule Corp

"Hey, I would need a tail to get that form wouldn't I?" Gohan asks 

"Yeah, you need one to transform into a Great Ape," I answer him

"My tail regrew a few times when I was a child, why doesn't it regrow anymore?" He asks to which I pause as I think about it

"It's rare to regrow a tail as an adult while children's tails regrow while they are young," I say to the best of my knowledge It is just something that worries me a lot

If someone cuts my tail, I would I just permanently lose my path to Super Saiyan 4

I mean...if I have to find a set of Dragon Balls to let me regrow my tail at will, I'll make the wish

Super Saiyan 4 is worth it

Speaking of Dragon Balls

"Hey Gohan, did Bulma say anything about the location of New Namek?" I ask him

"No, she hasn't, but then again we are still trying to rebuild,"

"Understandable, but I was wondering if you would like to have your tail back? and while on that note do you know if Trunks was born with a tail?" I ask him genuinely curious about it

"I would like my tail back and as for Trunks having a tail. I don't really know, I never really thought to bring it up. You can ask them when we arrive," he says to which I just shrug

Arriving at Capsule, I frown as I see the massive amount of workers around the area as trucks are coming and leaving for parts unknown to me but I know that they are delivering supplies

"Wow," Gohan says as we stop a fair distance away

"Come on," I motion to Gohan to place his hand on my shoulder as I look for Bulma's Ki

Easily finding it, I use Instant Transmission to teleport next to her

I dodge a punch sent by Bulma and watch as it connects with Gohan's face

Gohan is sent flying backward but I move behind him to stop him from breaking through the wall as I sense a few Ki behind it

Probably workers

"Thanks, Vegito," Gohan thanked me while rubbing his mouth to help alleviate some pain

"I am so sorry Gohan, but the 2 of you startled me," Bulma says apologetically

"I should be the one saying sorry, I was excited about seeing if you could help us figure out a new form that I discovered. But then I saw all of those people outside, and to not draw attention to us, I decided to bring us inside with Instant Transmission," I explain to her

"It's alright," Gohan waves off Bulma's apology

"There are a lot of people outside," I comment looking through the window

"People have been arriving in the city due to the Red Ribbon Army's kidnappings and the new androids that have been popping up, they feel it's going to be safer with you here," She says to which my head snaps to her

"Safer with me here, oh right, you said that I am the one that took care of 17 and 18," I say sighing

I can't exactly blame them, the androids terrorized the whole planet

Going to live close to the one who defeated them would do wonders to make people feel safe again...

"Wait a moment, I don't live here," I say realizing that fact

"Well...ok, look they are scared and the thought of the one who defeated the androids living in the same city as them, makes them feel safe..."

"It's alright," I cut her off as I simply take a deep breath and try to process it as best I can

"You don't have a problem with it?" Bulma asks me while handing Gohan a first aid kit to treat his bleeding mouth

"No, if it makes people feel safer by the thought of my presence here, there is really nothing to complain about," I tell her before turning to look at the people outside working to rebuild their homes

"Now what was that about a new form?" She asks

"Oh, you remember Goku turning into a Great Ape right?" I ask her to which she nods

"I managed to find a form that lets me use the physical might of a Great Ape while maintaining a humanoid form and I was wondering if you would like to help Gohan and I figure out its secrets," I tell her waiting to see how she responds

"There is still a lot of work to be done before people's lives get back on track but I guess I can help out every now and again...