("I see them,") I tell Gohan telepathically as I have started to practice with this ability as I look at a moving RR(Red Ribbon) truck filled with people
Well...not really telepathically as we can't communicate back and forth, but I can at least send him a short message
The downside is that it requires that I focus for a bit
I follow the truck from the sky for a few hours until it finally arrives at another base
A door that is built into the side of a mountain opens up and the truck goes inside
("Found it") I tell Gohan, Bulma, and Trunks
In a few moments, I can sense them making their way over to me
This is actually a bit exhausting since I have to wait literal hours at a time as I follow the trucks
I frown as I let out a sigh
This will be the 5th base that we will raid but the sheer fact that its number 5 makes me nervous
I know just how far humanity will go in pursuit of their goals as they follow their own moral code or lack of one anyway
I focus a bit more on the base as I try to sense inside but I let out a growl after a bit
I can feel some people inside but I can barely even feel them
Bulma did discover that some of the bases, 3 thus far contain technology that helps hide from Ki-sensing
She is still working on figuring it out herself in order to get around it
Still...the only reason I can even sense them is the number of people that they have inside
They kidnapped at least 15 people plus the other 40-something that are RR
As the others get close, I simply let myself fall down before I begin flying on my own
Breaking through the entrance, I make use of my speed to take down the people inside
It takes me less than 5 minutes to take everyone down as once I break through, whatever was hiding them from my Ki sense seems to break
("This place is massive,") I send another message to the others as I finish taking everyone out by breaking their necks
I don't care about the members of RR as I can tell that they are all evil
To be honest, I can easily take lives without even thinking about it twice
This is a mentality that worries me a bit but I shake it off again
"Excuse me," Bulma says rushing past me to the main server room to do her thing
Gohan and Trunks arrive behind her as we split up to save the people who were kidnapped
Breaking into a room, I let out a sad sigh as I see a pile of mutilated bodies with jars on the sides of the room
I simply blast the room enough to turn everything inside into ashes before moving on
I stop as I hear Trunks yelling
I rush over to his location and despite the horrifying stuff in this place, I smile as I see the amount of supplies that we have just liberated from the Red Ribbon Army before I frown as I take in the sheer amount of resources that they were hoarding in this base
"This is ridiculous," I say out loud as I head to one of the crates and open it
Inside I find containers with Hoi-Poi capsules inside and judging by the color of the tags I can tell that each of them has food inside
There are 10 boxes in this crate alone, each box has 50 Hoi-Poi Capsules
I grab one and throw it to the ground and I watch as smoke comes from where the capsule landed
My eyes widen as I look at a bunch of packages with neatly stored frozen meat
"Holy shit," I whisper as I look at the packages
It's as tall as I am
"This amount of meat can feed someone for an entire month," I say looking at it
To me this amount of meat, I can eat in a day but for a normal human...
"500," I whisper
"500 of these Hoi-Poi Capsules," I say before going to another crate
Breaking it open to see the same kind of boxes inside
"Hey guys, you might wanna look at this," Gohan says as he rushes into the room for a moment before leaving
Trunks and I rush after him
Arriving at a set of double doors Gohan opens one and we go through as with my Ki sense, I sense the number of creatures inside
"Animals," Trunks says as we walk into the room to see hundreds of chickens, cows, pigs, and a few other animals here
"Woah, how much money did they have?" I ask out loud genuinely amazed at the sheer size of this base
"A lot more than they should have that's for sure," Bulma walks in with a tablet in her hand
"From what I am reading here, they have several mining and builder drones that actually made this base but they appear to be in another location," She says and I catch the anger in her voice
"What's wrong?" I ask her
"What's wrong is that the blueprints of those drones are based on Capsule Corp technology that my father created. Several components are identical while other were modified and upgraded to do their tasks more efficiently," she answers with anger and scorn for the Red Ribbon Army
"How did they get so many supplies here?" I ask her
"Let me see...here," She says "From what I can see is that they started gathering resources after going into hiding after being defeated. They purchased livestock and I can even see that they purchased numerous seeds to make a farm, but that seems to be on another base entirely..." She stops as she starts tapping her table slightly faster
"YES," She screams out as she jumps around looking at the tablet
"What did you find?" Gohan asks as he looks at Bulma
"I managed to get a lot more information about the other bases and from I am reading...oh shit," She stops as she gets to that part
"What?" I ask looking at her rapidly paling her face as she lets out a grunt
"There are 58 bases total given that this is the 6th one that we have taken over, we still need to take over the other 52," She answers and I start paling
We all go silent for a moment at just how much the Red Ribbon Army has grown since they went underground
"What were they even doing, I mean...I get the making an army of androids to take over the world, but the number of bases is just...too much," Trunks says after a bit
"I think...I have an idea," I say as I make use of Vegeta's memories of stories similar to this
"I think they weren't just planning on taking over..."
"They were planning on wiping the slate clean," Bulma interrupts me as she shows us the tablet...