Return To The Living World Chp 26


"What happened here?" I ask out loud while transforming into Super Saiyan

Making sure not to be caught off guard

I inspect some of the bodies

If they can even be called that

To be honest...only masses of flesh remain of the people here

Aside from the women who were kept here against their will

Once Bulma informed me of the existence of this base, I rushed over here to try and save the women

But...I am too late

Some of the women appeared to have been mercy-killed by someone

This base was meant to be a breeding ground in order for the best of the Red Ribbon Army to pass on their genes

What is peculiar is that the women were slowly deprived of oxygen as they were killed

However, that doesn't explain the hole in their sides and why they look so...dry

As if all the moisture in their bodies was drained away

I shake my head as I continue making my way across this base

(That's right, the bases have security cameras maybe they recorded whoever did this) I think to myself as I spot a camera

Making my way through the rest of the base until I find the cafeteria and to my disgust, even more lumps of flesh and muscles lay on the ground and even on some tables

Exiting the cafeteria, I make my way over to the security room and I blink as I see the state of it

"It's...full," I allow myself to comment as I look at the weapon racks filled with guns, batons, and what look like riot shields

I step over to the security screens and turn them on

I look around while staying alert for any possible threats while looking through the security tapes

After a bit, I finally find what I need and my body freezes in place as I see Dabura of all people here in this base

"Damn it," I can't help but say as I look at the Demon King grab a scientist zipping up his pants while coming out of a room

Dabura places his hand on the man's head and through the cameras I watch as the man begins to scream in pain before letting out laughter as his muscles bulge out and he tries to free himself from Dabura's grasp

I then watch as the man begins to scream again as blood pours of his mouth as he begins to turn into a mass of muscle and flesh before his screams die out

My eyes narrow as I spot an unfamiliar figure telling Dabura to gather the scientist's energy quickly before he dies

"So, that's what did the holes," I say to myself as I watch the lump of flesh twitch as it is stabbed before its energy begins

This is bad...I am not sure if Gohan or I are strong enough to deal with Buu...

I freeze once again as I spot at the place where I Dabura grabbed the scientist and my blood runs cold as I spot the M symbol on his forehead


How much energy has Babidi and his allies gathered

"Damn it," I say rushing out of the base just in time for me to feel several power signatures appear out of nowhere

Familiar power signatures

I get a general location while I rush out of the base making sure not to break too much

"How is this possible," I say still in shock as I sense their energy even though they are hiding it as best as they can

"No way," I whisper as I look at the group on the ground

This is too damn fast but damn if it isn't awesome to see the Z-fighters

At least some of them

I spot Krillin, Piccolo, and...Goku on the ground next to 2 figures on the side

Shin and Kibito...

They must have something to do with this

"See, I knew he would come," I hear Goku say as he turns to look at me and smiles

This is...

"Huh, he looks quite a bit like Vegeta doesn't he?" Krillin comments 

"How?" I ask out loud genuinely curious

"I believe introductions may be necessary," Shin says and I hide the fact that I already know him and Kibito as best I can

"I think...that may be best," I said taking a deep breath

"I am the Grand Supreme Kai, in charge of guiding and nurturing life across the universe, you may call me Shin and this..." He stops motioning for Kibito to introduce himself

"I am Kibito I am a Kai in training to become a Supreme Kai under the guidance of Master Shin," He introduces himself respectfully 

"I am Vegito one of the protectors of Earth," I introduce myself while folding my arms

"Oh wow, you do look a bit like me but I can also tell that some parts of you come from Vegeta," Goku notes walking around me

"Well...I am a clone of the 2 of you," I tell him letting out a small smile

"It good to meet the 2 of you, despite know dead part," I try to say with as much tact as possible even though I am completely overwhelmed right now

"Huh, you do look strong, and despite my initial reaction to learning of your existence, I guess I do owe you for helping Gohan, Trunks, and Bulma in defeating the Androids," Piccolo says before continuing and I hide my reaction as I spot a speck of gratefulness in his eyes

"Now, even though you may know me from Goku's memories, I am Piccolo," He introduces himself to me

"Nice to meet you and as Piccolo said you may already be aware of who I am. be polite, I am Krillin, it's a real pleasure to meet you Vegito," Krillin says while pointing at himself with his thumb

"Now that introductions are over, I believe that I should inform Vegito of the current threat that we are going to be facing right now," 

"Threat? How serious is it?" I ask raising my guard a bit while looking at him

"Serious enough that we have been given permission by the Grand Supreme Kai himself to interfere in the mortal realm as the danger that we are facing requires such measures," Kibito explains patiently while I turn to look at him before it finally hits me

"The being that requires godly intervention is called Majin Buu. In fact people from the afterlife have been asked to help prevent his awakening," Shin begins to explain

"We must prevent his awakening if we fail, the entire universe will be ruined..." Shin continues while I can't help but raise an eyebrow at his wording


There's a way to describe Zeno simply erasing the universe due to how damaged it will become if Buu isn't stopped

"But how will we find their hiding place?" Piccolo asks as I snap out of my thoughts to pay attention before I bring up something

"Majin...would their mark be an M on the forehead?" I ask as I do my best to introduce

"Yes...Babidi marks his servants with the mark of the Majin on their forehead. How did you know?" Shin asks a bit cautiously

"Come I'll explain on the way...