The Majin Chp 27


"How did you come across them?" Shin asks as I lead them to the base I just came from

"I was raiding a Red Ribbon Army base to free some prisoners except that when I arrived, everyone inside was already dead," I begin to explain as they all follow me

"I checked the security footage of the base and I saw 2 people going around placing their hands on people's faces. After they did, the foreheads of people began to let out smoke and I managed to catch an M symbol on some of them," I say

"The mark of the Majin placed on mere mortals..."Kibito stops as Shin goes on to explain

"Babidi uses the Mark Of The Majin to tempt people into his service. Their power increases depending on the potential and however much the Mark can bring out. It is an incredible piece of terrible magic," Shin explains the mark but I am curious about one thing

"Tempt people??? They weren't tempting anyone. They were going around from person to person as the Mark reformed their bodies and made them into lumps of flesh and muscle, that they would then perforate with a machine and after whatever process it did to them, it seemed to take away their Lifeforce as they turned into desecrated corpses," I tell everyone with a grimace

"Yikes, that sounds disgusting," Krillin comments as he flies next to us

"You think that's bad, just wait until you smell the place," I tell him as we get near the base

"You mentioned raiding the base correct?" Piccolo asks me

"Yeah," I answer

"Why have they been doing all this time?" He asks me and I turn to look at him with a sigh

"Dr. Gero promised them, that 17 and 18 would wipe out most of the population on the planet, after they did, The Red Ribbon Army would then put into motion a 500-year plan to repopulate the Earth with an intense and selective breeding program that would 'guarantee' humanities future," I give a brief summary about what I have been doing recently

"We are here," I say stopping in mid-air as I let myself fall to the ground before slowly coming to a stop on the ground safely followed by everyone else

Everyone follows me inside the base

"Why are you raiding these bases anyway? I mean you could just destroy them," Krilln asks as Goku and the others stay silent and follow me

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Shin who came to a stop on one of the lumps of flesh

"The Red Ribbon Army gathered a vast amount of resources that me, Bulma, and Gohan have been making sure is turned over and used by people who need them," I answer him as I walk toward Shin who raises his palms to the lump of flesh as they begin to glow

"This is Babidi's work all right, this confirms that he is here on Earth," Shin says with a frown as he closes his eyes and he visibly shivers in fear for a moment before he gets control of himself

"Babidi is gathering energy in order to wake up Majin Buu," He says turning around and looking at us

"I shall conduct a highly complex ritual in order to locate him and his allies, but it will take time, would you happen to know a place where you would be able to defend me?" Shin asks while I file away that stuff about him performing a complex ritual

"How long will you need?" I ask him

"Around 5 to 6 hours, it would depend if the area we are in has enough ambient magical energy in order to help power the ritual, if not, I will have to substitute it with my own, which would in turn make the ritual take 6 hours to complete,"

"Babidi's magic will help him hide from my sight but with the ritual, it will only become a matter of time," He tells me while I nod and while I am rather curious about magic, I decide to ask about it later

"I know a place..." I stop as I feel 2 familiar power levels

Gohan and Bulma

Oh Boy...

"Before that though, 2 more people are on the way here that will be able to help us, I think some of you may recognize them," I say as I feel them getting closer

"Who..." Goku stops before his eyes widen as he most definitely senses Gohan's Ki

A smile comes to his face as a longing to see his son again comes over him

"Is that..." Krillin stops as he begins to chuckle at Gohan while I can tell that he is confused about the second power level

I am pretty sure Goku explained about Bulma turning herself into an Android in order to help us and our time in the Time Chamber

"It is," Piccolo says with a smirk as the Kai's look completely lost

We go outside to greet them and I smile as Gohan and Bulma arrive

I smile as I see Gohan's stunned look on his face while Bulma is in shock at seeing them here

"Dad...Mr.Piccolo,..." He whispers before he rushes over and hugs Goku like a lifeline

"It's me, son, It's really me," Goku says gently holding Gohan

Gohan lets out sob after sob as I see him shaking in Goku's arm

"How..." Bulma chokes out as I turn to look at her

"I really do wish this was under better circumstances but the gist of it, is that the universe is in danger, and they were given special permission to come from Otherworld to help deal with the threat," I give a very brief summary to Bulma as she stares at me for a bit before looking at the Kai's

"Who are they?" She asks me

"They are the ones that gave them special permission to come help from Otherworld, but I think it's best if they introduced themselves," I tell her as they walk over to us

"Hello, my name is Shin, I am the Grand Supreme Kai in charge of guiding this universe," He introduces himself while I do my best not to react to a specific part of what he said


"I am Kibito, I am a Kai and current attendant to the Grand Supreme Kai as well as a Supreme Kai in training," Kibito introduced himself

"Hi, umm, I am Bulma, it's a pleasure to meet you," She says and I can tell that she is rather overwhelmed with everything

"Now with formalities out of the way, I think its best you would explain who Babidi and this monster Majin Buu are on the way," I tell Shin as he looks at me

"You have encountered them both in the past, haven't you? Any information about our enemies will be useful as we won't be going in blind," I explain my reasoning while remembering that the Supreme Kai's are probably not used to this side of combat

"A wise reasoning and one I should have thought of myself...but we should wait a bit before I explain considering..." He stops as he looks at Gohan who is talking to Goku and Piccolo...