Its Disappearing Chp 29

(N/A: Sorry guys, I was busy resting on Monday but I am back now

Updates will resume Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays)


"Babidi can tell our general location through this smoke, we must make haste so that I can pinpoint his, so that we may end this madness," Shin says as the warriors make their way to West City


"I have a bad feeling about this," Bulma comments

"Yeah, me too," I tell her as I glance at my Dad

How I wish things were different...

I know that Dad is still dead but seeing him here is...hard

I am struggling to keep my emotions in check as just the sight of him being here makes me want to relax as the thought of everything going to go alright hits me

I can't afford to let my guard down

Looking ahead, I frown as not being able to sense people is starting to get to me

It makes it seem like the whole planet just went silent or something


I can't believe it really is Goku

I had to fight the urge to keep hugging him

I smile as I remember the feeling of sensing Goku for the first time

It feels a lot like Vegito which is understandable...but Goku's Ki felt a lot more...warm, while Vegito's felt more like...a dam waiting to burst

I blink as a realization hits me

He might be incredibly stressed due to everything going on

Sure, I am also dealing with helping people rebuild and all, but I honestly prefer that as it helps me relax, but I am not sure if I have ever seen him relax at all

He is always so serious

I decide to put those thoughts away for later after we deal with this...


Time after time. Time after time. Time after time...

It keeps repeating in my head like a mantra

Why can't we just have peace?

Why does everyone always want to cause wanton destruction?

Why can't they just leave us alone?

The mere thought of the ones currently threatening not only Earth but also the entire universe makes me so angry

From the stories, mom used to tell me, it was almost always like this

Is this really the world that I was born into? A world filled with evil hanging around every corner

I don't know...

I shake my head as I keep flying even if my body and mind are willing to fight...the spirit is already so tired of this constant battle...


"Any suggestions?" I ask Piccolo as we both look at the people loading the aircraft with as much as they can

I made sure that the animals were fed for later retrieval or if necessary keeping them here while sending people over here and we just take over the base completely so that we don't have to start from scratch by building them a place

"The group we are going to fight is most likely going to be powered up by magic. I talked with Shin for a bit to see if he could tell me more about the Mark Of The Majin and see if I could somehow cut the connection or at the very least weaken it," Piccolo mentions and I turn to him


"I am going to have to see it in person before I am able to confirm anything. So far, I have only been able to look at the traces left behind by the...' corpses',. But from what I can tell, there might be a chance," he says grimly while mentioning the corpses

"That is good, any type of advantage we can get will surely go a long way," I tell him with no small amount of relief

A question enters my mind

"Would it be possible for me to learn magic?" I ask him as the thought of learning it seems incredibly appealing

"It would be impossible for you to do so," He answers which makes me a bit sad but I decide to ask for more

"Why is it impossible for me to learn it?" I ask him

"You can read or even be taught about it, but you yourself would never be able to use a spell. You simply don't have the capability for it," He answers

"How do you know?" I ask curiously

"Every mage can learn if others have the capability or not by simply sensing the magical energy being released by someone. You have no magic that I can sense unless you are hiding it," He explains and I am rathe out by it before a thought enters my mind

"Would the Dragon Balls be able to give the ability to use magic?" I ask him

"Yes," He responds rather quickly

"That was fast,"

"One of the times that humans used the Dragon Balls was by someone who wished to be able to use magic. Shenron was able to grant that wish, granted he had to use all of his power at the time to be able to do so, but he still granted it," He says

"All of his power, I thought that Shenron regained his power every year," I say 

"While it is true that Shenron does regain his power over time, it does not take a year, for him to regain his power, what takes a year is that the Dragon Balls themselves release him that takes a year," He explains and I nod at that

"I Shenron regains his power faster yet, the Dragon Balls themselves are what need to recharge," I say taking all of the information in

"Yes, and no, it might be different from Dragon to Dragon, I have no honest idea, but it also depends on their own power and the capabilities of the Dragon Balls themselves when it comes to summoning, if the Dragon itself is weak the Dragon Balls may not take as long, while if the Dragon Balls are capable of, one might summon the Dragon even sooner," He explains a bit more and I frown as this information that I never knew before about the Dragon Balls

"Going back to magic though, you could wish for the capability to be able to use magic, but it doesn't mean that you will be able to learn much as magic is, unfortunately, a dying art form," He says while I blink at that

"How is it dying?" I ask him

"Many people prefer to use Ki over magic due to the amount of time that it takes to learn magic and many prefer to use the natural advantages that come with their body to use Ki. Also, magic is mostly disappearing from the universe," he explains that part

"Why is it disappearing?" I ask him as he turns to look at me seriously

"It was decided by the Kai's that they would slowly close the doors to magic. Due to people's grievous misuse and general uncaringness about the damage that they caused with magic," He answers rather somberly

"It's not really an issue in the afterlife but here in the living world...magic is becoming more and more scarce," He tells me...