'Scarce...ARE YOU KIDDING ME,' I almost scream out at that
If magic is truly becoming as scarce as Piccolo says it is...then...
I blink as I realize one very important detail as I go through my memories of the strongest magic users that I remember
To some extent, Guru can be put on that list
From what I have seen Babidi is capable of performing magic on a planetary scale
Moro...is a true monster
I can't even imagine just how much magic he knows
Guru is possibly the one who I have fewer examples of power, but they do hint at Guru being a really good magic user
He was able to unlock someone's potential
Whatever the fuck that actually means?
I mean...what does it actually unlock?
With Gohan and Krillin, they both became much more powerful than they were previously, however, there is one case where something else was awakened during the Potential Unlock
Dende's healing abilities which were dormant until then were awakened
To be honest...is one of the best healing powers that I have ever heard or even felt through Vegeta's memories of it
When Dende healed Vegeta, he felt as if he was rather warm
The comfortable type of warmth
Like being under a blanket while it is incredibly cold outside
Not only can Dende heal wounds, but he can also mend clothes
How does that work?
I have no idea, but it's awesome...
"What the..." I say as I spot something moving in the clouds and its not one of the people
Piccolo looks up while narrowing his eyes
"They are hiding in the clouds," He states before flying upward
My eyes widen as I rush to one of the vehicles and slap a Ki blast to the side making sure not to hit anything important
I swipe my hand again as I catch a Ki ball in my hands and squeeze
('I can't sense them') I note as begin to move around and send Ki blasts of my own to where I think they were sent from
I can hear Piccolo fighting someone inside the clouds
My eyes narrow as I focus on my hearing and I can just tell Piccolo is fighting multiple people
("They are magical projections that are able to interact with the physical world,") Piccolo says in my mind...
#Piccolo Pov#
"How many of them did they make," I grumble to myself using whatever I can of my magical abilities to be able stay ahead of them
Damn this cloud
I spot one retreating back into the clouds
Narrowing my eyes, I break down what I just saw
Their bodies are made from Magical energy, they can't use Ki on their own, but I can tell that they are drawing it in from the environment in order to use Ki attacks, their physical attacks are nothing to be worried about
So far
Their ability to use the ambient Ki makes them rather tricky to fight but also much more dangerous
The energy that they can pull from is not unlimited and given how many I can tell are moving around inside the clouds, they may draw more energy than the planet can afford to give causing incredible damage to it
A cold fury begins to surge inside me at the thought
I open my mouth and use a fire spell to breathe out magical fire
The creatures seem to avoid my magical attacks
Makes sense
These things are made from condensed magic
Magic that originates from another user may interfere with their existence
"Flaming breath," I call out the spell this time and the magical energy that I used this time is now slightly less
Saying spells out loud helps with the formation of a spell and depending on how familiar one is with a particular spell, saying the name of it out loud can help with reducing the cost of the spell in general
Allowing someone to save a tiny amount of magic for something else
I could materialize a sword for myself, put some very weak enchantments on it, and use it to fight these things but...
Materializing a sword, enchanting it to make it more durable and able to store some more amount of magical energy is easy for me to do, takes me less than 10 seconds
Flipping it around, I send a kick to the pommel which makes it go over to Vegito
("Vegito use the sword to cut them down when you see them") I tell him telepathically
I smirk as I begin to carve some small runes on my nails, to make them more durable
Stretching my arms I begin to use them like razor whips
My smirk widens as I scratch some of the creatures
But it quickly goes away as I notice a very important detail
These creatures are the ones that release the magical gas, clouds...whatever
I watch for a brief moment how the clouds around me are starting to lose their thickness the more creatures I dispatch
After dealing with a dozen or so of them, the clouds are very slowly starting to disperse
But...all of my progress seems to be for nothing as the clouds begin to thicken again as the creatures do their best to use their own gas to fill in the gaps
"As if I'd let you," I growl out as I coat my arms with electricity
Focusing a bit more, I do my best to electrify the surrounding area
Once the area has been saturated a bit, I smirk again as I can now feel the creatures moving around the affected area
Bringing my arms back while slapping them together to release a powerful sonic boom empowered by magic to dispatch them
I wonder how Vegito is doing...
"I really need to get some magic for myself," I say cutting down one of the grey-skinned creatures surrounded by smoke
I have to say this sword feels quite nice in my hand
The quality of it is respectable...for a ceremonial sword, still thank you Piccolo
I very briefly glance at the glowing inscriptions on the sides of the blade
I fight back my curiosity about them and focus on defending the cargo
("Krillin, how are you doing?") I ask him as he uses whatever limited magical abilities he has to simply enhance his physical abilities
("Not good, my magical reserves were never great to begin with and I am running out,") He answers to which a grim look on my face comes over
("Get on top one of the cargo planes and give me some range support, blast the Ki balls in mid-air,") I order him as he goes to do what I told him
I am still surprised that Krillin of all people knows magic
Cutting the head of another creature, I notice exactly what Piccolo was talking about
These creatures are related to the massive cloud covering the planet
Looking down, I see a white fog coming from my mouth
The air is getting colder
At this rate, they'll freeze the entire planet
We need to get rid of them