(N/A: I am back home, still recovering but at least I can finally move around again)
I look around as I am surrounded on all sides
I hear Vegito groaning and despite wanting to wake him up, he would be of no use in this state
I raise my arms to create a magical barrier around us as the creatures release a black smoky attack
My eyes go to the ground outside and I see how the smoke is melting the ground
"Acidic properties," I say to myself thinking of how to combat it and smirk
With a small chant, I unleash a tremendously pressurized blast of water and use it to cut a lot of the creatures in half
With an even longer chant, I power the barrier enough so that I may go out and leave Vegito behind and fight them head-on again
A sudden feeling of dread comes over me for a moment as I exit the barrier
"What is this power?" I ask myself as a Dark Malicious Ki spreads all over the world for a moment
My eyes widen as the smoky creatures simply turn into magical energy and start heading off somewhere
This can't be good...
"No...we are...too late," I say with fear as every fiber of my being stops moving in sheer terror at feeling that Evil Power
"We...are doomed," I say as memories of fighting that...thing, together with the other Kais...my friends...I am sorry, I have failed you all
I finished casting the spell mere moments ago and now...we are all going to perish
My eyes widen as I feel my barrier break as I glimpse at the battle between Dabura and Goku
Suddenly Dabura stops moving and begins to scream in pain as the mark of the Majin begins to glow
Smokes then begins to rise from his forehead as I feel his power start to decrease drastically
Dabura stops screaming and he slowly descends to the ground
A small earthquake happens as he hits the ground
I fly over cautiously as Goku follows me to where Dabura fell
"What happened..." I hear Dabura say out loud grasping at his forehead
"Dabura," I call out to him as he turns to me groggily
"You..." He whispers before a look of realization comes over him
"BABIDI," He screams
"YOU MISERABLE LITTLE..."He stops as he has a coughing fit
His power surges but its nowhere near close to what it was before
"I...am...done," He says grasping his head as he stops coughing
"Kill me or let me...it doesn't matter anymore," Dabura says resigned to his fate
"What happened to you?" Goku asks as he touches the ground
"Why would you care?" Dabura asks with a dead voice
We all freeze as Majin Buu's power finally settles and seems to start covering the planet in pure evil energy
"Shin," Goku calls out
"Yes," I answer him
"That's Majin Buu...isn't it?"
"Yes, Goku, it is,"
"I am going to have to go all out," Goku says before flying faster than even I can perceive into the sky above
With my own powers, I notice Goku taking a very deep breath before he starts to scream...
His screams seem to make the entire planet shake as his own power begins to fight off against Majin Buu's even if there is a considerable distance between the 2 of them
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Goku stops screaming as a brilliant ball of golden light surrounds him
The golden ball slowly breaks away to reveal Goku with long golden hair and his eyebrows are now gone
"Incredible," I whisper in awe feeling Goku's amazing power
I stop moving as I can tell Majin Buu is heading this way
Faster than I can perceive he is already in front of Goku
I gasp as I look at Majin Buu
"That...isn't the Buu...I remember," I whisper seeing the similarities to a certain someone
I clench my fists hard enough to draw blood as I understand what happened
Babidi has become one with Majin Buu and is capable of controlling his power
I look at Kibito who is still paralyzed with fear at sensing Majin Buu's power
Something comes over me as worry over the planet's inhabitants rises within me
Spreading my own senses, I let out a horrified sigh as I could sense what has happened to the people of Earth
A lot of people's hearts suddenly stopped, women miscarried, and children suffered brain damage from feeling Majin Buu's power
I am sorry people of Earth...
My eyes widen as I remember one particular weapon that may help end Majin Buu once and for all
The Z-sword...
Slowly flying to the ground while dropping out of Super Saiyan, I see my mom flying toward me with a look of pure terror on her face
"TRUNKS," She yells as she gets close enough
She starts hugging me tightly which I do the only sensible thing
I hug her back as some of the fear that I am feeling seems to go away
Sensing Goku's power as he goes into a new transformation I have never seen helps me calm down...
"I am so out of my league right now," I say depreciatingly as I look at the mass of corpses around me
The people who were helping deliver the supplies died mid-flight due to feeling Majun Buu's power
I let out a sigh as the last of the shadow creatures fade away
I am exhausted
Using whatever magic I had drained even my dead body
I chuckle at that
Magic...I only use it to enhance my physical attacks alongside Ki and I am almost out of it
I stop breathing heavily after a few minutes as I sense Goku fighting this Majin Buu
One of the benefits of having a dead body is that we recover way faster than when we were alive...
"Ugh, what hit me?" I ask as I sit up slowly
Opening my eyes, I see that I am surrounded in some kind of barrier before I sense 2 huge power levels
"No..." I whisper with fear as I sense Goku fighting Majin Buu
Damn it all
Standing up, I go Super Saiyan and close my eyes while searching for that feeling before I pass out
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I scream out as I do my best to force what comes next...and I succeed
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I scream out as I finally turn Super Saiyan 2
"Don't bother, if Goku loses it's all over," Piccolo says walking over to me and I want to ignore him and go charging over to Buu at the moment but I know he is right
If Goku loses it won't matter how strong I am...
I turn to the side as Kibito appears next to us
"Vegito quickly come with me, Gohan and Lord Shin are waiting for us," He says to me
"There is no time, Lord Shin has one final plan that will be our only saving grace if Goku falls," He tells me grabbing my arm and I let him
I send a nod toward Piccolo and Krillin who was coming over to us
"Let's..." I don't say anything else as I suddenly find myself somewhere else
Despite how everything went downhill incredibly quickly, I can't help but admire my surroundings
"Is this paradise?" I say the first thing that comes to mind as I look around
"No...this is the World Of The Supreme Kai's...you are among the very few mortals who have ever set foot here..."
1 chapter ahead