Abandonedment Chp 35


"No...this is the World Of The Supreme Kai's...you are among the very few mortals who have ever set foot here," Shin says next to us as he is on his hands and knees lamenting the situation

"Why are we here?" Gohan asks while I have an idea of why we are here

The Z-sword...

"There is a powerful weapon here, a weapon that will allow the one who draws it the ability to destroy Majin Buu," Shin starts to explain while I fight with all my being not to wince as it couldn't be further from the truth

"A weapon why didn't you bring it then?" Gohan asks impatiently and I can't blame him

"I can't move it, neither I nor my predecessors could," He says remorsefully

"Perhaps if I had gotten stronger I could have..." He whispers but stops as he shakes his head

"Come, the sooner we retrieve the blade, the sooner we can end Majin Buu once and for all," He says flying away as we follow him

A frown sets on my face as I am worried about how much time we have...

Even here in the world of the Supreme Kai's, I can feel Goku clashing with Majin Buu

For a moment I am grateful at the fact that Goku has a dead body that allows him to push himself way beyond his normal limits

Piccolo explained that so long as they are not too far gone, their bodies will recover in time...

Goku is using Super Saiyan 3 right now, the fact that his dead body makes it easier to use is an advantage, also Goku has trained with it a lot longer than he did in the manga and anime

"Vegito," I hear Gohan call out my name

"Yes?" I ask him

"Do you think my dad has a chance to defeat Majin Buu?" he asks me and I go silent as I do my best to think about it as I sense their power

No...he doesn't

Whatever extra energy Babidi managed to gather to wake up Buu most likely made him stronger, while the mark I saw on his forehead was glowing similarly to that of Dabura's

So he has been amped up with magic, which is another power up against Goku

"I don't know Gohan, I truly don't know," I answer him as I can sense that Goku is definitely putting up a fight despite everything against him

A few moments later, I notice the Z-sword in the distance

"There it is, our only hope..." He stops as he gets an annoyed expression on his face that I know is because of Beerus

He wouldn't even perceive Majin Buu as a threat

"So, we just pull the sword out?" Gohan asks

"Yes...its that simple," Kibito says somberly almost as if he wishes it could be simpler than that, and unlike what I remember from the anime there is not a hint of mockery on his tone

"I'll go first," Gohan says as I blink and just nod as he goes

"Remember you can go Super Saiyan," I remind him as he goes to grasp at the sword and I have to admit...if I didn't know the actual reason for the Z-sword's existence, I would say that the blade is a masterpiece of a weapon due to Vegeta's moments of curiosity that he had on other warrior cultures

He may have looked down on them, but if there is one thing that he appreciated were other warrior races

Grasping the hilt, he tries lifting it with no success, the blade doesn't move

A golden aura surrounds Gohan as he takes a deep breath and slowly lifts the blade up which causes the place where it used to be to collapse

"THE Z-SWORD IS FREE," Kibito shouts with excitement as Shin smiles as his eyes are filled with hope

"This thing is heavy," Gohan grunts as he slowly swings it around

The blade lets out a whistling sound due to how sharp it is

'Damn, if this is just something that either Beerus or Whis made casually, I can only imagine what kind of weapon they can make when they give it their all,'

"How am I meant to use this against Buu," Gohan complains while going Super Saiyan 2 and even with it, I can tell that Gohan is not at his fastest due to the sheer weight of the sword being an issue

"Something is wrong..." Shin comments as a chill runs down my spine as I realize something...

I can't sense Babidi anymore

"I can't sense Goku," I say with fear entering my voice

"Send me back to Earth now," I order Kibito before turning to Gohan

"Train as much as you can while I go find out what happened," I tell him before Kibito grabs me by the arm and teleports us back to Earth

I go over to where the battle happened as Kibito goes back

I transform into a Super Saiyan 2 as I look around

Worry and fear start to creep up on me as I look at the sheer devastation that happened on Earth

Which quickly starts to fade as anger burns those emotions away

"PICCOLO," I shout as I spot him and frown at the state that he is in

"You...Vegito..." He whispers as he lifts his head to look at me and I flinch back as soon as I spot white

I can literally see his skull and if I focus enough, I can see his wounds slowly stitching themselves back together

"I...will be alright...so will Krillin," He says as I hear some rubble moving and Krillin floats out of some debris

I wince as I look at him

All four of his limbs are gone

Yet...I can see them slowly regrowing

"Where's Goku?" He asks as I fly into the sky as I look for him

I spot some orange a fair distance away

I rush toward him and stop a few meters away

"Goku," I whisper as I get near him

His face is unrecognizable as his chest slowly rises as he struggles to breathe

Both his arms were ripped off while one of his legs is bent backward

I drop out of Super Saiyan 2 and go into my Ape form as with my increased Ki control, I start giving Goku some energy to help him recuperate from this states

The stumps where his arms used to be start very slowly moving as his body recovers bit by bit


One question enters my mind right now...

Where is Babidi?

He has Majin Buu's body and power on his side, so where the fuck is he???

I glance at Kibito who arrives with his guard up but slowly calms down as he looks at me helping Goku

"Here allow me," He says as I move away from Goku as Kibito places his hand on Goku's face

Energy seeps out of Kibito's hand as he heals Goku

Goku's facial features slowly return as the stumps that are his arms start moving at a faster pace than before

I stop paying attention to him as I go back to Piccolo who looks slightly better than before

I start sending as much energy as I can to him in order to speed up his healing all the while the same damn question rages in my mind...




1 chapter ahead