It was only two weeks ago when my mum sat me down in the living room and introduced me to my father who has not been in my life. My father, Leon was a CEO and lived in California. Turns out that my mum left him because of a fight without even knowing that she was pregnant with me. After finding out,she did not bother to let him know and raised me on her own.

Now, I am arriving in California. My mum agreed to let me live with my dad for a while so we will gat to know each other more.

After collecting my bags from the baggage claim area. I walked out and soon saw my dad standing beside a man that held the card with my name on it. I clutched Mr Oopa tightly and moved towards them. Yes, I have a teddy that I hold all the time even though I am eighteen years old. Not only Mr Oopa, I also have two more in my box;a panda, and cheetah

"Good to see you, Nicole." Dad said and I smiled before speaking "same." in a quiet voice. We walked out and the man holding the card took my bags from me as dad led me to the car. We both sat in the back seat while the man whose name is Alfred started the car and we drove off.

We finally arrived at our destination. As the car drove to the garage, I saw how big it was, like ten times the size of our house back home. My jaw dropped to the floor of the car as I took in the view.

Taking the garage entrance in, dad led me up the grand stairs. "I want you to shower and freshen up then I can show you around and you will meet everyone else."He said and I only nodded.

For the second time, my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw my room. It was freaking huge, the theme was purple and white which made it bright and cozy.Looking around, I saw three more doors apart from the entrance door.

Turns out one led to my super huge closet, bathroom and a private balcony for me. Dad left me to freshen up so I arranged the little outfits I had into the closet and my toiletries into the bathroom.

After that, I changed into a white and pink striped Tee and matched with a pink skirt. My hair in a ponytail. Making sure,I looked good enough, I grabbed Mr Oopa and left my room. Going down the stairs, I went through the arch on the left and luckily, it led to the dining.

I saw dad sitted at the head of the table, a boy on his right hand side. Dad noticed me first and smiled. "Nicole, join us." he said. I walked to his left hand that he was gesturing at and sat under the intense gaze of the guy.

"Alex, this is Nicole, Nicole, meet Alex, your brother." Dad introduced and I could feel my eyes open wide like saucers. "Nice to meet you baby." He said and I couldn't help but clench my thighs at the sound of his voice. "H-Hi, n-nice to m-meet you too." I said quietly. He only smiled staring at Mr Oopa and I placed him on my thighs under the table.

We began to eat. Alex served me and placed my plate in front of me. I smiled and said "thanks" in a small voice. Dad left us in the middle of the meal and asked Alex to show me around the house. He nodded and urged me to continue eating.

After the meal, I stood up and walked with Alex hiding Mr Oopa behind me. I shouldn't have brought him down. "You don't have to hide your teddy, baby girl. What is his name?" he asked.

"Mr Oopa." I replied happy he didn't insult me.

Alex showed me around. The house had ten rooms, a theatre and game room, the pool outside and a smaller indoor pool. Dad's office and Alex's studio as he loves to paint as a hobby.

I was already getting tired as we left the studio, Alex noticed this and gave me a piggy ride.


When dad told me I had a younger sister and she was coming to live with us soon. I expected her to be a spoilt brat that doesn't care about people.

I didn't follow him to go pick her up at the airport and also reluctantly agreed to have lunch with them. I had planned to warn her not to cross my path but immediately I saw her looking cute in that outfit of hers, a teddy on her right hand all plans flew out the window and the daddy side of me came to life with all reason leaving me,I wanted her

I couldn't help but smile as her eyes got wide when she realised I was her brother. Right now, it didn't matter to me if she was my sister, I am going to have her as my little.

After we finished eating, I showed her around like dad requested and I could tell she was enjoying it all. Soon, she got tired and I gave her a piggy ride back to her room. She is so small, probably five feet one and felt so light that I could carry three of her.

"Take a nap, princess. I will come get you for dinner." I said after tucking her into bed and placed Mr Oopa beside her. She smiled and closed her eyes obediently. I stepped out of the room to find dad in his office. "Alex, where is your sister?" he asked. "Tired, probably from the flight so she is asleep." I replied.

"True,true. I can see you have grown fond of her." he said. I nodded. "Well, I enrolled her in school already. It is not quite far from your college so I hope you can be dropping her off." Dad said. "No problem dad, but are you getting a car for her?" I asked. "Yes, it should be available by the end of the week." he replied.

I left to my room thinking about how Nicole would be if she went into her little space. The thought of feeling her skin, those smooth skin underneath my fingers got me impatient. Opening the door to her room, I saw that she was already fast asleep holding the purple teddy with one hand and the other hand close to her face with a thumb in her mouth. I went into my room and got a pacifier then went back to replace her finger with the pacifier.

By dinnertime, I went into Nicole's room to see her awake and confused staring at the pacifier. "Did you like it?" I asked. She blushed furiously and was about to shake her head. "Do not lie,baby girl."

She nodded shyly. "Good, you can have it. It is not a bad thing." I told her.

Nicole got off the bed and the sight that greeted me was her skirt up showing her panties which was designed with an animation figure. "Nice panties." I smirked. She pulled her skirt down with a little force blushing. I only smiled and left her to freshen up.

We had dinner and dad told her about her new college and that I will be picking and dropping her off. We didn't say anything about the car.

Dinner ended and Nicole excused herself to pick a phone call. Maybe her mum, I concluded.

After the call, we both went up and I tucked her in again as she blushed. "You don't have to do this." she said quietly. "But I want to. open up." I placed the pacifier in her mouth and clipped it to her pyjamas so it won't get lost. "Good night, baby girl." I kissed her forehead. "Good night,Alex." She replied and I left. Call me creepy but I left a baby monitor on her nightstand. I already love my baby girl and I am going to take care of her so well.
