Monday morning,I woke up with my Pacifier still in my mouth, looking at Mr Oopa, I saw the plaster on his arm making me recall what happened overnight.

I turned over and Mr Oopa fell off the bed making me cry. Alex came in and I told him what happened, I felt like a bad girl because I injured Mr Oopa but Alex put a plaster on the arm which he fell and told me he will be fine. He rocked me to sleep before leaving the room.

Alex came in dressed up for the day in a dark jeans, blue Tee shirt. "Morning, baby girl. Now go get ready in the bathroom, I will pick your clothes so you will dress and come to my room, okay?" he said as he unclipped the pacifier. "Morning Alex." I replied and went into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth humming the tune of the theme song of 'Sofia the first '. After showering and dressing in the clothes Alex dropped for me. It was a pastel pink top that had 'Pretty but wild ' written across my torso and a black shorts along with a black sneakers that had pink designs. Making sure I looked good enough, I left for Alex's room that was across the hallway and three rooms down. I knocked and heard him say an approval for me to open the door and step in.

"Looking good, baby girl." He said and I do not even know why that made me blush and happy within. "Thank you." I said, almost in a whisper. "Come sit, let me do your hair." I sat happily because I always like when someone does my hair for me. Alex combed my hair first before parting it into two halves.

"Are you ready for school today?" He asked plaiting the first half. "Not ready." I replied truthfully, to be honest, I was terrified and wishing Alex didn't have to go to a different school so he can be with me. "Do not worry, you will be fine. After school, I can show you around and we get ice cream." he told me. "Okay, Ally." I said giggling at the new nickname I gave him. He smiled before letting me know he was done with my hair.

"Breakfast next." he said. We both went down to the kitchen and he got to work making scrambled eggs, bacons and sausage for me and him.

We finished eating and cleaned up before stepping out to the garage, Alex's car was a matte black Audi R8 Spyder which was very beautiful. "Your car is beautiful Ally." I told him. He chuckled,"Thank you, baby girl." Alex placed my bag and his in the back seat and we got in driving out.

We arrived at HELIX HIGH SCHOOL. Alex stopped the car in the park and all attention turned to us due to the beauty of the car. "Here you go, baby girl. or you want me to walk you in?" he asked. I really wanted to say yes but my new school mates may see this and start calling me a baby. "Nope, I can go in myself, I am a big girl." I said assuring myself than him.

"You are still my baby girl, see you later." he kissed my forehead and I alighted the car grabbing my bag and waved one last time before going in.

Finding the receptionist, I collected my schedule and locker number. "Thank you." I told the woman before stepping out of the office.

Luckily, my locker was not far from there so I made my way down. Opening the locker, it looks too plain which made me decide to decorate it sometime later. A girl came and opened the locker beside mine.

"Hi." I said. I like greeting people. "Hi, you must be new here. My name is Jessica." She replied. "My name is Nicole and yes, I am new here." I told her. "No problems, we are going to be buddies. where is your schedule?" she asked closing her locker shut. I handed her the piece of paper and she went through it.

"Great, I have some classes with you. I can show you around."She said. I smiled and nodded and we walked away from the lockers. I was happy I made a new friend who would show me around and also happy that she already saw me as a friend.

Our first class was biology, which is a favourite subject for me. While we waited, Jessica told me about herself. She is the second born in her family, has an elder brother and two younger ones who are twins. She wants to become a gynaecologist and is also a lesbian.

I also told her about myself and how I recently found out about my dad and stepbrother. My hobbies and my dream to become a fashion designer and have my own clothing line.

The teacher came in and every other chatters died down. She apologized for being late and the class began.

I had two more classes with Jessica but the rest till break time I was alone. As she promised, Jessica came to get me and we left to the cafeteria.

I filled my tray with a sandwich, an apple and a juice box which was blueberry, my favourite flavour. I joined Jessica on the table with her other friends and they introduced themselves to me.

I fished out my phone to see a message from Alex. I already saved his name as Ally🖤.

I opened the message to read.

'Hey baby girl, how is everything going?'

I smiled and began to reply.

'Great, made a friend. Her name is Jessica ' I replied

The three dotes appeared to show that he was typing and then the message came in.

'That is good to hear. Do you like the school?'

'👍👍👍👍' I typed and hit send.

'See you after school and we will go for that Ice cream.'

'I can't wait to see you. Bye, later.' I sent and dropped my phone continuing my meal.

"So who were you texting because you were all smiles?" Jessica asked moving her eyebrows in a funny way. "That was just my stepbrother Alex." I replied. "You two seem close already." she said. "I don't know, we are comfortable with each other, I guess." I said to her.


After dropping Nicole at school and drove the short ten minutes to mine. I parked the car and just then my two best friends, who are also dating came to me and together we walked in.

"So, how is your new Stepsister?" Simone asked. "She is good. Name is Nicole." I replied. "I am guessing she is not the brat you were expecting her to be and you did not give her the 'stay-away-from-me' speech." Owen said. I nodded. "Well, I would love to meet her since you did not give her a single speech." Simone said.

Later in the day, I checked the time to see that it was already the time for her lunch break so I sent a message and she replied not more than ten minutes later.

I asked her about the school and said we would still go for the ice cream after school. She replied saying she could not wait to see me and we ended the chat. "Whipped." Owen coughed.

"Seeing you act this way, lemme guess, she is a little." Simone said. I nodded.

Owen, Simone and I were all Daddy Doms. I haven't had my own little while Owen and Simone are looking for a little they can both take care of. But we still visited clubs and have our fun there.

My lecture ended around 1pm. I left the premises and drove to Nicole's school since she will be closing soon.

I sat in my car that was parked in the parking space in front of the school and waited for her to come out. Few minutes after the bell rang, I saw my baby girl coming out with another girl beside her.

She noticed my car and smiled then hugged the girl who I am guessing is the new friend she mentioned. "Hi Ally." She said as she sat in the car. "Hey baby girl, how was school?" I asked. She smiled. "Great, and yours?". "Boring." I told her.

She giggled as she strapped her seatbelt on and we drove out.

I parked the car when we got to the ice cream shop and we stepped out of the car. "What flavor would you like, baby girl?" I asked. "Cookies and cream, please." she replied politely. I left her sitting at our table and went to get our ice cream, ordering cookies and cream for her and mint for me.

When I sat giving her the cup of ice cream, she squeezed her face as she noticed the flavour I got. "What's wrong princess, don't like mint?" I asked even though the answer was obvious. She shook her head and dug into her ice cream.

By the time she was done, she had bits of ice cream on her face so I took baby wipes and cleaned her up and we left and I paid.

We got home and I looked to see that she was already asleep, I guess the tour made her tired. I carried her up into her room leaving her to sleep for a while before dinnertime and probably for any assignments she might have.
