Nicole 💜

Ally and I must have fallen asleep after the movie, cuddling on the couch because I woke up to find myself completely laying on Ally as she stared down at me. "Welcome back, sleepy." He said.

I hid my face in his torso that was shaking as he laughed.

"Why are you hiding?" Ally asked. I shook my head still not showing my face. He was quiet for a while until I felt tickling sensations by my ribs. Ally was tickling me! Right on my weakest spot!

I began to laugh pleading to him to stop. Ally finally stopped and then I realised how close our faces actually were. His lips were so very close to my parted ones.

"I want to tell you something, Ally." I said moving away to place some distance between us. "I am all ears, baby girl." He replied looking at me attentively. "I am a little, Ally."

I closed my eyes tight to avoid looking at him. I finally did it, I confessed to Ally. One down, one to go. "Look at me, baby girl. I always knew you are a little." I heard him say making me open my eyes. "Really, how?" I asked. "I am a daddy, Nic." he replied. I stared at him for a while. He is a daddy, but he can't be my own daddy. That made me pout. "What's causing the pout, little miss?" Daddy asked.


"Nothing." I replied. "Oh, I know it is something. Baby girl, tell me, what's wrong?" He asked again. "Just surprised you are a daddy." I replied and he asked me the most unbelievable question. "Do you want me to be your daddy, baby girl?"

I stared at him for a while. "REALLY?!" Ally nodded smiling. I jumped onto his thighs to give him a hug. Very happy he asked. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." I repeatedly said kissing him all over his face before pulling away locking our eyes.


As Nic kept kissing all over my face, it took a lot of willpower from me not to grab her and kiss exactly how I want to. She finally stopped and was face to face with me, exactly eyeballs to eyeballs.

I leaned in and gave her a kiss, her eyes fluttering close as we deepened it.

I wrapped my arm around her pulling her close still kissing. At first, I could tell she was inexperienced but she got the hang of it and her lips moved skillfully against mine. Biting her lips, she moaned giving me access to the inside of her mouth.

We pulled away and Nic leaned to place her face in my neck avoiding eye contact. I laughed. "Stop." She whined. "So, does that make us official little and daddy?" I asked. She looked up and nodded before returning to her spot. Yep, I guess this will be one of her spots, the other was this morning when she got under my top.

"Daddy, can we have spaghetti tonight?" My little girl asked after few minutes of comfortable silence and God, I love the sound of her calling me daddy. "Sure thing baby girl. I will tell Daisy not to make dinner so I can cook for us both." I replied

She nodded giggling. I picked my phone to tell Daisy as it is almost time to begin making dinner.

"Should we go over your rules?" I asked.

"Rules?" She asked back. I nodded. "For when you are in little space and big space."

We went up to my room. I got Nic a sheet of paper and some glitter pen for her to write down the rules and design it as she likes.


1. Always tell daddy where you are

2.Bedtime is 11pm

3. No swearing

4. Always ask for whatever you want, don't be shy

5. Never tell lies or keep secrets

6. Ask for permission all the time

7. Call Alex daddy only when you are alone.

8. Never be rude


1. Ask for permission ALL THE TIME

2. Bedtime is 9pm

3. Never go out without daddy

4. Never take any candy or chocolate without daddy's permission

5. Use your word all the time

6. Never ever be rude


1. Early bedtime

2. Taking away privileges

3. Spanking

4. Corner Time

5. Writing lines

6. No chocolates or candy


1. Extra candy and chocolates for the day

2. Daddy says yes to whatever, as long as it abides by the rules

3. Later bedtime

4. New toys


1. Pacifier

2. Stuffy

3. Diapers and pull ups(depends on little age)

She designed it after I finished calling out everything. "Are you finished?" I asked as she dropped the pen back into the pack. "Yep, do you like it?" She asked back showing me the paper.

I nodded smiling as I opened my arms for her. She dropped the paper back on the table and sat on my lap hugging me.

"Should we go down to cook?" I asked after a while. Nicole nodded and we left my room to go down to the kitchen. Daisy was already leaving. "See you tomorrow." She smiled and Nic waved at her as she walked out.

I took out all I needed from the pantry and got to work with Nicole sitting in the counter beside me. "What do you want as dessert?" I asked getting started with the sauce. "Ooh, ooh, can I make chocolate cake please?" she asked. "You want to make it yourself?" I asked to clarify. She nodded. "I promise you will love it." She said.

"Okay, but make sure you are extremely careful." I told her. She nodded grinning so widely. "Thank you, daddy." With that, she also got busy with baking.

We both finished after an hour and half. I looked at Nic to see stains of flour and whatever on her clothes and face. "Let's go clean up, then we can eat." I told her. "Okay, daddy." Nic replied raising her hands signalling I should carry her.

Picking her up from under her arms, we both went upstairs and I dropped her in her room before going into mine to change into something for the night.

I got downstairs first and began to set the table. Nic also came down with Mr Oopa under her armpit dressed in a cute pyjamas. "Let's eat." I said pulling her to take her seat.

"This is so amazing, daddy!" Nicole squealed after taking the first bite of her food. "Do you want daddy to always make your spaghetti?" I asked her. She nodded saying "Yes, please."

We finished eating and I arranged the dishes into the dish washer while Nicole cleaned the table.

We settled in front of the television with our dessert for a movie. "What dies my baby girl want to watch?" I asked after we got comfortable cuddling with blankets over our bodies.

"Barbie please.". She mumbled. I searched a barbie movie for her and settled for one;Barbie:Rock and roll.

We ate our dessert and Nic kept singing along with all the songs and even got me to sing along with the song that was sang during the competition where the two camps outsmarted the judges.

The things I will do for this girl.

We finished the movie and I turned off the television carrying Nicole up to her room making sure not to leave Mr Oopa. That stuffy is the oy thing I think can make her throw a tantrum.

"Stay with me, daddy." Nicole said after I left her in her bed. I got in bed with her and we both fell asleep.
