
I woke up in the middle of the night to see Nic completely laying on me all while sucking on my neck. Sure giving me a hickey without even intending to.

I tried to get her off me so I could go get her pacifier but she whined clinging to me even more stronger than before leaving me no choice but to take her along with me. Walking quietly so she won't wake up, I got to my room and took the pacifier that was sitted on my bedside table.

Nicole whined opening her eyes. "Daddy, where the bed?" She asked lisping. "Right here, baby girl." I replied and got into my bed instead of going back into her room. "Thirsty, daddy." She whined. I took my waterbottle I always leave of my bed side table and opened it placing the mouthpiece in my mouth. She drank for almost a minutes and then released the bottle turning to bury her face in my torso.

I closed the bottle and hugged her closer falling asleep to the soft snores that escaped her lips.

The rays of the morning sun that came in through the window was what woke me up. I looked at Nicole to see her already tucked her head under my pyjamas.

I moved her from under my shirt and laid her back on the bed. Placing pillows behind her and in her front incase she decides to roll over.

Moving to my closet to pick an outfit for the day. I went to the bathroom to shower and get ready.

After getting ready, I went back into my bedroom. Nicole was already awake, just laying quietly in bed. She must have heard my footsteps because she looked in my direction before revealing a teethly grin.

"DADDY!" She squealed. "Good morning, baby girl. How was your night?" I asked sitting on the bed.

Nicole moved to sit on my thighs. "It was great daddy, I had an amazing dream. You were there with me, I was a princess and we went on many adventures. We met a BIIIIIG dragon daddy, and we rode on it." She said all that in one breath and panted still smiling.

"That is good, baby girl. Now would you go to your room to shower and get ready for today while daddy will go make some chocolate chip pancakes with lots of strawberries and syrup." I told her.

Her eyes shone on hearing the breakfast and she was up in seconds. " Stop!" I called out. Nicole froze in her stance.

" No running, baby girl or I will be delivering few spankings. " I told her.

She nodded wide-eyed and walked out of the room with me behind her.

She looked at me. "Daddy, can you pick my clothes, please?" She asked.

"Such a good girl for asking politely. Don't worry, I will pick something for you, just get your cute butt into the bathroom." I told her.

She only blushed and quickly walked into her room bolting straight to the bathroom without looking back not even once.

I walked into her closet and picked out a comfortable jumper and leggings for her. I also picked her underwear smirking at my imagination of how red she would look when she sees the clothes.

After that, I went to the bathroom. "Daddy will be downstairs baby girl. Hurry and come join me." I said into the small opening.

"Okay, daddy." She replied and I left the room taking the stairs down to the kitchen.

I got busy with cooking. I also got some freshly juiced orange ready.

Nicole came down slowly with her stuffy held with both hands in front of her. She let her hair down since I wasn't there to style it for her.

"Come sit, breakfast is almost ready." I told her. She sat on the stool by one of the numerous islands in the kitchen.

"What's wrong, you are kinda quiet." I asked her.

"Nothing daddy, just my period." She replied blushing completely red.

I smiled because she said the truth and did not hide anything from me.

"Are you feeling pain, need anything?" I asked.

"Nothing, daddy. Can we cuddle after breakfast ." She asked. "Of course, anything for my baby girl." I told her.

After breakfast was ready, I sat Nicole on my thigh so I can feed her. She did not complain and only snuggled closer as I fed her.

I only hope she is not the moody type during her period because I have experienced that with my best friend Simone.

I tried doing the dishes with Nicole still clinging to me. "Baby girl, daddy has to do the dishes. Would you sit for a while, we will cuddle immediately I finish." I told her.

Nicole pouted but still sat staring at me as I worked. I made sure to hurry up so I will not keep her waiting for long.

After drying my hands, I picked her up from under her armpits and we went up to my room.

I got her to lie on my torso and I wrapped us together in a huge duvet I had.

"Comfy?" I asked her. She nodded her eyes fluttering close.


I woke up alone in Ally's bed. Sitting up, I looked around but he was not anywhere in the room.

Getting off the bed, I left in search of him. My tummy was aching and I really wanted to see him.

I got to the stairs and saw him coming up. "Baby girl, what's wrong? Why are you out of bed?" He asked me as we walked back to his room.

"Daddy was not in the room." I told him. "I did not want to disturb you, I went to make lunch. So, are you ready to eat? Daddy made tuna sandwich and smoothie." He said.

Daddy carried me and we left the room and he carried me down the stairs not even sweating a bit. If I was carrying something my weight down the stairs, I would be super duper tired already.

" What is going on in my baby girl's head?" Daddy asked stopping my thoughts.

"Daddy is strong." I muttered close to his ears. "And why do you think so?" He arched a brow as he dropped me on a sit.

"You carry me all the time." I replied

Daddy chuckled. "So you think you are heavy, baby girl, you are as light as a newborn baby." He said placing a filled plate and cup filled to the brim with strawberry smoothie.

"Eat up." He said sitting beside me with his own plate and cup and we began to eat.

"Thank you, daddy." I told him.

"My pleasure to take care of my baby girl. Do you want to do anything after lunch?" Daddy asked.

"Colouring." I squealed and he nodded meaning he is in agreement.

I ate my meal bouncing happily in my seat. Daddy only smiled at me as I ate.


It was already evening meaning I have been painting for almost three hours.

Daddy told me to go get ready for the night meaning, showering and changing into my pyjamas.

I wore a 'Hello Kitty' themed pyjamas and the shorts just stopped right above my knees.

Going back to Daddy's room. I saw him with two other people, a lady and a guy.

I stopped by the door nervously not sure if I should go in completely. Daddy noticed me and smiled making the others turn to stare at me.

"Baby girl, come sit." he said. I blushed a little because he called me baby girl in their presence.

I moved and sat beside him on the bed.

The lady kept staring at me smiling so widely.

"Guys, this is Nicole. Nicole, meet my best friends, Owen and Simone and they are also just like me." Ally said.

So that means Owen is a daddy while Simone is a mommy. That's why Ally called me baby girl.

"Awwn, you are so cute. I could steal you from Alex." Simone said smiling. I smiled back at her.

Simone and Owen stayed for dinner. It was lively with Simone bringing up different ideas of kidnapping me from Ally much to his annoyance but I could see that he was not angry.

After they left. We went up to get ready for bed as it was almost midnight.

"Want to sleep in your room tonight?" Ally asked me.

I nodded and he smiled walking into my room with me.

I went to brush my teeth. Ally adjusted the comforter over my body before clipping my pacifier to my dress.

He adjusted the baby monitor and pecked my forehead.

" Good night, sweet dreams, baby girl." He said.

"Good night, daddy." I smiled and closed my eyes as he turned off the lights.