When we got home just like I thought Lucius didn't appreciate Ty having company over, but he acted the part of how a guardian, a father figure should act and welcomed him with open arms. At our midnight session after Nick had left, I knew that he was going to take out his disapproval on me but this time I was ready for him. When I went down to the den, he was there looking pissed waiting for me.
"Why didn't you stop him from bringing that brat over here, I know that you know full well that I wouldn't like it." I smiled a little.
"I always follow your orders Lucius and to play the role of a model high school student was exactly what I did. Not like he was my friend anyway." The sarcasm and over performance didn't sit well with him at all.
"BUT YOU'RE THE OLDEST! Don't play with me you should've known full well that I don't like you brats over here in the first place so why the hell would I want more?" I gave him no significant reaction at his outburst. Which I knew would have some effect on him. He took a heavy sigh to calm down to counter his rising emotions. "Forget it, let's just get started, this time I'm breaking bones to teach you a lesson." Great he was riled up now, more than usual. His technique would be less refined, and he would rely more on his strength. He lunged forward with a series of combo punches that I blocked and dodged. I kept telling myself to rely on my speed, not to get too hot headed and revert to using just strength. I just had to keep dodging and blocking for my chance to come where he would put enough force into his punches so I could counter.
"Is that all you got old man? I guess old age catches up to everyone it seems. Freshman girls in gym hit harder than you are right now." That put him over the edge for sure, he came at me with a quickness that I've never seen before from him. I was ready though, instead of blocking the punch I parried him making him fall over losing his balance. A quick kick to his face: broken nose. Still unbalanced he swiped at me with his right hand he missed, a quick jab to the back of his neck brings him to the floor. I pounce on top of him immediately immobilizing his arms. He struggles, breathing furiously trying to get free but as he realized getting free is impossible, he calm's his breathing.
"Ok, you win. Now get off me." I didn't remove myself from my position. I took the knife he had hanging from his waist and put it to his throat.
"Give me a reason why I shouldn't. You and my father could be twins." He said nothing. I pushed the blade on his neck and blood started to trickle down on the floor. His breathing was at normal levels again. He just laid there waiting for his fate. Sensing no danger or fear I let go of him and rose to my feet. He gathered himself calmly and fixed his clothes. He saw his mistake immediately and realized he was baited to be in that state of heightened annoyance. With all of his experience and maturity he quickly calmed himself.
"Stay here I'll be right back." He walks away upstairs tenderly touching his nose and grasping his neck. He didn't look mad but why would he tell me to stay here. Usually whenever we complete a session, we go our separate ways why, would this time be any different. I was proud that I finally beat him, but it took way too much out of me. I was exhausted I wanted to go to sleep without having to worry about anymore new injuries for once. He came back a couple of minutes later and threw me a binder. "This is your first assignment to be done on your own, I will not help or give any advice. You and your brother need to figure it out. I'm going to bed." To say I was stunned was an understatement. Before he would show us dossiers about the various missions that he would take on, but we've never been out on the field with him. This was like throwing an infant into the ocean and telling him to swim. No, I refuse to have second thoughts, to go back on the resolve we both made last year. We will complete our mission and do it flawlessly. Lucius turns to leave again but he paused and said in a deathly undertone. "Remember our agreement Moto Maua, you would be wise to keep that in mind." I stood there for a second as he walked away and considered his words. It didn't take away the relief of getting our first assignment. I walked upstairs to wake Ty and tell him the news but to my surprise he was still awake. He laid on his bed staring at the ceiling, apparently deep in thought.
"Ty?" He jumped, he didn't hear or feel me enter his space. Very unusual for him, he must have been immersed in his thoughts. "Are you ok? You seem out of it and not yourself." He looked at me hard for second. I could see the color lighten in his eyes again, the color of his iris's was now soft gold. I now felt constant tremor, a vibration if you will. It wasn't violent but controlled. Enough to feel just like a wave. I've noticed changes like this before but never has it been this pronounced and blatant. I wonder what those eyes are seeing.
"I'm fine I just had a lot on my mind. With school, training, this new lifestyle, it just has me thinking…"
"Of what?"
"What I want my future to be like, what I want my legacy to be on this earth. I keep thinking of what got us to this point. What put us on this path? Was it our parents? The people who abandoned us for their own selfish gains. Was it Lucius? Did he manipulate our whole situation to gain more affordable child soldiers? I wouldn't put it passed him, I never know what he's thinking. Should I go higher than that and blame the so called 'companies' for even employing them to do their bidding, to fuel their own greed. Should I go even deeper and blame the governments of the world for manifesting this greed. For making the greed necessary, for encouraging it." He paused, he was in an entirely different space right now pouring out his deepest thoughts and mindset. His eyes were still in that lightened state and wave I felt didn't disappear. "Ha you know what? No, the sin goes deeper because what is the product of this greed? Selfishness, murder, and vanity. The world is deeply engulfed in it and it's festering in its own hypocrisy as they claim to have the best interest of the world in mind. Now I'm left thinking what can I do to change this? This is the legacy I want to leave behind. I don't necessarily want credit or a reward for doing it. I guess I just want to reset the world and see where it goes from there. Even if I'm considered the evillest human being in history, soaked in the blood of my victims. That's fine. As long as the greater evil is extinguished. I will shape the world in this image where our hate and envy aren't focused on each other but on a singular being…...
I looked at him for a moment. The furthest I ever thought of was college and how I was going to get there, I never thought that far into the future as he did. He considered all that happened to us, our pain, our confusion, and our suffering. He doesn't want to see the same thing happen to another child but he's not naive enough to say that it won't, with the way the current system is. Living in the current system, there is nothing that we could do about it. 'Reset the world', when Ty said that I knew what he was getting at. Bring down all super power governments from this earth. The ones that are pulling all the strings, the ones who are influencing all of the world's events and influencing the flow of all currency. Burn the world and make it anew. I agreed with my baby brother and at that time his thoughts became my dream, our dream. He will not be alone in this but I had my hesitations and doubts.
"I understand Ty but it won't be 'Me' it will be 'Us'. I agree with everything you're saying and it even took me aback about far you thought ahead. Though you're not alone I have your back in all this we're going to accomplish this together. I will ask you this first." I paused I wanted to make sure he understood. "You say you wanted to be soaked in blood. The road you're going down is a cold one, with a lot suffering ahead. I went along with your suggestion to be the devil's soldiers because it was best option to make a better life for ourselves. I never intended to keep you in this life, this was just a means to an end. To get us happy and meaningful lives. Are you sure about this?" He looked at me straight in the eyes, with eyes of gold and as cold as ever and starting to lose their shade even more. The wave I felt started to get stronger.
"This is what will bring my life meaning." I closed my eyes and accepted his words. I will never leave my brother's side.
"Well, first things first." I held up the dossier for our first mission. The wave immediately stopped, and my breathing became easier. His eyes turned dark brown again and his face lit up. I didn't know that state was even affecting me or was it because I was so in tuned with what he was saying. I couldn't help but smile at him regardless. "Let's get started."