"Git me Owt of heyer!" Ginsu squirmed in the sand, slowly but surely sinking deeper. The limp hanging jaw on his face made him look disgusting and comical at the same time as he tried to speak to mixed results. With no manoeuvrability, all he could do was wait for his companion.
With the smoke disapating, it was clear that Elise wasn't in a much better state. Stumbling towards her buried friend, with a robe that lay almost completely tattered and torn with only the chainmail beneath protecting her, she kneeled on the ground Infront of Ginsu.
"Vwat are yu doing?" Ginsu sputtered out before feeling a hand grasp his jaw.
"Fuck!" His jaw was forced to its normal position, though in a manor that left him infuriated, "Couldn't you have warned me first you Harlot!"
"You...look... pathetic." Elise heaved as she spoke. The blast drained her energy far more than any other ability and left her exhausted. Unfortunately she couldn't guarantee Cypher was dead, otherwise she would have left Ginsu in the sand for longer. Grasping the top of his head with an iron grip, she pulled hard.
Ginsus body flew up and out of the sand, leaving him to collapse onto the floor with a thud, "He should have killed you and saved me the trouble." He used his hand and supported himself to his feet.
All things considered, Ginsu wasn't that injured besides his missing tooth and rather powerful concussion that still caused his vision to sway. The memory of being so utterly defeated made his body sweat in fear and embarrassment!
'I didn't even land a single blow...sigh.' He realised his mistake. The boy with the bird mask had clearly targeted him after the first exchange, likely because he could hijack the movements of others. It goes without saying, a powerful technique that could have left him beheaded or incinerated without being able to resist.
"Is he dead?" Ginsu looked into the distance where Cypher was sent flying from the explosion. Smoke obscured the forest and blocked his vision, preventing his sight from going any further.
"I doubt it." The idea that he would be killed so easily didn't sit well with Elise. And more alarmingly was the fact that since she had pulled out Ginsu there was a glaring feeling of being watched.
Ginsu and Elise simultaneously snapped their heads towards the forest. On a burning tree, a black overgrown crow tilted its head, staring at them with it's toothy beak.
"There's no mistaking it," Ginsu felt a chill ho down his spine as he looked into its eyes ," That's a Dreambeast...and he's probably watching us through it's eyes..."
The crow let out opened it's beak, letting out a deep, unnatural noise that sounded distinctly like a mocking laugh.
"Get ready!" Elise gathered her strength and grabbed her blade and turned her head to face the area Cypher had landed.
Without warning, Deep in the forest a frantic voice sounded. The Voice of a man not scared but excited, thrilled and in the midst of a battle high.
"NEVER HAVE I FELT SO ALIVE!" Cypher walked out of the smoke, removing his mask and pulling down his hood to reveal his young yet handsome face, ruined by a smile that stretched across it. His White robe burned with small sparks of flames as his steps cracked the floor ,"FREEDOM THROUGH POWER! THROUGH COMBAT! THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN MISSING!"
The conviction in his eyes only made him seem more insane to his opponents. However the feeling of fighting with real intelligent enemies that could pose a threat was overwhelming.
Rain seemed to revel in it's masters emotions, spreading its wings and flying above Ginsu and Elise like a predator eyeing it's prey.
Cypher spread his arms in a welcoming gesture ,"COME! WHY ARE WE HESITATING!"
The ground rumbled beneath Ginsu and Elise, almost warning them to move.
"Shit," Ginsus body twisted to the side, narrowly dodging a sand spike that threatened to impale him instantly. Power gathered in his feet as he grabbed Elise and jumped off the floor just in time to watch another twenty spikes follow it. Had they been a second to late they would be hanging from them, dead.
"He was holding back!?" Elise's eyes widened at the thought before shifting to the present moment. Both of them landed back on the ground with apprehension ,"Ginsu, hold down his movements and I'll sleep burn him to ashes for good."
Ginsu nodded in response, sweat dripping from his skin.
Without warning, the both rushed forward at super human speeds. Ginsu took the initiative and used a horizontal slash against Cypher.
"YES! KEEP COMING!" Cypher bent his back backwards, doging the blow only to see Elise aiming a dagger at his waist!
Two daggers clashed with bright sparks. Unfortunately for Elise, her strike was deflected off to the side with skill. Just as Cypher was about to counter, Ginsu lifted his longsword above his head in an attempt to cut his opponent in half.
Before he could deliver the fatal strike, a set of three sharp claws swooped down and left a massive cut across his face. Three bleeding streaks stung on his flesh, causing his blow to miss and his sword to lodge into the ground.
With Ginsu incapacitated, Cypher leant to the side and dodged a swing from Elise. His foot tensed with strength and lifted, striking her in the abdomen sending her sliding back a few feet.
Rein flew straight for her, claws outstretched.
"Not again!" With added distance between her and Cypher, Elise conjured an fireball and threw it at the bird.
The crow easily dodged, swirving through the air deftly.
A hand made entirely out of sand erupted from the ground and grabbed her ankles tightly! Startled, Elise tried to pull herself out of their grasp to no avail. The terror of her situation dawned on her as she looked up towards Cypher with a new sense of profound fear she had never felt before!
"Stop him!" She yelled at desperately, feeling the ground beneath her tremble.
The only hope now was Ginsu, who's blurry red Vision looked towards Cypher leasurely walking closer to his friend.
Ginsu rushed forward, his sword ready to cleanly cut down Cypher who was now in-between him and Elise, "FREEZE!" He let out a loud shout!
For a moment, it seemed like they had really won. As per his teqnique, Cypher halted in place just a meter from Elise. From both sides, his enemies felt their hearts race with excitement.
"Finally! Your finished bastard!" In her palms, flames condensed in Elise's hands. Their temperature kept rising and rising until a blue flame emanated with power.
Behind Cypher, Ginsus blade was inches away from running straight through Cyphers chest.
Even seemingly on the face of death, Cypher still smiled with glee.
The fireball soon left Elise's hand and tore it's path towards Cypher. Beneath the attack the ground melted, leaving trails of fire and sparks wherever it touched. Even the air around the ball of fire warped from the heat. If this attack landed, what would it do to the human body?
Elise wanted to find out. Her breath grew hotter and heart raced as she tried to savour every memory. The feeling of having her arm severed still vividly stuck in her memory like a constant insult.
The Fireball lay only a few inches away from Cypher. It's heat burning his robes and fluttering his grew hair from the intensity of the winds it produced.
Both Ginsu and Elise watched with ecstatic smiles as the fireball made contact... however, it didn't last long. Their faces instantly dropped and their eyes widened.
The fireball didn't make contact with Cypher! Instead, it passed straight through him. He appeared entirely unharmed, not even a catch!
Since Cypher hadn't been hit with the fire, whatever was behind him would be...and Ginsu realised his peril a short time later.
His face twisted in agony as the fire phased through Cypher and hit him directly. As soon as it touched his robe, the material ignited.
Unbearable pain flooded every nerve and fibre of his being. Falling on the ground, he writhed as fire melted his skin and bones.
"ELISE!" he cried out ,"STOP IT!"
The order had no affect. If Elise could stop it she would have, however once a flame has left her body she could only direct it and not extinguish it. All she could do was desperately struggle against the Sand hands that grabbed her legs and restrained her hands.
Ginsu writhed on the flaw for some time. His movements slowing down every second as smoke invaded his lungs and his body melted. "I...I" his voice slowly died out as he tried to speak. His body lay flat on the ground, charred black and unmoving. Seconds later, his heart stopped.
Elise staired at the body with disbelief.With the ground beneath her trembling, she looked back at Cypher with fear and muttered,"H-how? How did you do it?"
"I didn't..." His body flickered out of existence and a new Cypher appeared leaning on a burning tree. Infact, his Dreambeast had put them under an illusion ever since they first looked at the crow. It only activated and replaced Cypher with a fake version when Rain had clawed at Ginsus eyes and Cypher landed a lick on Elise that temporary took her vision off him.
A crow landed on Ginsus body, pecking at his skin. Burned flesh was gulbed down without a care.
"So...any last words?" Cypher controlled something beneath Elise.