Shock therapy



A ferocious dragon like construct ravaged through the trees, kicking up dirt and ash as it chased after it's prey. The entire body of the beast was made up of nothing but electricity, with the colour getting progressively brighter with energy the further up it's torso you looked.

It's eyes locked onto it's target again before darting forward, ignoring any trees that fell in its path. It's jaw snapped back, ready to close shut on an the small ant like man Infront of it.

However, the dragons teeth only chewed on empty air. Above it, a shadow flashed in its perception with fast and agile grace.

"Flashy tricks won't work on me!" Yavons sword prepared to strike. To avoid the dragons bite he had no choice but to jump, allowing him to hit it in a blind spot. The Barrier enveloping his sword elongated, giving it more range than first meets the eye.

He twisted his body mid air, building momentum until his blade eventually landed on the creatures neck.

The cries of the beast echoed through the forest. It's head falling from its body and scorching the ground it fell on. Moments later, the dragons electricitric body dissapated like it was never there, leaving only the lone Dreamweaver standing ready.

Yavons senses, much like other Caliber 3 Weavers allowed him to pick up on the vague presence of others if he focused. This came in handy in situations like this.


Without giving him a moments rest, Orion sprinted forward. He had hoped the dragon construct would have enough power to crack the barrier. Unfortunately, he was wrong.

Two swords clashed once again, The intensity no less than at the start. The only difference was that throughout the battle, the difference in sword skills became more prominent, a fact that Orion was pridefull about.

Tick, tick, tick...

"Your lucky! Witness the power of our Alchemists!" Yavon backed up and activated one of his stopwatches. The glowing stone at the centre grew brighter with each tick of its clock.

The Dreamweaver looked insane as he allowed a clean sword strike to hit his barrier, cracking it in exchange for an opportunity. He grabbed a hold of Orions robe, pulling him close.

"Shit!" The Beastmasters eyes widened. Dropping his sword, he used his fists to beat his opponent.

Tick, tick...

With a brutal headbutt, The barrier covering Yavons face shattered. His grip on Orion loosened enough that he could move, allowing Orion to back away as much as possible.


A fireball erupted fron the stopwatch. The resulting explosion sent both men through the air and crashing into the nearby land.

The smell of sulfer and smoke filled the air, burning the lungs of any poor soul nearby.

In one of the soldering craters, Yavon stood up with slightly trembling legs. His face burned profusely, desperately trying to heal the blackened flesh that covered the right side of his face.

Even now, as he looked over to his sword that had lodged itself deep into a rock, he couldn't rest. His senses felt something approaching. Though to his dismay, his ringing ears couldn't decipher where from.

Without warning, a four legged shadow pounced on him, sending the man tumbling to the ground again as he tried to get the thing off.

Sharp claws tore into his skin, now unprotected by the Barrier after the explosion. His eyes frantically darted around as the feline attacker ripped his robe apart.

Tamiel had finally arrived. The tiger relentlessly attempting to tear apart the weaver while inside his mouth a large container of water cracked under pressure.


The container broke open, flooding the bloody and battered body of Yavon with water from head to toe!

"INSOLENT BEAST!" Yavon gathered strength and slammed his fist into the waist of Tamiel. The blow was so strong it shattered the tigers ribs and damaged internal organs, giving the weaver enough time to grab its neck and throw it away.

Tameil landed on the ground with a pitifull cry. Despite trying to stand back up and fight, it simply could not. The tiger was only a Caliber two, unable to withstand the power of a superior weaver like Yavon. At best, it could launch a suprise attack.

"Look at me!" Yavon took in his appearance. His face was horribly burned, and his body had been mauled and cut to the bone. Ontop of all that, he was now drenched in water. Luckily, he was still a rank three, and this type of punishment wasn't enough to bring him down.

With a disgusted grimace, he hobbled over to the sword and tanked it out of the stone, shattering it. His eyes turned back to Tamiel, bloodshot and furious. His heavy steps drew closer and closer to the wounded beast until his blade rested on its neck. The broken barrier around him swiftly repaired as he prepared to make his kill.

"Do you think I'll just let you do that?"

A voice halted Yavon in his tracks. Turning around quickly he spotted a man barely recognisable from before with his palms to the ground. Orion had quite literally been cooked alive, with his half his body charred black and his red long hair partially fallen out. By all means he should not be alive.

"I-impossible." Yavon tightened his fingers around his hilt.

"Nothing is impossible in this world." With his Palms to the ground, electric arcs flew through the dirty directly to Yavon.

Only now, did Yavon realise what the water was floor. His eyes bulged as he desperately tried to jump, only to feel teeth clamp down on his leg.

Tamiel, even injured still locked at the Dreamweaver with defiance while his teeth held him in place.

"Argh!" Feeling the electrical currents travelling up his body through his feet, Yavon let out a cry of pain. The barrier turned into a coffin, blocking any energy leaving while the conductive water across his skin only allowed the lightning to easily travel through him.

It was like an electrical appliance thrown into a bath. With the power reaching his organs, reducing tissue to soldering waste, Yavon had no sense of hope. Only when the lightning reached his brain did he stop convulsing.

With fluids running out of his ear, he swayed from side to side, until collapsing on the ashen ground dead. With nobody around, it's likely his body will be left here forever without burial.

A quiet piece overcame the forest for once. No explosions or fighting, just a pleasant quiet that Orion savoured. He looked at the dead foe Infront of him with a hint of pity. Once so lively and powerful, now reduced to a corpse. Unfortunately, this was the fate of most weavers. Despite all their power, it could all be taken away in a single night if you weren't carefull.

Like Yavon, Orion had almost met this fate mere moments ago. His heart had stopped, leaving him technically dead after the explosion. Luckily, his brain still worked even a few moments after blood flow ceased, allowing him to send electricity to his heart and restarting it. As for his damaged skin and bone, it could be healed quicker than normal thanks to his soul power and his teqnique excelarating cell activity with electricity.

With a deep sigh, he rummaged through the body.

Pocketing the remaining explosive stopwatches he walked over to Tamiel and with a great display of strength, slung the beast over to his shoulder.

"Now, where's the brat?"

10 minutes later....

In an open clearing filled with burned and fallen trees and smoke that filled the air, Orion walked out of the treeline. Infront of him, a blonde haired women hung in the air lifelessly. Her body impaled on a white spike protruding from the ground with her last expression being of shock and fear.

On the floor, a man lay burned to a crisp. Some flames still burned ontop of him creating a grim picture of how he passed.

Cypher was not too far away, holding a crying knight by the throat. To Orion, it seemed like he was talking to the man, though he couldn't quite here what they were saying with the damage in his ear.

"Guess we both won." Orion exhaled deeply, relieved.