
Chapter 18: Dark spawn heart

Mike dark form floated in the air as vex stared upward at him his face set in anger.

"I can see that you have gotten stronger by dark powers, and you say you are fighting for freedoms from the dark powers control earth." vex snared at him. " you hypocrite."

The blade connected to the chains coming out of Mike's arm tore through the air as it headed for vex head. vex quickly cut the chain and tried to pull him down with his own chain.

vex growled in pain as the tiny blades connected to each link of the chain pierced his palms forcing him to let go of the chain.

Then launching himself to the air he grabbed Mike's leg and pulled him down. and they both hit the ground and there was dust everywhere.

"I know reasoning with you at this time is pointless." Mike said as the dust cleared and he was standing with his foot on vex stomach.