
Wisedroid thought of many things to say before being deactivated, but remained silent and fell to the ground. Ria loaded a fire bullet. 7-Up worked on androids, so she had to be cautious.


Since there was nothing in its path, it only left a hot trail. When it arrived, another atomic explosion was caused. Everything within a 1 kilometer radius disintegrated, including Yuto.

Tatsuya was walking around the city aimlessly. There were explosions powerful enough to be heard throughout the city. Shortly after, a cone-shaped laser disintegrated a large area.

Trying to understand what was happening, he ran to the epicenter of the commotion. Just as he was about to reach the scene, another explosion, even bigger than the previous ones, occurred.

His instinct told him that Yuto had something to do with it. After all, that person was the only one who awakened any memory in him.

Before he knew it, he used his power on himself and Yuto.

Tatsuya left Yuto's house, dissatisfied with his answer. Both of them didn't remember anything that had happened that day. No one believed Yuto, except Haji.

Haji invited Yuto to lunch at a random restaurant, to try to remember everything little by little. They both sat down and ordered what they wanted. They didn't realize it, but they were in a maid café. The maid in charge of them was surprised by their unusual presence. The maid was Kiseki.

— E-Excuse me...

— Kiseki? What are you doing here?

— I work as a maid...

— Wait, you're a heroine, a nurse, a doctor, and a maid? You're not going to tell me you're an idol too?

— Y-Yes, I am...

Yuto was impressed. Haji, crossing her arms with her eyes closed, said:

— T-That's not that impressive! Now give us the best you've got.

— O-Okay! Sorry for the inconvenience, miss.

Kiseki timidly ran to the kitchen. She would prepare everything on the menu. She didn't intend to charge for it, as she couldn't forgive herself for angering a customer.

Haji asked:

— Yuto, what really happened between you and Wisedroid?

— I don't remember anything, I swear...

— If that's what you say, I trust you. But Genesis and Tokihito-san are different.

Kiseki arrived with five plates stacked on different parts of her body. If they blew, everything would be ruined. She managed to put everything on the table and bowed to them.

Haji, amazed by the generosity, said:

— I wasn't serious when I asked for the best...

— B-But, I have disturbed you, and I must apologize. Please accept this as a gift from me.

Yuto replied:

— I don't know if I'll have enough to pay you.

— Don't worry, this is all on me.

— A-Are you sure?

— Yes! Please enjoy.

Yuto was once again enchanted by Kiseki's purity. He remembered the meaning of her name. She was a miracle, a being beyond his comprehension.

After enjoying Kiseki's food, Yuto and Haji returned home. Genesis was in the living room, waiting for them to arrive. Yuto walked in and saw her.

— Sorry about earlier, Yuto, I shouldn't have treated you like that.

— Genesis...

— I believe you, Yuto. Earlier today, I heard several explosions and an electromagnetic pulse knocked me out for a minute. It makes sense why you had to kill him.

— Electromagnetic pulse?

— I don't know where it came from, but it affected a pretty large area.

— That's strange... neither I nor Wisedroid would use such an attack.

— You're right... do you think there is a third party?

Yuto knew Ria had something to do with it. He thought for a few seconds, until Genesis reassured him:

— Yuto, you don't need to be sure, any clue is enough.

— If I tell you what I think, things will get worse.

— If you say so... I won't force you to do anything. Just tell me when you're ready, okay?

Genesis forced a smile, like someone trying to hide their pain.

An unspecified amount of time later, Yuto, Haji, and Genesis went to watch the finals of the official tournament. The final battle was originally supposed to be between Caliel and Kiseki. With Caliel out, Revon replaced her.

Unlike the semi-finals, the final would be played in the association's main stadium. It was housed in a colossal airship. Obviously, walls covered the stands to prevent them from collapsing. But they also served the purpose of making them transparent, providing a view of the city.

Since the flight would start shortly before the match began, everyone had to arrive early. Latecomers would not be allowed in, except for those who paid extra. When they sat down in the stands, the match was about to start. The announcer began to say:

— Welcome to the official finals of the tournament! As you all know, an unforeseen event occurred and Caliel had to be replaced by Revon, the ninja! Without further ado, on the one hand we have...

Suddenly, something strange formed behind the announcer. It looked like a portal that led to a room. Two people stepped out of that portal. Everyone in the stands immediately recognized them. Since there were countless nanocameras all over the stadium, they approached the announcer's room to show the stands everything that was happening inside.

The first person to come out was Distortion, the fifth level 7. He had short black hair, military clothes, and purple eyes. The second was his twin sister, Unizard, the sixth level 7. She wore a purple mage uniform and hat. She had orange hair and yellow eyes. They were both the Boss's twin children.

Since they were very tall, they had to look down as they faced the announcer who had her back turned. She didn't notice the sinister aura until she saw that the entire stands had gone silent. She looked back and before she could say anything, Unizard grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up. With a superior smile, she calmly said:

— My brother and I want to participate in the tournament.

— B-But we can't change plans at the last minute!

Unizard looked away, distracted. She saw someone of interest in the stands. She smirked, then said without looking at the announcer:

— Don't worry, it won't be today. I'll keep you in touch about the date.

The announcer looked at Distortion, who was staring at her with an even more frightening smile. He said:

— Come on, sis, you're doing it wrong.

He approached the announcer and grabbed her chin, lifting her head so she could look him in the eyes.

— Do as you are told, and everything will be fine. If not, we will have to punish you. Do you like the prospect of that?

The announcer felt something primal inside her. Feeling small and defenseless against two of the strongest in the world was something special. No magic or power was being used, she just unlocked a new side of herself.

— U-Understood!

Unizard released the announcer, who soon began changing the details of the battle on the room's control panel. That day's fight was canceled, just like that. Everyone was angry, but they couldn't do anything against those two. In addition to being powerful, they could get out of any legal trouble by asking their father for help.

Unizard smiled once more, a little less manically this time.

— Good job, announcer. As I said, I will speak to you telepathically someday in the future. If you are not awake, I will stop your heartbeat.

Distortion commented:

— She's just kidding. We'll break into your house and make you remember your place.

Once again, she felt something strange. A guilty pleasure, for sure. A portal opened behind them both and they walked backwards. Soon after, the portal closed. The announcer started laughing silently, grabbing her head and messing up her green hair. She then grabbed the microphone and exclaimed:

— Guys, you saw and heard what happened! There will be no fighting tonight! You are dismissed!

Her eyes were spiraling in madness. She threw the microphone and ran away. Unizard could use any kind of magic, but this wasn't her doing. She was just secretly crazy.

Haji was watching, dumbfounded.

— What THE FU-

The "finals" were over. Yuto and his group left the stadium. Since it was an airship, they had to wait for it to land. It was late and the sun was already setting. They arrived at the almost empty and huge parking lot. Yuto seemed to be bothered by something. Haji noticed immediately and asked:

— Yuto, is there something wrong?

— When Unizard said their match would be another day... she was looking at me. Like, straight into my eyes.

— Huh? How can you tell? You were like 100 meters away from her.

— I don't know, I just felt a shiver when she laid her eyes on me.

Genesis added:

— Now that you mention it, I zoomed in on her eyes and calculated the trajectory of her gaze. You're right, Yuto, she was looking right at you.

— I feel like I shouldn't be here...