
A woman was trying to start her small yellow car nearby. Yuto went to the car window to ask what was going on.

— Are you in trouble?

The woman was startled. She looked young, even though she was an adult. She had dark skin and short black hair. Hesitantly, she answered:

— N-No, I'm okay! I just have to get this started...

The car failed again.

— Let me help you.

Yuto climbed on it and began to levitate. Standing on top of it, Yuto shouted:

— Genesis, Haji, go ahead! I need to settle this here and then I'll catch up with you!

Haji, confused again, muttered:

— What the fu-

Now in the sky, Yuto, who was on top of the car, lowered his head towards the window. The woman was startled by all that and looked straight at Yuto. He shouted for her to hear:

— Where do you usually go to fix the car?

— P-Please put me down!

— Calm down, I won't let you fall. Just point me to the spot and I'll take us there in a minute.

The woman remained distressed and hesitated for a few seconds, until she gave in and pointed with her finger towards a house under construction. Yuto thought that the difference in perspective was affecting the trajectory of the finger, but he flew them there.

They landed on the street, next to a construction site. Yuto got off the roof of the car and, with a calm smile on his face, tried to comfort her:

— It's over, lass. Is this the place?

— Y-Yes… thank you.

A construction worker saw the strange scene and ran to her car. He had a beard and was very masculine. The woman got out of the car, holding her racing heart. Yuto turned his back and started walking. She shouted:

— Boy!

Yuto turned around again.

— Thanks!

Yuto smiled, as if he had just completed a grand mission. He replied:

— You're welcome, lass.

Yuto started walking again, waving his hand. He was calmer now, as well as satisfied.

After helping the woman with the small yellow car, Yuto entered an alley, trying to lose anyone nearby. He knew he was being watched. He used his gravity sensor to detect potential threats. There were small disturbances in a few specific spots, but when he looked at them, they disappeared.

Yuto tried to use citizens like the girl in the car to check if the enemy was a bloodthirsty killer or just after him. And the latter hypothesis was confirmed, since no one was hurt.

Two children were playing in the now dark street. A brown haired boy and a similar looking girl. The boy bumped into someone. The boy was thrown backwards and sat on the street. He apologized, looking up at the tall man.

— Sorry, lad! I wasn't paying attention.

— "Lad"...? Look at me. 

The man gave him a strong kick in the mouth. He looked at them both with contempt and anger, saying:

— Kids your age should love heroes! Why don't you recognize me?

Yuto walked out of the alley and saw Distortion. Without hesitation, he quickly tried to crush him with his power. His gravity passed through the hero, but nothing happened. Not even the ground was crushed, only the air around him flew away.

— Oh? I forgot about you.

— So you were the one watching me?

Distortion smirked at him, teasing him. The answer was obvious.

He's going to try to use these kids as a meat shield. I'll pretend to play his little game for now.

Yuto prepared to attack, raising his guard and assuming a defensive pose. Before Distortion could even think about destroying everything, Yuto would push the two kilometers away, into a deserted place.

Suddenly, everything around Yuto disappeared. The alley, the street, the children, and even the night. Now he was in the sky, in free fall.

Trying to recognize where he was, Yuto looked around. It was a sunny day. Below, there was no city at all. In its place were a few floating islands. One of them was the main and largest. The others orbited it at different altitudes. Beyond them, only clouds and the endless sky were visible.

Yuto was falling rapidly, but he didn't seem to be getting any closer to the ground. Perhaps he was getting closer to space, even if it didn't seem like it. Noticing a gravitational distortion above his body, Yuto turned upward again.

A huge, distant comet was falling. In fact, it was a comet shower. The central one was large enough to cause a slight distortion in gravity. Yuto accelerated his fall to quickly reach the surface of the flying island.

On it, there was nothing that caught his attention, except the fact that there was nothing around, not even the ocean. It was like being in an empty and endless world.

Yuto closed his eyes to concentrate. He would carry that shower of celestial objects back into space, but where did space begin? That world seemed to have no end. He would have to use all his strength to do so.

However, he noticed a disturbance in his sensory gravity. Behind him, a human figure seemed to be flying towards him. Instinctively, he jumped. All of this happened in less than a second.

When he landed on the ground again, the other person was standing and facing him, while she had her hands in the pockets of her uniform. She was Unizard. She let out a small laugh, saying:

— Impressive, very nice.

— I thought you were a wizard, not a fighter.

— To be successful in this world, you need to be good at everything at the same time.

— Why are you two after me?

— Isn't it obvious? To get our stepsister back.

— Your stepsister…?

Who is she talking about...?

— We are the Boss' children, didn't your ass know?

— Wait, are you talking about Haji? What do you guys plan to do with her?!

She smirked at him, leaving him to guess the answer.

— If you lay a finger on her...

— How did you manage to kill Wisedroid and fake your own death?

— Don't change the topic! I don't remember and I can't stand more people asking me that!

Unizard had a serious expression on her face. A magic circle formed in front of her right eye. She seemed to be analyzing her opponent.

— You don't seem to be lying, your memories are just really jumbled. Alright, let's have some fun!

Unizard raised her right hand and conjured a small fireball. Yuto prepared to repel it upwards, but it suddenly disappeared. Sensing a distortion from behind, Yuto quickly changed his barrier to protect his back.

At the same time, Unizard charged forward to punch him in the stomach. With one threat behind and one in front, Yuto quickly crouched to dodge the fireball and used his leg to knock Unizard's leg off, pulling her back. Then he punched her stomach with all his strength upwards.

Unizard was thrown into the sky, but soon after she was already standing in front of Yuto. Giving a light laugh and smiling like a tomboy, she commented:

— That was just a warm-up. Got it? It was a ball of fire.

Unizard started laughing uncontrollably at her own joke. Yuto just stared at her with a disappointed expression. When she stopped laughing, she pointed her index finger upwards, saying:

— This is your time limit to defeat me. This comet shower won't keep falling forever, ya know?

— You know I can take you with me when they fall, right?

— Are you saying I'll die by my own magic? Go ahead, I want to see you try.

Yuto gained two valuable pieces of information from this conversation. The first was that the comet shower was caused by Unizard's magic. The second was that she had not minced her words when trying to intimidate her opponent, revealing even more than she should have. Trying to find out more, Yuto asked:

— What will happen when they fall? You know I won't die that easily.

— We will face you together.

— How?

— My brother teleports us to another dimension, created or real, whichever is more interesting.

— Wait, is this a created dimension?

— Exactly. If everything here is destroyed, he can simply create another one. And if that happens, know that we will face you with everything we have.

Yuto finally felt intimidated. He didn't know that Distortion could create dimensions whenever he wanted. Besides, if he got involved in the fight, everything would be lost. Unizard, taking the lead in the conversation, asked:

— So, are you satisfied? Shall we fight to death then?

— Go ahead.

Instantly, Unizard created a multitude of clones. Yuto focused his power on gravity detection. He tried to find the real one, but they were physically identical. Realizing that he had no way of knowing where the attack would come from, he strengthened his barrier in all directions.