One for 4ll

Red cape, black top hat, white suit, dark blue hair and black glasses with light blue eyes. No one knew why she wore something so extravagant, nor her power. Maybe she knew.

Zenith watched as Exwind desperately tried to hit her with his wind shots, smiling sadistically. She sent out similar attacks, which pierced through the wind bullets and struck him. Blood dripped from his wounds as he flew straight towards her and landed several punches and explosions.

With her arms open, she embraced the attacks, receiving little to no damage. On the other hand, he was damaged even more.

She's also reflecting my damage... Shit, I have to finish this quick.

He flew around her and fired thousands of wind bullets, while dodging hers and sending out wind punches. He blasted the sky to protect himself from her predatory eyes. He emerged from the smoke, aiming a punch at her face. Without turning around, she easily grabbed his fist and crushed it.

Writhing in pain, Exwind backed away. She appeared behind him and punched him in the back. Then, a ray of sunlight struck him from above, at a zenith angle. He was sent crashing back to the surface.

Trying not to faint, he saw Zenith falling straight towards him. He dodged her kick, which destroyed everything within a kilometer radius. The shockwave sent him flying for at least three kilometers. She, however, caught up to him in less than five seconds and landed an uppercut to his chin.

He passed out for a few seconds. When he woke up, he could see the curvature of the Earth. He was nearly sent flying into space. A line of massive explosions went off right in front of him. Zenith appeared from above and grabbed his head. Then she headbutted him so hard that part of his skull cracked. He was thrown toward the main island, which was still floating.

He slowed his fall so as not to destroy the entire island. He fell into the castle, breaking it apart until he reached an underground prison. Sunlight streamed in through the hole in the wall.

Zenith arrived soon after. She grabbed him by the collarbone and lifted him up so he was looking her in the eye. She punched him in the face several times before throwing him away, momentarily satisfied. She lit a cigar, her back to him.

— You know, I didn't need to use even half of my powers to beat you. You're level 6, aren't you? I remember seeing you in the main building.

He could barely hear her now. He was more focused on holding his blood within his body with his power and keeping his organs functioning. Smoking, she was now calmer. She turned to him.

— Where's that little girlfriend of yours? I know she's stronger. I want a good fight, not a humiliation.

The island began to shake. It was now falling faster and faster. Exwind used this distraction to fly up to the ceiling. During this time, he managed to fill the prison with his gas. In addition to the insane amount of power he had put into it, the pressure would destroy Zenith. He blew it up, destroying a large portion of the island. Debris flew in random directions, threatening to fall on other cities.

Exwind would normally hold them in place, but suddenly he took damage, a lot of damage. His adrenaline kept him awake, but he was more dead than alive. Zenith flew off the island, only slightly burned.

She heard a gunshot. Her head was shot through, but she was still awake. In a church tower, Ria shot Zenith, but also herself. It left a huge hole in her own head, which was slowly healed by Kiseki, who was next to her, still unconscious.

Zenith's senses were severely damaged. She struggled to float in the sky, which gave Ria time to almost completely heal and target her body again.

So her power is to reflect damage...

She fired her rifle a thousand times in four seconds, hitting every non-vital part of his body. Ria also had her limbs damaged, but she kept shooting as she healed. Zenith flew towards her, aiming to crush her skull. Ria took out her two revolvers and continued shooting, with Kiseki on her back, and jumped away.

She landed on the soccer field. Zenith arrived shortly after, her vision blurry. Ria quickly fired her revolvers, while dodging her slow and desperate attacks. Increasingly angry, Zenith froze her body and punched it, breaking it into small pieces, which were slowly healed by Kiseki. Then, she burned them both and sent another ray of zenithal sunlight, piercing the island and destroying it.

Her barrier reflected the sunlight in all directions, hitting Zenith and consequently Ria. She grabbed Kiseki as fast as she could and jumped to a smaller island. Zenith arrived soon after, sending thousands of wind shots and blowing up the island.

Ria jumped to another, while shooting her revolvers with fire and stone. The bullets were the source of the power, which reached a radius of a few meters. They were essentially large spheres of fire and stone. Then, she jumped again, shooting her carbine with bullets of water and air.

She kept up this cycle of dodging Zenith's wrath and firing combinations of bullets. Combining stone and fire, she shot magma bullets. Water and air, storm clouds and lightning. When there were fewer islands, she fired her speed bullets to push her own body away from her grasp, while also shooting at the level 7 to keep her away.

Angered, Zenith grabbed her and Kiseki's bodies with a fist of wind and slammed them against several islands. Then, she threw them towards the river and blew it up, releasing an atomic explosion.

Suddenly, a black aircraft struck her body from above, pushing her until she reached the remains of the main island. It held her for a few seconds, then exploded, obliterating the island. In freefall, she was hit by several buildings falling from the sky.

A wall of aircrafts appeared out of nowhere. Inside one of them, Genesis was creating and releasing the buildings towards Zenith. They began firing explosive bullets, rockets, and plasma bolts. As soon as they hit, the damage was reflected and they exploded.

Genesis's jet was damaged, so she had to eject. As she was falling, Zenith jumped towards her, wanting to strangle her. Genesis quickly made a shotgun and fired automatically, while throwing flash grenades.

Before the fight, she had been monitoring Exwind's position with the watch he gave her. She had also hidden a microphone in his shirt. She knew a big battle was coming, so she prepared her arsenal for the worst. Once the microphone was destroyed by Zenith, she accelerated her fleet to the maximum, with no time to prepare further.

Before the bullets could hit Zenith and kill Genesis, Exwind came flying and grabbed the level 7's body. He punched her hundreds of times, faster than the eye could see. With each punch, a huge explosion released a shockwave capable of dispelling the nearby clouds.

He took much more damage than Zenith, but she was starting to feel real pain. Ria fired her carbine and revolver at the same time, with all kinds of bullets. Her heart was pierced by the bullets, her head was spinning from the punches, she was feeling at a disadvantage. Genesis fired a gauss cannon towards her leg, piercing it as well.

Genesis lost her leg, but quickly replaced it with another. She continued firing the cannon, rockets, plasma bullets, normal and explosive bullets, buildings, remaining jets, which exploded when they got close enough, mustard gas, and anything else humanity had created for mass murder.

Zenith was taking dangerous levels of damage. She clearly wasn't used to feeling pain, so it left her confused and angry.

Don't underestimate me... stop... This is not fair... you're pissing me off... I'll kill you all... I'M GONNA TEAR YOUR LIMBS APART UNTIL THERE'S NOTHING LEFT!

Her body subconsciously released an explosion. Well, it started as an explosion, but it was so intense that it imploded and distorted the light, like a black hole. Exwind was hit and pulled towards her, who grabbed his neck and crushed it until Ria fired thousands of bullets.

Zenith grabbed her neck as well with her wind fist and blasted her body. Genesis was in a helicopter, with her gauss cannon. She shot Zenith in the head with a stun bullet, forcing her to let go of Ria and Kiseki. Genesis flew towards them with her propeller boots and brought them to the helicopter.

Just as she was about to fly off again to pick up Exwind, he pushed the aircraft away so fast that they left the country before they could say anything.

Exwind punched through Zenith's chest, grabbing her heart. He looked straight into her eyes, daring her to move.