
What the fuck is he doing? He's gonna die now that he has no heart... Wait, is he... no, no, no, he can't be doing this. He's not planning on taking me with him, is he?


— Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Don't worry, I've already chosen my path. That is...

He seemed soulless, with nothing to lose. He managed to save Ria, Kiseki, and Genesis, who he didn't think he would meet under these circumstances. In fact, he didn't expect to meet Zenith as well, or that he would die today. He only knew that he had chosen the right option.

— ...hell may not be a real place, but you will be the one to make this mind-blowing discovery.

Time slowed down for her. She never thought anyone would be so willing to risk everything to kill her, but it happened. For both of them, life was full of surprises. Death too.

I'm sorry it had to come to this, Ria. In less than a second, I'm going to kill more people than you ever have. I might be the only one going to hell, but... at least I went out with a bang, right?

Crying and smiling, Exwind pulled the trigger. Since they were in the sky, the nearby cities were not incinerated by the fireball. Well, some of them were, but not the big ones. It had a radius of 10 kilometers. The mushroom cloud reached into space. The shockwave destroyed distant cities and circled the Earth many times.

Exwind didn't want to involve innocents, but he let it all behind. He wouldn't be punished for causing mass genocide, would he? Ria would forgive him anyway, that was all that mattered to him. It was the best death a pyromaniac like him could have.

The planet was slightly pushed out of the sun's orbit. The climate changed, the poles experienced an increase in temperature, the magnetic field suffered, the clouds disappeared within a radius of 100 kilometers, the astronauts watched a beautiful but tragic movie.

Genesis flew back to what was left of Pareto, which was nothing. She, Ria, and Kiseki, who was now awake, observed the enormous crater. It was so big that all the humans on Earth could fit inside. Ria ordered them to search for Exwind's body, to no avail. She gave up after a few minutes, lifeless in her eyes.

At the association's HQ, Ria was shooting herself in the head with her revolver repeatedly while Kiseki healed her. Genesis was curled up in a chair, soulless.

Free falling in the sky.

Huh? Is this heaven? I've always been a goddess, I would never be sent to hell.

Zenith looked around and realized that she was in the same place where she died. The explosion was a little far away, but she could still see it.

Wait, this is reality! How am I still alive?

Zenith touched her pockets and could feel her four cards.

Wait, that's it... That's why I'm still alive! That girl, she saved me!

On a street, Zenith was walking and smoking a cigar as usual. Suddenly, someone fell from the sky right in front of her. It was a very tall girl wearing a black suit. She had messy black hair that covered both her eyes and her skin was so pale that it looked unnatural. The girl was startled and confused. She bowed as an apology.

— Say something, dumbass! I'll kill you after this, but you can extend your life for a few seconds!

The girl tried to say something, but it was unintelligible. Zenith was confused rather than angry. She thought for a second and jumped to a conclusion.

This must be a blessing from the sky!

Zenith quickly took out her power-stealing card and touched the girl's arm.

— Can't you talk? What is your power?

The girl looked away shyly, as if she didn't know the answer.

— You don't know your own power? Pathetic. Come with me.

Zenith took the girl to a fortune teller.

— If you lie to me once, I'll kill you.

— Don't worry, hero. The cards never lie.

The old woman had clairvoyant powers, so she wasn't just a thief who lied for money.

— What is this girl's power?

The fortune teller took several cards and placed them on the table. They began to levitate in their places. The one in the middle turned to Zenith. She took the card.

— "You will revive after your first death, but only for three days." What happens after the third day?

— The card only tells what happens. What doesn't happen can be deduced.

— So will I die after the time limit is up? What if I die before then? Wait a minute, let me test it.

Zenith pointed her palm at the girl's head. A laser erased everything in its path, including the wall and ceiling. The headless girl returned to normal after a few seconds, like a sudden reset.

— It really works! Now, the second death...

She punched her in the head, blowing it up. The girl didn't revive this time.

— Interesting...

In a restaurant, Yuto was talking to Unizard.

— Me? Why?

— Remember that girl who killed your sister? She's Zenith.

— You're not tricking me, right?

— You still don't trust me, huh. I guess it's fair since I tried to kill you.

— No, I mean... Is my sister really dead?

— Oh, you didn't know that. Yep, she's dead.

— I see... Thanks for telling me, Unizard. There's nothing I can do about it.

— Your sister was the strongest, right? Even she couldn't react in time. It wasn't your fault.

— I made my sister cry... If I hadn't yelled at her, she wouldn't have let her guard down.

— The Boss wanted her dead long before that. If Zenith didn't succeed, he would find another assassin.

— You may be right, but... why are you telling me all this? Do you want to use me to kill her?

— If I simply wanted her dead, I would ask Ria to finish the job. Trust me, you're the right person.

— Why?

— Like me, you are strong. Strong people deserve strong relief, am I right?

— I'm not sure if I understand... Where is she?

— In a bar, getting drunk. Besides... you shouldn't care about civilians. The fight is much better for everyone if you give it your all.

At the bar.

— Give me a drink, bartender...

— Another one? It's good for your health, you know.

— Shut your stupid mouth...! I will die again in less than three days, so I need to enjoy the rest of my life to the fullest!

— I don't quite understand, but if you say so...

Zenith wasn't wearing her cape and top hat. She decided they were unnecessary now. The bartender was a man wearing a black suit and a blindfold, for some reason.

— Hey, why do you cover your eyes? Did you lose them like me?

— Ah, well, that's a long story...

— I understand you very well...! We don't need a reason to look stylish, right? Now, tell me your name, handsome...

— I'm Haijin, madam.

— "Madam"...? Don't you know my beautiful face...? I'm Zenith, the strongest level 7!

— Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know much about the heroes here.

— So you're a foreigner? You're pretty handsome for someone who's never heard of me.

— Thanks, I guess.

— You know, I fell in love with a man years ago, but my stupid sister stole him from me!

— Well, that's sad, I guess.

— Do you know him? He has blue hair, wears glasses and a blue suit! He was perfect for me! Why did this have to happen?

— Maybe he wasn't interested in you?

— Are you saying my sister is better than me?

— Uh, no, I'm just saying...

— Ahaha, I get it, Haijin! You're just jealous, right? You're saying that because my only other option is you!

— Uhh...

— You're lucky, because I'm still single!

While they were talking, a girl walked into the bar. Haijin took the chance to change the subject.

— Oh! Welcome, girl...?

— What? I may be a kid, but I can still drink alcohol.

— I don't think that's how it works...

Zenith turned her head to see the girl who interrupted her conversation. Messy mint green hair, short...

I have seen her somewhere before... Who is she again? I can't quite remember...

— Hey, kid. Don't step where you're not called.

Zenith touched the child as a way to get her attention. She began to tremble.

— Don't touch me!

— What the FUCK?!

Just as Zenith was about to slap the child, someone snuck up behind her and reached into one of her pockets. They took out one of her cards. She stopped the slap and turned around to see the thief's face. Immediately, she was pushed away so quickly that she couldn't even see anything. She broke through the window wall behind her and fell off the skyscraper they were in.