6od vs 2hadow

Unizard took the chance and increased her punch to a god-like strength. She hit Slade square in the heart.

A linear trail was left behind. She was sent at least three hundred kilometers away. Before she could get up, a meteor shower hit her at supersonic speed. Unizard teleported herself and Yuto nearby. She began casting a spell:

— The ground shall shamble at the warrior's will.

Her usual magic was very strong, but it cost mana and generated magical residue as a byproduct, which accumulated inside her body. Once it was full, it could nullify her own power, causing damage to her. The purpose of the spell was to reduce both, while increasing the intensity of the magic.

The ground began to shake, before rising up on a massive scale. A pillar the size of a mountain sent Slade flying into the sky. She quickly destroyed it with millions of slashes. Another massive pillar struck her horizontally, sending her flying dozens of kilometers away.

Unizard was essentially controlling the shape of the forest's ground. Another pillar hit Slade, but from above. She was launched towards the ground with so much force that her body pierced it, stopping in a cave. The walls started closing in.

Slade didn't have a reason to heal Unizard or let her live. She was about to get serious. How dare someone interrupt her precious date? Unforgivable, unforgivable...

Pissed off, she threw slashes to every direction. Even though they were slim, the whole scenery was half of what it was before. Or even less. Many of them hit Unizard. Slade jumped so high that she was behind her again.

— How predictable, sweetie.

Unizard had flaming wings on her back. They grabbed Slade's body and began to crush it. Before she could attack, the wings opened and threw her away with a beam of fire. She flew a hundred kilometers.

While she was falling, she threw many other slashes. Since her body was melting and struggling to heal, she was distracted. A supreme gravity hit her, sending her body to the ground with immense strength.

Unizard shot an ice arrow. Knowing that it would split into several projectiles, Slade quickly grabbed it, having her hand frozen. Unizard raised her hand, summoning and shooting a huge spike of lava. It devastated the horizon, causing a hellish apocalypse.

Slade barely managed to dodge it. Behind the wizard, she managed to slice her body in two. Unizard's body turned into clouds of smoke and reappeared nearby, being cut repeatedly.

— You can't heal infinitely, right, witch?

Her mana could end soon, so she had to use a backup plan. A cold wind started forming everywhere. Slade quickly swung her katanas horizontally, destroying every tree in the way and sending the wind away.

Unizard was hit, but she healed herself instead of reappearing. She pointed her palm towards Slade's heart. Her body was pulled towards it. She began to freeze her body. Slade took her black katana and pierced Unizard's arm vertically. The black liquid spread quickly, so she had to cut her own arm again.

Unleashed, Slade swung her red katana towards Unizard's head, but it was sent downwards with immense force. Another supreme gravity, aimed only at her weapons. Unizard seized the chance and summoned a massive lightning.

It incinerated everything within a 50 kilometer radius. Slade was stunned for a few seconds, being hit by several punches from Yuto and Unizard. She grabbed his sword by the blade and hit Unizard with the hilt, like a baseball bat.

She was sent to the sky. Before Yuto could react, Slade jumped towards Unizard, sending multiple slashes in the way. She snapped her fingers, redirecting the slashes again. They cut through Slade, but she healed herself quickly, grabbing the swords mid-air.

As Slade fell, she threw her black katana towards Unizard, who created a shield of ice to block it. The sword passed through effortlessly and struck her eye. Yuto kicked Slade down and threw a punch after she fell, but she dodged it. As the black liquid spread inside Unizard's head, she grabbed the sword to pull it out.

Unizard's body was cut into a million pieces, dropping the sword. She gave up on healing herself, so she just made a new body again. Slade jumped to catch the black katana, but Yuto was quicker. Desperate, she sliced his right arm with her red one and catched it.

— I'm sorry, Yu-chan, I couldn't control myself! I promise I'll heal you-

Unizard touched her stomach, sending her away with an electric bolt. She tried to punch Slade while she was falling, but her arm was sliced away. Her body turned into cloud smokes and disappeared.

While in the air, Yuto used a supreme gravity to the ground. Then, another upwards. He kept shaking her body up and down to disorient her. Suddenly, she stopped in the air. Unizard hit her with a kick. Then, another. Slade threw a 360° red slash to hit her, but there were many clones of her. All of them turned into clouds of smoke.

A clone landed a punch on her face. Then another kicked her stomach. She was getting increasingly annoyed by that trick. She threw another omnidirectional red slash, but every clone disappeared this time. 

A fire arrow came from behind. It started growing larger rapidly. It incinerated everything within a two-mountain radius. The heat formed a huge cloud that flew to the sky. A huge lightning strike hit Slade directly, making the whole ground shake and leaving a gigantic electric field.

She couldn't move, since that lightning was much more concentrated than the others. The electric current was so strong that every living being that touched it would be stunned for at least a few seconds.

Unizard summoned a giant hand of lava and punched Slade away hundreds of kilometers. She teleported herself and Yuto to where the demon was. She was incandescent and panting heavily again. Hunchbacked, she turned her head in a frightening way.

Yuto, stop fucking around, we don't have much time. Well, I don't have much time left.

Do you really think I'm not trying?

She is no longer your friend. You need to build the resolve to set her free.

Slade started walking towards them, but suddenly stopped, coughing up black blood. She used her swords to keep herself upright.

There has to be another way!

Someone grabbed the two of them from behind. With Yuto, it was a gentle touch. But with Unizard, she kept squeezing his arms, almost breaking them. A giant black curtain began to appear on the horizon. They finally realized that they were in a large city.

Damn it, she lured us here... Yuto, there is no way, you need to understand that!

Unizard looked behind to see who was holding her arms. It was a clone of Slade, but without the swords.

— Heh, is this all you have? If you can't clone your weapons, they are an easy target!

Unizard jumped back and used her greater mass to smash the clone into the asphalt. Another one jumped at her, aiming for her head. She quickly avoided it, rolling to the side. Another one was about to kick her.

She grabbed its foot and pulled to rip its leg from its body. It was harder than she expected. Her head was kicked off, sending her flying into a nearby building.

Unizard jumped from the wall of the building towards a nearby clone. It began to multiply rapidly. She landed on the asphalt and swung her own leg on the ground, sending a flaming wind in all directions. Each clone turned into black liquid and returned again.

— Tch, you're not that special.

Unizard summoned dozens of clones as well. The clone wars began. She jumped and commanded every clone to avoid her attack. She landed a punch on the ground, sending every black liquid clone away. They healed quickly.

Unizard then used her ground-altering magic, raising pillars of asphalt and smashing every clone into liquid again. She then teleported all the liquid she could find to one spot. Then, she summoned a portal, just like her brother.

She threw a small black hole that grew slowly with the distance. The object went through the portal and teleported below the liquid, erasing it completely.

Now you can't regenerate anymore.

The black hole went into the sky. She remembered the black curtain covering the city.

 Fuck, the clones were just stalling for time...

Yuto used his power to send the clone holding him away. Another appeared from the ground, like it was swimming on the asphalt. It took his leg gently. He smashed everything nearby with a supreme gravity and went straigth to the original.

She sank into the ground. He missed his punch, but destroyed that part of the street. He looked up and noticed the black curtain closing slowly. He also realized that a building cast a shadow where he was.