Everlastin6 2car

So she can move through shadows...

Slade jumped through one of the building's windows and grabbed Yuto's head. She landed a kick on his back while in the air. He was launched away, hitting the black curtain on the other side of the city.

Yuto, the curtain, we're inside her domain!

Can't you teleport us out?

I could, but it'd cost a lot more because it of its karmic value.

So we'll just have to break through.

Once the curtain was closed, Unizard summoned an orange cloud above the dome. Lava rain began to fall. She also created energy walls on the sides to store it on top of the dome. Slade felt the temperature of her body increasing.

She knew Unizard was behind that, so she sent a red slash where she was. It sliced every building in the way, but she managed to avoid it by jumping.

She's right behind me, isn't she?

While in the air, she casted a powerful sunbeam. The beam pierced through the ceiling of the dome easily. Slade was emerging from the shadows, when she was hit by it.

— How does that feel, huh? That's why you can't defeat Hakkiri! The shadow's arch enemy is light!

A red slash cut across Unizard's body once more. The sunbeam stopped falling. The hole in the ceiling began to slowly heal. Slade knelt down, even more injured than before. She had a look of pure hatred in her eyes.

Unizard smiled, knowing that she had managed to anger her enemy. Before she could realize it, her heart was pierced by the red katana. She tried to grab it to freeze it, but Slade quickly pulled out the blade and cut her body in two.

Unizard reappeared behind her, but Slade predicted it and threw a red slash without even turning around. Unizard reappeared again, but now above her, about to shoot an ice arrow. Slade was faster and threw a black slash, destroying the projectile and slicing her body again.

She reappeared on the ground again, a little tired.

Yuto, just smash the dome already!

I'm trying, but it seems harder from the outside!

Then smash it from the inside...

Wait... that makes sense!

Slade went so fast for the kill that Unizard couldn't predict it. Sliced again. Then again. Now, beheaded. Heart pierced with black liquid. Then, a kick sent her to the dome's wall. Slade came out of the black wall and grabbed her arms, ripping them off.

She started to fall, but Slade came out of the wall again and grabbed her body, both being thrown towards a building, piercing it and falling into a square. Unizard stopped to heal faster and see where her opponent was. A black slash was thrown, but she jumped.

It didn't stop and destroyed every building in the way. The black liquid started spreading where it hit. A building was thrown in her direction. She stopped it with a magic shield, but some of the liquid spilled behind her. Slade reappeared there and pierced her heart again.

Angry, she catched the blade of the sword, knowing the black liquid would consume her, and made a pair of ice wings, grabbing Slade's body and pressing it. She started to freeze, but she used her red katana to cut the wings and kicked Unizard's body upwards.

She had to give up on healing that body and made a new one on the ground. Slade cut her once more. Then again. Now, the ground was thrown into the sky. Several islands were thrown towards Unizard. She managed to destroy them with small black holes.

Slade came flying from the domes walls and landed small hits on her body. First, her hand came off. Then, her leg. Now, her arm. All that with the black katana to poison her.

I can only heal one more time...

The dome finally broke, releasing the lava. It stunned Slade for a second, since it damaged her body as well. She was still flying due to the momentum. Unizard reappeared behind her and kicked her upwards. Her body pierced the lava.

To avoid destroying even more the city, Unizard made all the lava turn into a giant lava sword. It swung towards Slade and cut her body. She healed quickly and threw slashes everywhere, trying to hit Unizard, who used portals to reflect the attacks.

She couldn't use portals as often as her brother, since it cost her a lot of mana. Even so, it was a perfect mix of defense and offense. The slashes collided with the ones Slade was throwing. The lava rain was still falling, so it hit her a few times.

Yuto, send her somewhere empty.

What is your plan?

I will use it all at once.

Got it. Just be careful, okay?

Careful? We don't have that luxury.

Yuto used his power to throw Slade a few hundred kilometers away once more. Unizard teleported the two of them. Yuto on the ground, she levitated in the sky. Unizard began to cast a spell:

— Storms are a punishment for mortals, so let the wasteland take place!

A huge storm covered the horizon. Lightning, acid rain, and strong winds began to destroy the forest. Fireballs, meteors, small black holes, and ice spears fell everywhere. Yuto already knew that he shouldn't interfere. At least not when it wouldn't help.

Slade finally got up and saw everything falling apart. She was still damaged, but that view pumped her adrenaline again. She was smiling, even though she was annoyed a few minutes ago. Now, it was her time to end that battle.

She started running among the trees, jumping from every ground that turned into an island. While she avoided the projectiles, she threw millions of red and black slashes towards Unizard. She snapped her fingers and redirected them.

She jumped do dodge them, but also to reach Unizard. Slade's face was slapped with a god-like strength. Her body was launched a few dozen kilometers away, destroying everything in her path.

She quickly got up and dodged a black hole that nearly hit her. She grabbed an ice spear and hurled it towards Unizard, who destroyed it with a fire shield. She grabbed the large islands and threw them towards the mage, who reflected them with huge portals.

Another millions slashes. Since they were too fast, Yuto pushed her from the way. Slade jumped towards her once again while attacking in the way. Unizard teleported behind her. Since Slade had reaction times of miliseconds, Yuto increased the wizard's speed with his power.

She landed a punch that went straight through her heart. A side kick, cutting through her body. Slade swung his red katana, which Unizard caught with her bare hand and threw away, sending her opponent flying. Even though her hand was damaged, she managed to surprise her.

A clone grabbed the sword in midair and rushed towards the original. Yuto increased the speed of a meteor, which hit Slade's body mid-air. He also mixed the acid rain and launched it towards her. It damaged her body enough that she couldn't destroy the huge rock.

The impact left a gigantic crater in the forest, igniting everything. Slade finally sliced everything around and escaped. A supreme gravity caught her off guard. Then, another upwards. She was in line of fire of Unizard.

She used a solar beam horizontally, disintegrating her body for a second. Then, another sunbeam from above. She couldn't move for a few seconds, so Unizard used her rainbow bow to shoot an ice and a fire arrow simultaneously.

The fire wiped out everything in its path except for the two katanas, though they were damaged. The giant cloud caused a powerful bolt of lightning to strike her body as she regenerated, leaving an electric field on the ground.

The ice arrow broke apart and bombarded everything, freezing the forest. Unizard released a tsunami, in addition to all the acid rain. Slade was hit, but sliced it down immediately. A volcano appeared below her, spewing lava into the sky.

Finally, giant pillars emerged from the ground, launching Slade away multiple times. Everytime a new pillar touched her, she just sliced everything. They became faster and bigger, almost impossible to dodge or destroy.

She started running in their walls, jumping from one to another. When she was closing the distance between her and Unizard, another hit her. This time it was so big that it could be mistaken for a small tectonic plate.

Unizard stood at the center of it, protected by a shield that nullified her own magic. Slade cut her way through it, but it kept going in the opposite direction, like a super-powered treadmill. She then cut through everything vertically to fall to the ground.

As the immense pillar was blocking the sky, the acid rain and storm stopped for her. She began to shoot tens of millions of black and red slashes everywhere to eventually hit her opponent.