Android vs 2ombie

— I know that, dummy. Now, I can't leave any liquid in my body.

He cut his members off with his hand, leaving a margin of error. Since the 7-Up would heal the extra injury eventually, it was non-fatal. Genesis gasped, surprised by the courage he had to do that so casually. He put the robotic ones on place and they adjusted to his anatomy. He swung his arms, showing it worked perfectly.

— You're a genius, Genesis!

— I-It's not that impressive, but thank you! Do you think we should take that sword?

Genesis pointed to the red katana lying on the ground. It was dropped when Yuto dodged the jet.

— We may need it later. I'll take it with me.

He crouched down to pick it up again. Simultaneously, a black horizontal slash came destroying everything. As Genesis could see it, she prepared the thrusters on her hands and feet and began flying upwards.

— Looks like I annoyed her. I'll go ahead, Yuto!

The cut infected the forest and everything it touched with black liquid. Genesis came from below in another triangular supersonic jet. She said into her headset:

— Yuto, she won't leave me alone until I'm dead, so let me give her a taste of my new firepower. You need to rest for now.

— What? No, I'm not done yet...

He tried to fly with his power, but it hurt his head. He could still do it, but he decided to follow her advice and lay down for a moment.

Several black slashes shot towards the jet, missing it by mere inches. Genesis accelerated even more and surpassed its supposed top speed. Slade jumped to catch up to it, but another one hit her in the back. She climbed on top of it and cut it into a million pieces, exploding it.

As she was falling, she saw a barrage of hundreds of similar jets flying in the sky. Some were identical, others were fully focused on firepower. They began firing their armor-piercing bullets and rockets nonstop. Even though she was still healing from all the damage she had taken, Slade smiled at having another formidable opponent.

She was hit by the bullets and rockets and increased her healing speed to launch a giant black horizontal slash towards the jets, destroying many of them instantly. It pierced some of them, causing the liquid to splash onto other ships. Clones appeared on top of them and began scratching at the hull.

Some of them exploded or had their propellers destroyed by the damage and fell to the ground. Others were still functional, so the clones forced their way into them. Upon entering, the aircraft exploded instantly, so they would never know how they worked inside.

A different jet was far above anyone else. It rained literal fire, incinerating the forest that was still remaining. It hit the original Slade, who was jumping from jet to jet to destroy all of them. She took enough damage to be paralyzed for some seconds.

I feel sorry for the wildlife, but we need to end this as soon as possible. Otherwise, she will end up killing billions. Besides, I can do something to fix all this someday.

Genesis was piloting the jet that rained fire. Right after that, she opened the gate below it, releasing an atomic bomb.

I'll regret this later, but this is a future me problem.

— Yuto, get out of here, now! This area will be full of radiation soon!

— What?!

— Also, go to the ocean, please! The damage will be much less there.

— Don't worry about me, go for it!

It was not a Tsar bomba, but it was still really powerful. It was almost as strong as a Little Boy. It hit Slade mid-air, pushing her body towards a river. Atomic bombs usually exploded far from the ground, but the intention was to cause as much damage as possible to that monster. 

As she was drowning, Slade finished healing her body and instantly threw her black katana up with as much strength as she could. It landed on Genesis's jet, destroying some of its functions. The bomb exploded and destroyed everything for kilometers, spreading radiation everywhere. The ground shook with the impact, leveling the landscape.

As the black liquid began to spread across the bottom of the jet, Genesis prepared to fight. Slade appeared where the liquid was and forced her way into it. A hole was made in the floor. She walked towards the android and swung her sword towards her. Genesis made a flashbang and put it in the katana's way. She arched her back to avoid the attack, but the grenade was cut in two, exploding instantly.

The entire room was as bright as the sun for a few seconds. Genesis closed her eyes before doing so, lessening the blindness. She knew that one of her opponent's weaknesses was light, since her power was Shadow. She kicked her away and created two assault rifles, showering her with bullets. When they ran out of ammo, she threw them away and made a shotgun. She aimed it at her head and fired, blowing it up.

Even headless, Slade grabbed Genesis's right arm and cut it off with her katana. The liquid started spreading across her body, like an infection. The android ran towards the hole in the floor and jumped into it. While free falling, she made a chainsaw and used her left hand to swing it towards her neck. She decapitated herself, leaving the infected body behind.

The jet exploded, stunning Slade once again. Genesis created body parts while in the air and make them fly towards her head. Once she was healed, another jet catched her. A triangular one like the others, to blend in.

That was a close call... I can't revive myself, but if a part of my body is still alive, I can always heal it with replacement parts.

While Slade was falling, another jet hit her, slicing her body in two, because of its pointed and sharp shape. She healed herself and started spinning vertically, making a horizontal tornado. The remaining jets were pulled towards the center of it. Genesis' was also affected, so she took advantage of it and showered her with bullets, fire, rockets and now lasers. They were pulled towards her body like a magnet.

She stopped spinning to heal herself and throw a 360° horizontal slash, destroying some of the jets, while others avoided it. She then used a vertical one, exploding more and spreading liquid. She started attacking so fast that it looked like a sphere of slashes. However, they didn't have much range, so Genesis made her "troops" retreat.

When she was tired of shooting slashes everywhere, she finally fell to the ground. Genesis opened the gate once more and dropped another atomic bomb. It had no radiation and was cryogenic. Slade panicked for a moment and aimed her sword downwards. She threw it like a spear with such force that it was buried kilometers into the ground.

The bomb exploded in midair, freezing everything, including her body. Somehow, she managed to crawl out of the hole where the sword was mostly intact. She jumped towards the nearest jet. Genesis wanted her to do this, since she needed to lure her out of that wasteland to somewhere where the damage wouldn't be as impactful. She smiled, noticing another weakness:

She's protecting the sword like it's her life. It probably is.

— Yuto, I think the sword really is the key to kill her. You still have it, right?

— Of course! What do you mean?

— I think her body is a mere representation of her true self. You need to damage the sword if you want to hurt her.

— Really?! So that's why her head was taking more time to heal when I released her slash! I didn't notice it, but it probably damaged her sword enough!

— So that confirms my hypothesis... still, the sword's as durable as it seems... Yuto, I have a plan. Please promise me you will comply without any questions.

— Uh? When you say it like that, I do have many questions!

— Actually, forget that for now. Let's make it a plan B if everything goes wrong.

— What's it? I'm really curious now!

— For now, try to cause as much damage as possibe to the sword you have. Also, hide yourself where Slade would never find you.

— Hm, I guess I can do that. I don't understand your intentions, but don't try anything stupid!

Yuto tried bending it, breaking it, crushing it with his power, etc. All of them did little damage, and it healed a few seconds later. Supreme gravity was the only option that would cause noticeable damage to it. Since he was still tired and flying everywhere to keep an eye on the battle, he couldn't do it too often. The damage was only slightly faster than the healing rate.