Old man vs Mutant ant

The jet Slade climbed on top of was far from the others. However, she jumped so hard that the flying triangle was sent crashing towards the ground, causing a massive explosion. She easily reached the closest one and began to destroy it with her katana. The others opened fire on her.

She threw thousands of slashes, destroying an entire horizon of jets. Genesis was impressed, even though she expected her opponent to be strong. There was a huge supply of new aircrafts flying to the scene, making it seemingly endless. Genesis, however, knew it would end eventually.

Damn it, she'll keep doing this until there's nothing left...

The liquid on top of the jets turned into countless clones, which destroyed them with their hands and feet. They were jumping from one to the other, like in a parkour game. The original was doing most of the work, as she was also shooting slashes everywhere.

Fire rained down on them, killing most instantly. Some aircraft fired mustard gas over a large area, stunning them. The original quickly dispelled it with a much stronger slash, which destroyed all the clouds in its path and produced a powerful wind that threw many of the jets off balance.

Several machine guns fired, showering the clones and the original with bullets. Rockets collided with the jets they were on top of, making the explosions much bigger. Suddenly, a car hit Slade, pushing her a few hundreds meters away. 

She was confused for a moment, but she climbed on top of it and jumped again towards the jets. She got smashed down mid-air for some reason. Genesis smiled, seeing that her plan worked.

— Good job, Yuto! Keep smashing her sword with your power!

— Yeah... if we keep going like this, we'll win...

— You sound pretty tired... get some rest, okay? I'll distract her for a few minutes.

— And risk the only chance we got? Sorry, Genesis, but I'm not leaving you behind.

Slade was buried a few meters underground. When she came up, she noticed something strange: she was now on a beach, for some reason. She then realized that Genesis was luring her towards the ocean to minimize damage and put her at a disadvantage, since she could not fly conventionally.

Suddenly, a building fell from the sky and smashed her. She destroyed it, confused again.

What is happening? This must be her power...

Slade smiled, knowing she could end the battle whenever she wanted. She ran towards the ocean. She could walk on water easily, as long as she didn't stop. She launched millions of slashes towards the jets, destroying most of them. More reinforcements came, firing at her.

Meanwhile, Genesis was building buildings and throwing them from the sky. Some hit Slade, others sank into the ocean, creating huge waves. They disturbed her balance, as she had to control her speed to avoid sinking.

If she wanted to reach the jets, she would have to jump from land, since the water would lessen the impact. She noticed a small island from afar. It was not where the aircrafts were heading, but it was her only choice.

She reached out and jumped, destroying the island instantly. She planted her sword on the wing of a jet, causing it to lose its balance. It began to fall, but not only that. As a defense mechanism, it also began to spin uncontrollably.

Slade had to grab the edge of the wing to keep from falling. She took advantage of all the movement and released it, launching herself towards the nearest jet. She pierced it and landed on another, grabbing its wing and throwing them towards the others, blowing everything up.

A house fell towards her and she cut it in two. A cryogenic bomb hit her from the side, where she wasn't looking. She quickly picked it up and threw it towards the jets. It exploded, freezing most of them. There were fewer reinforcements now. Another atomic bomb hit her. When she put her hand on it to throw it back, a rain of fire hit her.

She launched her sword as quickly as possible towards the farthest jet, since it was probably where Genesis was. The bomb exploded, releasing a strong shockwave. It was much more powerful than the Little Boy, almost like a Fat Man.

It created huge waves on the ocean, like an omnidirectional tsunami. The sword penetrated the jet and entered the cockpit. She materialized herself there and saw no one. It exploded from below, sending her into the sky.

Additionally, she was smashed down by Yuto's power. Another jet came from below, hitting her body with the tip of the triangle. Since they were going to opposite directions, it sliced her body in two. The black blood splashed into the jet, making it easy for her to materialize again. Genesis was the pilot.

— Thank you for calling me yesterday, Yuto. That was the last time we were together.

— We can still get Haji back! We just need to defeat Kataki before...

— I'll have to use plan B, Yuto. My supplies are running out, so it's my only choice.

— What are you talking about? This is not over yet, I can still fight!

— You can't even tell where we are, right?

— H-How do you know my condition?

— I've been monitoring you the whole time, remember? I know your vision won't heal for at least a few hours. Besides, you can't hurt her enough.

— Are you saying I'm weak? I'll release everything I have, okay?

— And risk dying from your own power? Slade won't kill you, it's just suicide.

Genesis turned and saw Slade slowly regenerating inside the cockpit. The android stood up and looked at her.

— Yuto, I was happy when you let me sleep at your house, and took care of me after I left that convenience store. I was very, very happy, and I still am.

— Why are you mentioning this now? I'm on a small island nearby, you can probably see it from there. Just come here and we can plan something, okay?

— This is the best chance I have, Yuto. I'm sorry, but I have no other choice.

— What exactly is this plan B? It better not be something ridiculous!

— Do you know what I've been thinking about you all this time, Yuto?

— Hey, don't change the topic... just come here, please...

— I love you, Yuto. I really, really love you.

Instantly after hearing that word, Slade pierced Genesis's heart with her sword. The black liquid began to slowly spread, to prolong her pain.

— You... you love me...?

Yuto fell to his knees in the sand.

— It was fun while it lasted, Yuto. Goodbye.

— Hey, what are you talking about...? Genesis, answer me, please... don't leave me alone...

The transmission ended. They were now so high in the sky that the curvature of the Earth was visible. Slade stared into her eyes, judging her soul.

— Where is Yu-chan?

— A powerful old man once fought an even more powerful mutant ant. He gave it his all, but-

Slade tore her body apart from the inside, swinging his sword downwards to inflict more pain. Genesis grunted in pain, but also created a flashbang in her hand. She pulled the pin and closed her eyes. Startled, Slade closed her eyes too. It was a false alarm. Genesis opened her eyes again and placed the grenade in Slade's mouth. It exploded, temporarily destroying the inside of her head.

Genesis supported herself on the jet's terminal with her hands and pushed Slade's body away with her legs. The sword came out and caused unbearable pain again. She threw a frag grenade towards her head, blowing it up from a safe distance. Slade's healing was impaired for some seconds, so she threw now a fire grenade, burning her body just enough to keep her stationary. Her head was almost intact once again.

— ...even with his supernatural powers, he couldn't damage the ant. He had to resort to the worst of humanity... Do you understand it now, Slade?

— I won't ask again. Where. Is. Yu-chan?

— I am the old man. You are the mutant ant.

Genesis smiled devilishly and spread her arms, looking at Slade. The first time she felt true fear was when Yuto's sister beat her. Now it was the second time. She widened her eyes, trying to think of what to do. The wound on Genesis's body ignited.

Suddenly, the temperature in the area rose to twice that of the Sun's core. Everything within a radius of more than 50 kilometers was instantly incinerated. The strongest part of the shock wave hit about 400 kilometers away. It was a Tsar Bomba, personally modified by Genesis. The mushroom cloud could be easily seen from space, since they were close to it.

Even though the epicenter was so far from the ocean, it was instantly vaporized. Far from the fireball, tsunamis were created that were kilometers high.