
Like a whip, Akari's lightning had the ability to latch onto an object and swing it through the air.

— You can't be serious...

— I am dead serious, Yuto.

Akari had a crazy look on his face.

— It will reach Earth eventually, and there's nothing humanity can do.

He pointed his palm upward and pulled his finger back, as if inviting the moon to come.

— This is my last power... I won't try to convince anyone this time... I know no one would understand me anyway...

Akari died.

— What...? This can't be real...

The moon was approaching the Earth at an alarming speed.

At a dojo. 

— Hayate-chan! Look what I got, a mint chocolate milkshake! Do you want some?

— M-Master, I'm afraid this is not the time for that...

— Why the long face?

— Master, please look at the sky.

— Whoa! The moon is bigger!

— Actually, it's approaching Earth as we speak. Should we do that?

— Not yet.

— B-But what if it collides before we use your power?

— If he fails, I'll use my power on you. Just make sure you're here when that happens, okay?

— Understood, Gojirou-sama.

Revon, the level 6 ninja disappeared in the shadows to find Yuto and Hakkiri, since they have been basically teleporting here and there during the fight. She was in a dojo talking with her master, Gojirou Kaname, the strongest ninja in the world. Considering his power, he was technically one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

He had pink hair and covered his face with a monitor mask, which simulated his eyes and mouth with a pink light. He was energetic and playful, even when the moon was about to hit his planet. Kohashi Hayate, also known as Revon, was one of his students. The dojo was not affected much by the fight, for some unknown reason.

Yuto raised his hands towards the moon and used his power. Since it was still too far away, his power took around a minute to reach there, even with its maximum speed. Unizard was also trying to repel it with the mana she had, without exceeding her limits. Yuto, however, was forcing his body too much.

Mifuyu, the scientist, Ria, and all the heroes who didn't die and could help were using all their efforts to return the Moon to its original position. It was impossible to use force alone, since the inertia would make it fly away from its orbit and collide with other planets eventually, or become its natural satellite. Even that was out of the question, since there were no heroes capable of doing that. At least, not known ones.

Gojirou was one of the exceptions, even though his power wasn't related to super strength like Kanata. He could actually kill himself with it. The difference between Yuto and him was that his power didn't have any restrictions on its use, but the damage he would suffer was the same. It was like crippling your own body to win a competition.

Those who remained in Tokyo were trying everything they had: missiles, bullets, railguns, anything that could be strong enough to at least minimize the impact. Nothing worked. The Moon was approaching at 1% the speed of light and would arrive in less than two minutes. The surface's gravity was already being affected.

Earth was being slightly pulled towards it. The oceans, buildings, clouds, everything was changing drastically. When it was close enough, Yuto used all his power to push the moon away. He forced himself so much that he lost his other eye's vision. Additionally, his power ceased to function as a heart, causing him to slowly lose consciousness.

The moon had slowed down a bit, but Earth's gravity was still pulling on it, speeding it up again. For some unknown reason, it suddenly changed direction, messing up everything on the planet again. It was now heading in the opposite direction, heading back to where it came from.

Ho... that's why we have to wait. Unknown pieces may act before us.

But the damage was already done. The surface was devastated, millions died, including Yuto. Since he was in the middle of nowhere, no one came to save him. What made the moon return was not his power. He died for nothing.

In a warehouse by the sea, two female voices could be heard.

— Yanagi! You won't be able to move your body for days now!

— It's not the time yet, Mihara... I won't let anyone else steal my prey...

At the dojo again.

— Wah... remember this, Hayate-chan.

— I'm ready, master.

— Close your eyes and concentrate. Don't change anything unnecessary.

— Understood, Gojirou-sama.

He smiled as he counted down on his fingers.

— 3, 2, 1...

A black hole billions of times bigger than Earth replaced the planet. Its center was on Hayate's brain. Everyone on that timeline died instantly, including Revon. Her mind, however, travelled back in time.

She saw the event horizon, where everything happened. She couldn't move or do anything. There was an infinite amount of information overloading her brain. There were things humanity could never even dream of knowing. She was seeing everything and nothing at the same time.

She returned only a few minutes, when she was already at the dojo. Her master wasn't there, but she knew he was at the ice cream shop.

Master, please...

Suddenly, she teleported in front of him.

— Did I use it again?

— Yes... please replace it this time...

— When?

— You'll see it...

— Interesting...

At that place.

— This is my last power... I won't try to convince anyone this time... I know no one would understand me anyway...

Akari died.

— What...? This can't be real...

The moon was approaching Earth at an alarming rate. Or at least it was, because it suddenly returned to its original position, before Slade's fight. The X was still visible. Earth still suffered minor damage from the sudden change in gravity.

On the plane, Haji was bleeding heavily. Even though Kiseki was just a few meters away from her, the boss did not give her permission to heal.

— See? You're using your body to suffer his damage.

— I... I don't understand... what's happening...

He shot her in the thigh, increasing her pain.

— Did I give you permission to talk? Don't worry, daughter, I won't let you die.

Disruptor was leaving the cannon control room, as it was the perfect time for her to escape the station. The lights went out completely for a few seconds, before a red emergency light came on. When she opened the last door to exit the room, there was someone waiting for her at the end of the hallway. She positioned herself to fight.

Who is she? How did someone know I was here?

She was a girl, about the same age as Disruptor. She had short, spiky blonde hair. Her eyes were green, though they were dead as a corpse. There were dark circles under her eyes. Her skin was pale. She wore the same astronaut suit as her and everyone else.

Disruptor controlled the machine guns on the ceiling to shoot at her head. Out of nowhere, a black sphere appeared in front of her and blocked all the bullets. It distorted the red light around it, like a black hole. The girl kicked it, sending it towards the guns and destroying them. The sphere fell towards Disruptor, who dodged it by rolling backwards.

She tried to close the metal doors between her and the girl, but nothing happened.

Huh?! Did they stop working? The emergency power should still be on-

The girl punched the black sphere, throwing it towards Disruptor. Because the corridor was narrow and she was distracted, it hit her perfectly. As the doors were still open, she was pushed towards the control room's terminal along with the sphere, which kept her trapped against the terminal.

The lights came back to normal. She tried to push it away and destroy it, but nothing worked. The girl slowly approached her, until she was in the same room. She punched and kicked the sphere multiple times, breaking Disruptor's ribs one by one.

I can't use my power... it must be this sphere's thing...

She noticed someone behind the girl. The mysterious man was wearing a futuristic mask that covered his entire face. He had short, gray hair and wore a black suit and hat. He placed his gloved hand on the girl's shoulder.

— That's enough, Kanojo.

The girl reluctantly stopped punching the sphere, but not because she wanted to continue. She was trying to stop her body from moving altogether. Noticing the distraction, Disruptor picked up a shard of glass from the terminal and threw it at the man. He dodged it by simply moving his head.

— See? She's smart enough to take any chances to kill us. Be a good girl and finish her.

The sphere disappeared without a trace. The girl grabbed the hacker's neck and lifted her up.