The Boss

Disruptor tried everything to make the girl let go. Biting, scratching her arm, kicking her stomach and anything else she could think of.

She's too strong even without the sphere! Who is this, a level 7?

The girl was crying. Her empty and soulless eyes were suffering. She clearly didn't want to do that. However, she sliced Disruptor's neck with her hand, killing her.

Yuto laid down on the flowers, tired.

What happened? The moon is still... I didn't even do anything. Well, I guess it's over... I'm tired... I'll rest here for a bit...

He closed his eyes to sleep. His concentration was good enough to keep his power working while he was unconscious, so he wouldn't die so easily. As he was falling asleep, a loud sound woke him up. He saw Ria shooting Akari's corpse multiple times, probably to make sure he was dead.

Yuto didn't have a reason to intervene, so he just watched in silence. She stopped after a few minutes, then walked up to Yuto and slapped him across the face with unnecessary force.

— What the hell, Ria?!

— Why are you resting already? The Boss is still alive.

— Can't you see I'm dying? Just let me rest... I'll pick up the pace, I promise.

— Do you seriosly believe he's just gonna wait in place until you wake up?

— What, do you even know where he is right now?

She held out her hand to help him up. He took it with a bit of hesitation, smiling after realizing he wasn't alone yet. She pointed her finger in a seemingly random direction.

— Look over there.

As Yuto turned around to see what she was talking about, Ria pointed her revolver towards the back of his head and shot. A speed bullet pushed his body in the direction she pointed. He reached there in no time, with her coming right after him. They were on the top of Mount Takao, Tokyo's Mountain. They could see almost the entire city from up there. Ria pointed her finger again at a flying object.

— See that plane? For some strange reason, it never lands. It has an infinite amount of fuel. Probably, someone refills it while on air.

— You're saying there's someone important there?

— Just a hunch.

— It seems too obvious to be the case.

Ria thought for a moment. Impatiently, she punched him in the back for some reason.

— Ouch! Why did you do that?!

— Do you happen to have a better idea?

— Well, I may have.

He pointed upwards.

— The real reason Hakkiri died is because of the orbital cannon Disruptor activated.

— Disruptor, that hacker girl?

— Yeah, is there a problem?

— I never thought she would go that far...

— Oh, so you knew she was up to something?

— Maybe. She's stupid, just as I thought.

— She just saved the world. How about showing a little gratitude for once?

— The Boss was aiming to take down the level 7s. Even if she was not there, little would change.

— And risk his chances of killing me? Why wouldn't he take me down before the others? I'm the only one who really wanted to kill him.

— If he used Slade or the cannon to kill the others, there was still Hakkiri. And it seems that kid had little intention of obeying him.

— So he used me? But if either I or Hakkiri survived, his plan would be in vain!

— He wanted to kill you both at the same time. Disruptor saved you, not the world.

Yuto scratched his hair nervously.

— Really? Well, I guess we have to avenge her now.

— Let's go, we don't have much time.

— We're going to the plane?

— You mentioned the space station. It's obvious he's on one of them.

— So we split up? Which one do you choose?

— I'll take the plane. I suggested it, and I know about it more than you do.

— Alright, see you later.

Yuto laughed out of nowhere, after thinking of something funny. His body was at its limit, but he didn't feel any pain.

— Tomorrow the news will say that a young man mercilessly beat an old man...

— Not if I do it first. I can get away, since I'm a little girl.

She said it with subtle sarcasm. Yuto could tell that she wasn't proud of being recognized as a little girl. He patted her on the head.

— Don't worry, you can still grow.

Ria punched him again, harder than before.

— I'm older than you, retard. Do you think I have any hope left?

Yuto giggled, disguising the pain from being punched multiple times.

— At least you're cute.

Ria had studied the plane's trajectory beforehand. When Yuto said it was too obvious to be the case, she felt humiliated. She went to below where it usually passed and pointed the revolver at her chin, upwards. When it was time, she shot a speed bullet.

Her body was launched up at such speed that she reached the plane in less than two seconds. She calculated that she would land exactly on the wing next to the door. She managed to do so, trying to keep the balance while being pushed by the strong wind. They were travelling at above 1000 km/h, so it was pretty challenging.

She walked towards the door, punching the wall to climb over it. She opened it easily, even though it was reinforced. She closed it gently, because it would be bad if it opened while she was inside. The lights were off, so she couldn't see much without turning them on first. She felt her barrier weakening inside the plane.

Ria headed to the cockpit to find a light switch. She sighed, knowing nothing about plane controls. Suddenly, the lights turned on. She quickly grabbed one of her revolvers and turned around, pointing towards the end of the hallway. A man was standing half way towards the back part of the plane. He was pointing two desert eagles at two different directions behind the seats.

Ria started walking towards him, stopping halfway. She looked at the victims sitting on the seats. She recognized them both immediately.

Haji and Kiseki?

Haji was still bleeding, but Kiseki was fine. It was probably because that man had some grudge against his own daughter. They were tied up with futuristic handcuffs and a holographic barrier was closing their mouths and preventing them from speaking. Suddenly, the barrier on Haji's mouth opened. She immediately started screaming in anger.

— Get this shit off me! I'll tear you apart when I do!

— How so? You are just a receiving point, not a giving point.

— What are you talking about?! I don't receive anything! I give powers to whoever touches me!

He shot her in the knee, causing her great pain.

— How about speaking a little more quietly? We have a guest.

He turned to see Ria again.

— Ria, do you know Kiseki?

— What do you mean? We've known each other for years.

— Oh yeah? Have you ever examinated her body?

A hologram appeared between them, showing Kiseki's X-ray.

— She has no reproductive system. Strange, right?

— Which means nothing.

— Her body is not human in any way, except in appearances.

He looked at Haji, who was still suffering.

— Daughter, tell her about that place.

— What place...?

— You know the place. The mesa biome.

She tried to remember something, but nothing came to mind.

— I... I don't know...

The Boss shot her in the feet, causing her to writhe and scream in pain. She tried to remember the past as much as she could. She finally got a glimpse of her long-forgotten memories.

A boy who was probably her brother hugged her happily. Suddenly, she was in an ocean with several broken structures scattered around. Time seemed to stop there. A giant black man with no face said something to her.

— ...perfect receptacle... my daughter... my name is...

She woke up from the strange dream because of the absurd pain she was feeling.

— I am... from another world...?

— See? That wasn't so hard, was it, daughter?

— I am not your daughter...

— Yes, you are, whether you want to admit it or not.

— What do you know about that place...? Tell me... tell me, asshole!

Suddenly, Ria shot at his face. It was just a holographic body of his, which could use real weapons somehow.

— Not impressed.

— None of that matters.

— Don't you think it's a miracle that these two anomalies have green hair?

— Coincidence.

— I don't think so. Their genes... although not really human, are very similar. It's almost like they are from the same family.

What? They can't be related in any way...

— Their bodies have changed drastically over the years. The world Haji came from... it affected them both to some extent.

— That can't be true. Kiseki's always been from this world.

— The current Kiseki, probably. As I said, she's changed a lot over the years, or decades, or even centuries.

— Bullshit.

— Haji is a similar case. She traveled through dimensions.