Dead means

— There is no way you could know all that.

— When you see things for yourself, they become harder to deny.

— Have you visited those places?

— Oh, yes, some of them. They're... intriguing, to say the least.

— You're messing with otherwordly forces, old man.

— Humankind is known for researching dangerous things. Whether we use it to our advantage or not, they are still fascinating.

Suddenly, the Boss turned his head, keeping the aim of his guns.

— Oh, I see it. You were distracting me after all.

Ria ran up to the hologram and kicked the ground beneath it, opening a hole. He fired his weapons in random directions, hitting Kiseki's head and Haji's heart. The hologram fell, disappearing after flying far away from the plane.

The plane exploded soon after. Haji's body was badly burned. Kiseki healed her own injuries in no time. Ria caught the healer in midair and aimed at Haji. She shot Kiseki's body towards her.

A piece of the aircraft got in the way and acted as a shield. Kiseki's body pushed the metal wall, which hit Haji, throwing her far away. At the last second, she managed to punch the wall and barely grab Haji's clothes before ripping them off. That brief touch was enough to heal her burns and injuries by a lot.

She tried to climb the metal wall and jump from the other side to reach Haji, but something unexpected happened. A huge laser came from the sky, destroying the forest they were falling into.

The plane exploded because the hologram had moved too far away from it. Also, someone had broken into the control room he was in, so he decided to fire the railgun again, consuming even more energy. The explosion was a bit smaller, as he was still recovering from the last shot. But it was still devastating enough to be considered an atomic explosion.

Ria's barrier saved her, but her body got sent into the ground with such force that she could not return in less than five minutes. Kiseki's body almost disintegrated, but some cells remained, healing again completely in five seconds. Haji, however, disappeared.

Once Kiseki landed on the ground forcefully, she tried to find her friends. Ria rose from the ground eventually.

— Kiseki...

— I... I could not save her...

Ria hugged her.

— We're both alive. You did well enough. 

Kiseki smiled warmly and hugged her.

— Thank you, Ria. I'm glad you're okay now.

Yuto reached the space station easily. He could fly, after all. He managed to break into every security test by force. Once he found the control room, he just entered, since the reinforced doors were still open.

He saw Disruptor's headless body sitting against the wall. The girl who killed her saw Yuto first, while the Boss was distracted by Ria. She pointed her finger at him, without saying a word.

— Oh, I see it. You were distracting me after all.

Yuto used a supreme gravity where his archenemy was. The girl jumped to save him by very little. She stood up and summoned the black sphere, punching it towards Yuto. He tried to deflect it with his power, but it didn't work. The sphere pushed his body towards the wall, trapping him.

A power sink?

He tried to push it away, but it was too heavy. When the girl jumped to kick it, Yuto managed to slide under it. Her kick sent the sphere crashing through the wall. When he stood up, the sphere appeared above him again. It was so heavy that it could pulverize any normal human body instantly. He spun his body in an unnecessarily graceful way, avoiding it.

Suddenly, the lights went out. The Boss activated the cannon to kill Ria and the others. Yuto tried to use his sensory gravity to see everything in the dark, but the sphere was draining his power. He walked backwards until he hit a wall, trying to minimize the opponent's options. She probably couldn't see in the dark too, as they were both waiting for the other to attack.

The red emergency light turned on. Immediately, the girl jumped to punch Yuto. He dodged it, causing her fist to break the wall. She tried to land other punches and kicks, but he could avoid all of them by little.

She knows martial arts... so do I.

— Is that all you got? I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.

He looked at the terminal to find the Boss. He was not there. The girl jumped back and summoned her sphere. She punched it with such force that Yuto didn't see it coming. His body got pushed towards the wall, breaking it. After some seconds, he fell into a plaza. The lights were dim, but he had a good sense of the space he was in. It was a very futuristic plaza.

It was the station's main square. The cover was made of transparent material, simulating glass. The stars and Earth could be seen above. Yuto felt like he was in a sci-fi movie. The girl jumped out of the hole in the wall and punched the sphere again. Yuto dodged it by jumping and rolling on the ground. It hit a water fountain, wetting the place.

There were people in the plaza, probably employees of the station or tourists. They fled in horror, afraid of getting caught in the crossfire. The girl took the fountain from the ground and swung it towards Yuto, who jumped and landed on it. He crouched while on top of it and pulled it with his hand, launching her body towards him. He punched her in the face, throwing her body across the square.

She grabbed a few people's arms and threw them at him. He dodged them since he couldn't use his power. Some of them died from the impact. She ran at full speed, caught up to him and kicked him in the arm. He punched the ground to minimize the momentum.

She punched her sphere, launching it at maximum speed. He hit it with his fist, throwing it back. She then kicked it. An intense tennis battle began, until it was so fast that both had to lie down to avoid it. The girl made the sphere disappear, probably to summon it somewhere else. At the same time, Yuto used his power on her. He threw his body in all directions, trying to hurt her as much as possible.

She used her sphere again to nullify his power. He predicted it, so he pulled her body towards his fist, punching her face with his maximum strength, knocking her out instantly. The sphere also disappeared. Suddenly, an electric shot hit Yuto's head. It pierced part of his brain, but he managed to catch it in time with his power.

He turned around and saw the real Boss, holding a railgun. He shot it again, but Yuto was faster. He ran towards the old man and punched him several times. The old man managed to hit him a few times, but Yuto didn't want to give him a chance, now that he had his power back. He grabbed the Boss's head and kicked it with his knee. Not satisfied, he headbutted him with such force that their skulls vibrated. He then punched his face multiple times, while pulling his head towards his fist with his power.

The Boss used his jet booster boots to fly upwards. Yuto catched his foot to pull him again, but someone also pulled his foot. It was the girl who was unconscious seconds ago. She was bleeding everywhere, yet she managed to wake up and protect her master. The Boss increased the boots's speed and burned Yuto a little. Angry, he froze the entire station, killing many innocent people. The girl stopped again. The old man fell to the ground.

Yuto increased his body's temperature to unfreeze him and hurt him as much as he could. He grabbed the Boss's neck and lifted his body, almost crushing it. He punched his head donwards, making his body bounce on the frozen floor, breaking part of it. The Boss reached out, pulling the railgun towards him.

Yuto tried to take it midair, but it disassembled itself and returned to its original form behind Yuto. It shot multiple lasers through his body, damaging him severely. The Boss kicked him to increase the distance between them and catched the railgun again. He used it as a shotgun again, piercing Yuto's body more and more. He catched some lasers with his power, but they were very concentrated and powerful.

Yuto was struggling to stand. His blood covered most of his body now. The Boss was also bleeding, with many broken bones.

— You're an important piece, Yuto, I must say...

Yuto began to walk slowly and painfully towards his enemy to finish his job.

— I must thank you for all your work, Yuto-kun. You can rest now, it's okay.

Yuto stopped.