Chapter 42. On the eve of the ceremony

It was hard to believe that this day was supposed to come tomorrow.

Our engagement to the Crown Princess.

Although I postponed this moment until the last, but in the end, sooner or later it had to happen. And taking a deep breath, I mentally braced myself for the inevitable. As they say, what's going to happen is bound to happen.

On the eve of the ceremony, which was to take place at the Heilos residence, preparations for the upcoming celebration were in full swing in the castle. The mansion, which had previously had a suffocating, ominous atmosphere, now seemed to be full of life. The fragrance of flowers, the bustle of servants and all kinds of decorations enlivened the atmosphere.

When I got out of my room and watched all this, I couldn't help but be amazed.

«All the best to you, my lady!»

— Congratulations on the ceremony!