Chapter 1. Great job

Is it a joke that I have encountered unexpected twists of fate with enviable regularity?

In the end, my whole plan to escape from the main villain and establish a peaceful life later went to waste, and all because of this guy! The appearance of my older brother at the most inopportune moment, in fact, as well as his very existence, turned out to be completely inappropriate.

The guy with the beautiful face, curly blue hair and brown eyes was the one I hoped to never meet again in this life. However, ironically, it was he who ruined my plans. Yufil de Walt appeared out of nowhere and forced me to go with him.

And, in fact, it was a situation where I had no other choice. After all, if I had continued to resist, Yufil would most likely have just knocked me out, and in the end they would have taken me away from here anyway. Therefore, since the circumstances have turned out that way, I decided that it would be better to go on my own two feet.