In a realm where mortals, spirits, and gods coexist, Lei Sheng, a gifted young warrior from a small village, discovers an ancient martial arts manual hidden in a forgotten temple. Driven by a desire for strength and a yearning for immortality, Lei Sheng embarks on a journey to the legendary Jade Celestial Sect, where powerful cultivators hone their skills and protect the realm from dark forces.
As Lei Sheng grows stronger, he unearths secrets about his own mysterious bloodline, which links him to ancient heroes who once defended the Jade Realm from an age-old evil. Alongside friends, rivals, and unexpected allies, Lei Sheng battles fierce demons, conquers spiritual trials, and faces his own inner darkness. Along the way, he must confront the ambitions of Feng Jiayi, his bitter rival whose power rivals his own, and contend with a traitor within the sect, bent on resurrecting a demon king that threatens to plunge the world into chaos.