Angel Dust 2

(Y'know, I never knew just how much restraint it takes when someone calls you out on something that is supposed to be a plot twist, and you just have to hold yourself back from spilling the beans like Gunna when he's offered a Big Mac meal.)

(Enjoy the show 🙂)

(Third Person POV)

When Angel Dust and him were pushed into the room, James took a moment to admire just how fancy the room was for a place only for people to bone. It had a nice purple mood lighting; the bed was made out of wood and had red velvet sheets and blankets.

"So are we going to do this or not?" James looked over to the side to see Angel Dust standing there, all arms crossed and a downcast look on his face. "You wanted Angel Dust for the entire night; well, here I am." James could hear the tears he was holding back yet was confused.

"Angel, it's me." Angel Dust looked at him with a weird and questioning expression. James sighed and transformed into his Heian era form, his shirt becoming tatters on his chest and pants barely holding on. "It's me, remember? Darkside?"

Angel Dust looked at him in recognition now but kept the same look on his face, a small smile clearly fake, barely holding on. "So it is you, huh? I had my doubts since you were so small, but I guess it's actually you." He paused for a moment, his smile growing to become a full-fledged grin and his voice picking up more steam. "Well, I said I owed ya one, didn't I? What better place to pay off my favor if not in my favorite area of expertise?"

Despite his words, James lay down on the bed and looked at Angel Dust. "We don't have to have sex, y'know? You're clearly not in the mood. If ya want we could just… y'know, talk?" Angel Dust froze up, his fists balling up and his grin becoming noticeably more strained. "What am I, not good enough for ya, is that it?"

James tried to explain himself, but Angel Dust talked over him, seizing his lap. "Do you know how many people would KILL to be in your shoes right now? A night with ME, Hell's best porn star, and you're shooting ME down!?" He went in for a kiss, but before he could, James's strong arms grabbed him gently and sat him on the side of the bed.

"Look, Angel. I know what Valentino does to you." The spider's fists grew tighter. "I know that he abuses you; I know that he's physically aggressive with you… I know that sometimes he forces you to sleep with him or other people." His fist grew even tighter, a scowl adorning his face. "I'm not saying you're not good enough or that I don't want you, but if you aren't in the mood and don't really want it, then that's fine."

James looked to the side, expecting a punch to be thrown his way, but the only thing he saw was Angel Dust sticking his head in his hands, crying. James hesitantly put a hand up to his back, trying to prepare himself for comforting another person, something he hasn't ever done before.

But before he could try, Angel Dust wrapped himself around him in a deep hug, sobbing on his chest. He slowly put his right upper hand on Angel's back, patting it while his two lower arms hugged him, his last one being used to hold himself up.

They sat there like that for a few minutes, Angel's makeup coming off with his sobs and James sitting there with an uneasy expression on his face. Soon he separated from James' chest, black lines going down his cheeks. After a while he looked up at him and asked, "How'd ya know?"

"Angel, last time I saw you, I thought that you running off had something to do with Val. When I came in, I saw how you were up on that pole; you looked like you wanted to be anywhere else but here. You also have some nasty bruises on your inner thighs as well." Angel's hands gripped the sheets as he processed James' words.

"... So I guess you were checking me out?" James let out a hearty chuckle at Angel's humor, "Yeah, I guess you could say I was." It was Angel's turn to let out a small laugh as they both fell back on the bed.

Angel leaned over to the right and trailed his fingers on the bed. "Well, since I can't really do the things I'm the best at, what should we talk about?" James turned his head to look at him, a smile dancing on his face. "Oh, I don't know, maybe…. this!" And without warning, James grabbed a pillow and hit Angel in the head with it. 'Maybe this'll serve as a distraction for him for a while.'

He quickly got up and held the pillow like a sword. "Fear me, if you dare, Angel Dust!" The aforementioned spider sat there in a daze for several seconds before a genuine grin graced his face, and he grabbed the rest of the pillow with his 4 arms, "Jacking off 4 dicks isn't the only thing these arms can do, Baby!"


-Outside the room-

Valentino stood in the hallway with a scowl on his face and a cigarette in his mouth. His arms were crossed and he frequently gripped his coat in frustration while waiting for Vox. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long as Vox came in through the door of the now empty theater.

Vox walked in with a smile on his face and confidence oozing from every pore. His arms were crossed behind his back as he wore his iconic blue suit, yet his eyes seemed manic. One of them had a golden ring, contrasting with the crimson glow that his eyes usually had.

"What's going on, Val? What's the haps?" Valentino looked at Vox with a glare and crushed his cigarette. "Stop the fucking games, Vox. I told you over the phone about that damn maniac who is in there with MY Angel Dust." Vox leaned closer to Valentino with a condescending grin. "Well, we can't have that, now can we?" He looks behind him. "Come on, boys!"

Multiple Hellhounds in suits walk in without a word; all of them are of a staggering height of 6 to 7 feet, yet all fall short to Vox's 7'4" stature. After about 30 of them walked in, they stood in a horizontal line behind Vox.

Valentino raised a single eyebrow. "Really, Vox? You got a bunch of hellhounds to do this?" Vox walked over to Valentino and put a hand on his shoulder, leaning on him, "C'mon Val, you know how cheap these guys are. Besides, what else are they going to do with their lives if we don't hire them?"

He gave him a sly smirk and snapped his fingers thrice, causing the hellhounds to reach into their coat pockets and quickly assemble an assault rifle in sync. The moth sinner looked on in horror as he saw all of them and shook Vox. "Vox, what the hell do you think you're doing!? What if my pwecious whittle Angel Dust gets hurt, or worse, covered in blood?"

Some sparks flew out of Vox's TV face as he got shaken around before a voice not his emanated from his screen. "I told ya the cunt wouldn't like it, but nooooo, nobody listens to Velvette around this damn place." The voice was distinctly feminine with a British accent as Vox pried Valentino's hands off of him before hitting the side of his head a few times. "Goddamnit, Velvette. How the hell does she keep doing that?"

Vox let out a deep sigh and looked at Valentino. "Look, Val, I'll call off the puppies; they'll just be outside if something goes wrong, okay?" Valentino gained a conflicted look on his face before nodding once, causing Vox's smile to widen before he motioned to the hellhounds to put their guns away before him and Valentino walked down the hall.

"Look, Val, just let me do that talking. Remember, we're trying to have him join our side and use him, not the other way around. So just shut your pie hole, and we can get this done a lot smoother." Valentino looked down at Vox with an offended look on his face. "I'm not dumb, Vox; I know what we're doing." Vox looked up at him with a deadpan stare. "Val, last week you chased around a drone with lights on it for 2 hours."

"Well, it's not my fault that the damn thing was so bright!"

"The week before that you chased cars on the highway because your glasses were off."

"...Well, it's not like I—"

"And the week before that, you chased and hunted down a guy dressed as a lightbulb for Halloween."


"Look, Val, Honey, Sweetcheeks. I know you're plenty smart in your own right, but just let me talk to him, okay?" He gained a conflicted look on his face before letting out a small sigh, "Fine, Vox." The TV head's smile grew just a little bit wider as they marched towards the door and thrust it open.

They expected some freaky stuff to be happening in the room, such as Angel Dust being tied down or the sinner having sex with him and having to fake yet another orgasm. Yet what was beyond their expectations was the room being covered in feathers as James and Angel Dust were jumping on the bed and hitting each other with pillows like they were children.

Vox cleared his throat. "Well, aren't you Mister Famous, killing Alastor and Goetia? You must really get around, don't you?" James and Angel Dust quickly stopped their pillow fight and looked at the two overlords in the door, James sensing many other presences outside the door and being next to the walls.

"Yeah, I am. Who's asking, TV head?"








(The end)