Angels and Shadows 2

Can you all recommend some powers from fiction? Don't make them super overpowered, but something like street-level. I only got JJK and Chainsaw Man on the brain, so idk what else I can do.

James soon arrived at the hotel, still not noticing his shadow shifting before finally returning to normal. He opened the door and was greeted with a spear to the eye, which he quickly caught. "I see, you're still in tip-top shape, huh? Hurry up outside; I'm itching to fight right now." Vaggie said, spear in both hands and walking outside.

He let out a big sigh. "Why did I agree to this?" he mused out loud before slouching out, walking behind Vaggie, trying not to look at her ass…. And failing. 'God damn, did Angel Dust return my gooning instincts to me or something? Why am I so horny?' He straightened his posture and kept his eyes on the back of her head.

They soon got onto the outskirts of the Hazbin Hotel, and Vaggie tossed a spear at him. "You can go ahead and use your fancy tricks along with that spear; it won't make any difference, though." She arrogantly says as James grabs the spear out of the air, inspecting its crimson red visage and black tip.

"Are you sure?" He asks, putting his bottom hands into the signs of a dog. "Divine dogs!" He cries as his shadow begins to coalesce under his feet, a shadowy figure of 2 dogs formed beside him before their forms fully materialized. They looked like the same dogs but with swapped colors; they both were very big for dogs, being about the same height as James' bottom set of arms.

They also had the same 3 dots on their forehead, along with their yin and yang color palette. "Are you sure I should still use my tricks, Vaggie? It's 3v1 now." Vaggie stares at him unimpressed before flipping her spear in the air and catching it in a smooth motion. "Yeah, I'm sure. Besides, I got a theory about you that I'm itching to prove."

She bends her knees and quickly gets into a basic spear stance, the one James saw in his memories he stole before she disappeared from his field of vision. He quickly felt the air moving from his right side and dodged out of the way, barely avoiding the spear heading towards his back.

Vaggie isn't deterred by this though as she quickly hits the white diving dog with the butt of her spear and goes in for a slash down James' eye. He quickly moves his head back, but he notices something off about the spear. It looked ever so transparent, and before he knew it, he felt a sharp pain in his gut as he looked down and saw Vaggie's spear planted in his stomach.

Thankfully it wasn't deep at all, but it was definitely wrenched into there. Both he and the white divine dog moved in on Vaggie but only barely nicked her arm as she disappeared again. Now, James was fully locked into his surroundings, trying to sense the faintest breeze or subtle footstep.

He stayed like this for a few seconds before he thrust out his spear, clashing with Vaggie, who had come at him from his right this time, a wild grin on her face. "So I was right!" She yells, not elaborating on what she was talking about. The black divine dog quickly slammed his paw on Vaggie's back, sending her down with much more force than James or she had imagined. When her body hit the ground, it made a large spiderweb crack as she bounced off, disappearing and reappearing a few meters away from James.

"What you saw right there was called IM, instant movement. What you just used to counter me was the exorcist style every exorcist learns when they sign up. Considering that you didn't know about IM, it must mean that you've gotten my memories of my first years in the force, right?"

James clicked his teeth and shielded his annoyance with a smile, trying to provoke Vaggie. "You know, I never took you as the mastermind L type of girl, Vaggie. Kinda creepy." But she only returned his provocation with a smile. "Get ready and stay on your toes now!" She says this before she disappears again.

James didn't get the time to even react before Vaggie's spear was already heading at him from his side. Thankfully, his white divine dog sensed Vaggie before he could, trying to hit Vaggie as she successfully dodged. This continues on for many minutes, James' skin only being saved by the divine dogs' quick senses, yet he was rapidly adapting to Vaggie's fighting style.

At first he could only move his head before Vaggie struck and used signals from his senses to know where she would hit him. But now he could fully turn around and even predict where she'd end up next; it even got to the point where James unconsciously used parts of IM in his fighting, his and Vaggie's hands becoming blurs as they fought and dodged.

'This is insane.' James thought, getting saved from a punishing hit to the groin with her spear butt by his black divine dog.'I got 4 arms. I'm stronger, faster, and I'm jumping her.' Vaggie starts to turn up the pressure, making James have to start predicting further and further where she'll be. 'So why…. why am I the only one getting hit?"

The fight kept going, James unconsciously putting his cursed energy into the atmosphere, not burning off his reserves the slightest, but it was very visible for Vaggie, who used it as a way to check if she'd attacked there before, the cursed energy acting as an afterimage in her eyes.

Soon enough, Vaggie took advantage of James' flaring cursed energy, checking everywhere but behind him. She disappeared and reappeared right behind him to try and land a thrust of her spear in his back, but surprising to her, he turned around faster than those other times and locked spears with her.

When she looked into James' eyes, she saw a fierce look of determination on his face, and when she tried to disappear again, he tracked her. It's like he knew for a fact where she would dodge next and didn't even need to predict it anymore. 'Granted, I'm taking it pretty easy on him, but damn, I didn't expect him to pick it up this fast!' She thought, trying to disengage.

But James didn't let her go that easily; his black divine dog struck her from her right side, and she buckled under the force of the hit and was set up for a mean hit in the ribs by the butt of James' spear, his first clean blow in this match.

He put his spear up again and prepared to keep going, but Vaggie raised her hands and put down her spear. "I surrender, oh mighty spear user. Besides, that was enough for me to get my info anyway." She says. He stands still for a moment, rigidly standing before he collapses into the ground, breathing harder than he's ever done in his life.

'S-s-shit, how the hell am I so tired now?' He thinks, his black and white dogs falling on top of him, trying to comfort him. 'I remember I fought Alastor and the Goetia demon, but I wasn't even nearly as tired then…'

While James was thinking, Vaggie got up with a stretch of her arms and started to walk back to the hotel before he called out to her. "Vaggie, wait!" She turned around. "... Could you please train me?" She stared into his soul for a minute, an unreadable expression on her face, before smiling. "Sure, I'll train you. But just know one thing."

She quickly disappeared from his view as he felt a hand tap his shoulder. He turned around but saw nobody until he turned back around to see Vaggie crouching down to stare in his eyes. "There's a reason why nobody has killed an angel before, okay?" She flicks his nose and disappears again.

James simply lay down in exhaustion, breathing in and out. "I still can't tell… Was that some kind of teleporting magic, or was she just moving that fast? Why didn't she ever use this in the show?" Soon, he shakily sat up and decided to experiment with his 10 shadows while he was out here.

'Alright, I remember that Megumi could store things into his shadows, including himself… I wonder…' He thinks as he uses Total Concentration Breathing to take in a deep lungful of air before he sinks into his shadow.

It was like swimming for him, flailing in murky water, and barely moving. He opened his eyes and saw nothing. 'What did I even expect?' He asked as he swam even deeper. He kept swimming down until he felt something solid; he knocked on the solid part a few times. 'This must be the floor of this shadowy place.' He concluded.

But right before he was about to swim back up to the surface, he felt all the 'water' draining out. He reached for the bottom again but felt nothing as he was swept away by the inky tides. He fell for quite a while, being extremely disoriented due to the fact that he couldn't see or hear anything, and to make matters worse, he only had 6 minutes of air left.

Yet, thankfully, he didn't need to panic as he soon landed on solid ground again. He quickly coughed up a storm and stayed on the ground for a while; soon he got up and checked his surroundings.

It was like an old-timey office, with a wooden desk and grey coloring all around. There was only a chair in front and behind the desk, and he concluded that whoever sent him here must've wanted him to sit down. When he sat down, it wasn't long before a figure materialized into the chair in front of him.

The figure was distinctly feminine with a feminine body shape, yet no proportions of a woman, only a silhouette.

"This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter... It is a room that only those who are bound by a "contract" may enter." The figure states and puts out her shape of a hand.

"Welcome to the Shadow Realm, my esteemed guest."