(Fun fact 1: Last chapter I wanted to make James a psyker and meet Roo through the warp, even though I don't know shit about 40k. Imagine my surprise when I look up psykers, and it turns out that even some of the weakest ones are still crazy strong.
(Fun fact 2: I wanted to have Roo do a whole song and dance number when introducing James, but then I remembered I don't know diddly squat about writing songs, lol.)
Dear Diary,
First of all, let me get something straight: this is a JOURNAL, not a diary. Charlie insisted I should keep one of these for recording notes on my path to redemption but forgot to get an actual journal from wherever she bought it. She said it's there for me to write out my feelings and stuff; I think I'd be fine without it, but I don't want to make Charlie cry.
So. Recapping last night before I went to sleep with Nifty and Amery, I wanted to try out something different with my binding vows. At first it was simple stuff like limiting my cursed energy for a while, but then I started to get into really crazy stuff. Like today, I had made a vow that made me get rid of all my cursed energy in exchange for turning me into a physical heavenly restriction user.
It's weird, you know? After having the energy inside me all of this time, it feels weird to just have it gone. Besides, I don't even know if this is as strong as being a normal heavenly restriction. But for the rest of the day, no cursed energy for me, baby, just pure physical P O W E R!!!!
But anyways, I was trying to get some passive training in while I was in the bathroom and tried to open my six eyes. I expected it to be normal, you know, me having to close them after a minute or two, due to me not having cursed energy anymore…. BIG MISTAKE! Apparently, since peak performance made everything peak, it included the heavenly restriction, meaning the six eyes could sense way more than they should be able to, and I closed my eyes almost immediately. I'm very thankful my brain could handle all the information.
Speaking of brains, I really want to experiment with mine. From what I knew about JJK, using two cursed techniques at once is virtually impossible for everyone except Kenjaku, due to his barrier techniques and unique brain. I think the canon reason for it would be that because cursed techniques are engraved on the brain, it would put too much strain on the brain to activate two at once.
Yet, I have a theory. When Amery was inside of me (pause), she could take on the burden of the overload of information from the six eyes. And not only that, but in the fight between Gojo and Sukuna, Sukuna used Megumi's soul as a sort of substitute for him, having Megumi take on infinite void while Mahoraga adapted to it.
So my theory is that the brain has little to do with techniques and more about Jujutsu itself. From what I knew, Jujutsu was a very loose power system, one based very heavily on belief. When Yuji awakened the shrine, his cleaves and dismantles were more like scissors compared to mine and Sukuna's straight-up slashes. Nanami made a binding vow to increase his cursed energy amount by 120% after working hours, but that wouldn't make sense since the body shouldn't be able to handle that, from what I know.
I'll test it out tomorrow, but I believe that if I made a binding vow for it, I could use the ten shadows and shrine at the same time, and if that doesn't work, I guess I'll just get started on those barrier techniques, I guess.
But enough about all of that training stuff; what I really want to talk about is how today went. So Charlie had us all line up and do some roleplay. I was the big bad guy in the trench coat while Amery was the lost little girl licking a comically large lollipop. It was pretty funny to act out, especially with Amery's monotone voice making everything she said sound like sarcasm, even though she said she was trying her genuine best.
When it was my turn to talk, I did a damn good performance. Willem Dafoe, who? Ryan Reynolds, who? Make way for a new actor, baby! Unfortunately after that, Vaggie dragged me outside and beat me like an abusive father coming home to his wife without dinner on the table. I thought making the binding vow would give me an edge, and it did… for 2 minutes, and after that it's like she adapted to my strength and somehow stayed out of my sight the entire time.
What she tried to teach me was called espionage style. She only picked up the very basics, saying that since angels can't get hurt, it was useless for her to get a style about sneaking up on people… Does she know? I asked her if she was stupid out loud and later went back to the hotel with many more bruises than I should have had.
After that it was about 4:30, and I, being the charming man that I am, asked Nifty out to go somewhere. I wasn't calling it a date yet, considering I really didn't know Nifty like that, but considering how wide she smiled, she must've really wanted to get to know me.
When we went out, I unfortunately couldn't threaten innocent cashiers to give me free stuff anymore without my cursed technique, so I just wore whatever was in my closet, which were ripped jeans and a swampy green shirt.
It turns out that Nifty isn't bad company in the slightest. When you get her interested in something, she just keeps talking and talking about it. By the way I'm describing it, it kind of makes me look like a dick, but I promise I actually really enjoy it. I think it's cute to see someone (especially a hot girl) get excited and share with me what they enjoy and like.
We first went to a bar; surprisingly, Nifty didn't really like alcohol, so she just stuck with apple juice. Meanwhile, I was slamming down beers left and right, like any red-blooded American should. I didn't really realize I was drunk until I transformed into my Heian era form without me even noticing.
Hell, I even got into my very first bar fight with a green snake sinner… that I won almost instantly. I held myself back a bunch, trying to barely tap him, but he still went flying into the wall. Anyway, after we got done with the bar, I transformed back into my normal self and walked with Nifty to a nightclub.
And when I say we got down… I'd be lying my ass off, because I can't dance for shit. Thankfully, Nifty knew how to dance and taught me step by step. It was kind of romantic, to be honest; I can only imagine how much I was blushing for Nifty to grin at me.
I haven't mentioned it much at all or even thought about it, but Nifty is really pretty, even ignoring her… proportions. She has really round cheeks and a dainty little nose, and along with her single eye and large smile, it makes me melt whenever she genuinely smiles at me.
Oh right, something else I haven't mentioned is that Nifty doesn't genuinely smile often; sure, she has this manic grin on her face 24/7, but rarely, when she thinks no one is looking, she takes off her mask of happiness and looks so… tired. I only ever see it when she's asleep on me, and I wake up earlier than her; it's honestly beautiful. I really wish she would smile like that more… I want to be the cause of her smile….
Holy hell. I think I have a crush on Nifty. I'm not too mad at it, to be honest; I could be in an abusive relationship with a girl who had blue hair that I'm forced to like. Why did I just think of that? Oh well, I guess it's the price of life being strange.
Eh, eh?
I forgot I'm writing this down in a personal notebook, fuck. Now if anyone looks into this, I'll feel stupid.
Anyway, I'll just recap everything else because I'm feeling a bit tired. After Nifty taught me how to dance, we had a grand old time, drinking and laughing on the dance floor. Hell, we even slowly danced when the music came up.
After that, we decided it was time to head back to the hotel since it was already 11:30. Right now, I'm writing this in bed in my heian with Amery and Nifty. She still has that smile I like seeing.
Life is good.
(4 Days Later)
Dear Diary,
To be honest I completely forgot about this thing for the past few days, I've been kinda busy with training and stuff so I'll catch this thing up to speed.
Over the past 4 days, I've tamed every single shadow except for Mahoraga, the reason being that I really want to make sure I'm prepared with both of my cursed techniques before I even try to fight him.
I've also been experimenting with some of them. See, Round Deer has exclusively reverse cursed technique, something I've been trying to get with all of my time here so far, so what I've been doing is having him bathe me in RCT for as long as he could to try and remember the feeling.
To be honest, it's kind of like the holy aura I gained after my cursed energy studied the angelic steel weapons in the turf war. Speaking of that, I actually managed to do a poor man's version of RCT with that.
By slamming my "holy" cursed energy against itself, it creates a kind of feedback loop that would be much better if I weren't in hell, making the holy energy die out very fast. But looking on the bright side, now I have a version of healing before I actually gain the real thing.
I also tamed Tiger Funeral, the shadow that was never used in the main series for some reason, and I have no idea why, considering how good it is. Tiger's funeral was actually the hardest one to tame, taking about 10 minutes compared to the one shot the others were.
In addition to its overwhelming speed and strength, it also has the ability to camouflage itself and blend in with its surroundings like a gecko. Why this wasn't an actual lizard or something else that can camouflage itself is beyond me, but I don't really care.
But, going back to the topic of using two cursed techniques at the same time, I believe that I've made some progress. Yesterday I asked Amery to come back inside of my body for a little bit in order to experiment with some things, which she (unsurprisingly) agreed to, and I tried my little experiment with round deer on standby.
Since I now have my divine dogs out indefinitely, I just tried sending out a weak dismantle, which was surprisingly harder than I thought it would be. It took me 5 minutes to let out a single Dismantle that barely made a scratch in the apple I had bought for the experiment. My head was also killing me; I had to lie down for 30 minutes and rest awhile. Round Deer worked his magic, and by the time I got up, I had a massive nose and ear bleed.
Amery informed me that two parts of my brain were swelling like crazy, compared to only one part of it being slightly bigger than the rest. I experimented some more and found out that the part of my brain that holds my ten shadows technique would be excreting special energy to power the ten shadows, yet if I used a shrine along with it, it would cause severe brain damage.
My solution to this? Well, it's actually quite simple. I wish to tame Mahoraga and use a binding vow to "wear" his wheel and adapt to the brain damage, making it possible to use ten shadows and shrines. Now you, my schizophrenic companion, might ask me how I would defeat Mahoraga if I wanted to get down using both techniques at the same time.
Well, I'm glad you asked since I've learned that these binding vows are very loose here. By making a binding vow to have a dismantle come out instantaneously after 30 seconds of not using the shrine, I can make the window of the two parts of my brain so brief that it doesn't get the chance to react.
I'm honestly pretty nervous about this whole thing, so I'll try and talk about some other stuff, like me and Nifty. She's been pretty clingy for the past 2 days, on me almost wherever I go… I kind of like it; I haven't really felt loved and wanted since… Since… Alicia.
I think I'm done writing for the day. I'm also putting you in my shadow. I spent 20 minutes looking for this and panicking for about 20 minutes.
The End!
(AN: How'd you guys like this chapter? I really loved writing in a diary style, and I made a helluva lot more words than I thought I would. Also, what the hell do power stones do?
(As always, please comment and share what you find interesting or bad about the story… Please ignore that I haven't been saying this at all for the past few chapters.
(Shameless Plug: Ko-fi/mrlegantrop.com)