Bento Brawler (Rewrite)

It was a fairly large supermarket and had a wide variety of products that I was not interested in buying at the moment. I walked quietly to the back of the store. To be honest, the stares of the people who were shopping were a bit uncomfortable, but I tried not to make a big deal out of it.

As far as I remember, they always put some freshly made bentos in the back at this time of day. It's already a little late and I'm still a little tired from the sudden transformation my body has undergone. I'm going to buy a few bentos to eat and several ingredients to cook tomorrow. I am eager to try out Shokugeki no Souma's cooking techniques.

To my luck, in the distance I could see how a gentleman put the bentos and started to put the discount tags on them. Although, in my case, I don't have any problem with money, so the price doesn't affect me much.

I was walking normally, but just as I was getting close...


I could feel how my danger sensor activated, alerting me intensely about several presences with bad intentions around me.

At first I was a bit surprised, but when I calmed down, I focused on that sensation and could feel quite a bit of hostility directed at me from different directions. It was strange, I was just walking normally, why is everyone around me looking at me as if they wanted to kill me?

Kenichi: (Wait... Half-price bento! Several people gathered... Most of them wearing school clothes... All with intentions of fighting... Where does that sound like? If I'm not mistaken, it was from... an anime... It wasn't that ridiculous anime where several teenagers beat each other up to get half-price bentos...)

I began to discreetly look around me and I could see several people who seemed to be concentrating on shopping; some were even playing with their cell phones, or at least that's what it looked like from the outside. But if you looked closely, you could easily see that their eyes were always fixed on the hands of the supermarket worker who was putting on the discount tags.

I could count about 30 people in all. I have to admit that Hanma blood is amazing; in just a second I could identify everyone and I could also feel how strong they were.

The moment I felt them, I lost interest almost immediately. Although they were all experienced in fighting, I can easily say that their fighting level is at the level of gang members or street fighters.

I kept looking until, at last, I could recognize the three people I was looking for.

The first was a guy who, for some reason, reminded me a bit of Rito. Of course not in appearance, but I could tell he had that same air of being clumsy and unlucky. From his appearance, I could tell he must be about my age; besides, the uniform he was wearing was also from Sainan High School. He had an average build, black colored hair and light brown eyes. Everything about him screamed that he was nothing more than an average guy; if there was anything to highlight, it would be that, for some strange reason, he had his whole face full of bandages.

The next was a girl with short silver-colored hair, red eyes and a slender figure. Like the previous one, she was also wearing the Sainan High School uniform, although instead of school shoes, she was wearing boots which, in my opinion, looked quite nice on her. She also had a completely expressionless and disinterested face. Although on the outside she appeared to be concentrating on her shopping, you could tell she was completely ready to fight.

And finally, there was a girl with wild blonde hair, blue eyes, rimless glasses on top, a rather curvaceous figure, and perhaps one of the women with the largest breasts I have ever seen. She must have been on par with the size Mikado-sensei has. She was one of the few who was wearing a different uniform; from what I understand from the anime, she is half Italian and half Japanese.

Kenichi: (How ridiculous... Everyone is completely focused on fighting over the bento. Although I can tell that those two girls are stronger than the rest, I wouldn't put them on such an exaggerated level either. They seem to have some experience in some martial arts, but it's only at an acceptable level).

I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I'll say it anyway...

Kenichi: (Why the fuck is everyone so desperate!?)

They're simple supermarket bentos. No matter how you look at them, there's nothing special about them, apart from the fact that they're half price.

Kenichi: (Now that I remember, the protagonist was so poor that he had no choice but to struggle to make ends meet. Although I don't know his reasons, I guess most of them must be in a similar situation. After all, schools don't usually give students permission to have part-time jobs...)

But, even though I know their reasoning, I still think this is stupid. They're like housewives fighting in shopping malls over sale items. I'd believe you if they fought over money, or even meals like those in 'Shokugeki no Souma' or 'Toriko' world; even I'd fight over them.

Kenichi: (Besides, Sainan High School is quite permissive with students and part-time jobs are allowed...).

This just confirms more and more that it's quite possible that several of the students I've seen this past week are characters from other anime.

Whichever way you look at it, this is definitely an anime plot.

The story of Ben-To's plot is not complicated at all. In short, that boy who looks a bit like Rito is called Satou Yoh and he is the protagonist of the story. His past is that of an ordinary student; if there was something to highlight about him, it would be the fact that he is as poor as rats and has even worse luck than Rito.

One day, while starving, he entered a supermarket with the intention of buying a half-price bento, but the moment he approached to take it, he fainted for no reason and fell unconscious on the floor. When he regains consciousness, he realizes that he is badly hurt and that all the bentos that were half price were sold out. Going to the same supermarket often, he finally understood why he suddenly fell unconscious on the first day.

Apparently, other students who call themselves "Wolves" are often found in supermarkets. They are a type of fighters who fight for the Bento. They have their pride and respect their rules. They have even given themselves nicknames or, as they call them, "War Names."

They also have rules that they must follow to the letter, which are:

- Attack individually and fight for your own Bento.

- Never attack until the God of Discounts (the one doing the bidding) is gone.

- Do not take more than one Bento.

- Do not attack someone who already has a Bento.

- Protect the God of Discounts if a boar decides to cheat.

Kenichi: (Well, that would be the gist of it. Although, overall, it's a ridiculous story, I have to admit that the animation of the fights was very good and it wasn't a bad anime either. However, for some reason, even though the light novel was over 10 volumes long, they never made a second season).

If it was just an anime, then I wouldn't say anything, but this is real life. In the end, all these guys really exaggerate what they are doing; it's almost the same as anime that are about sports. In those anime, the whole story revolves around the sport they're playing and they always make it seem like it's the best sport in the world.

Although the fights in this anime looked good, if these guys had to fight characters from the Baki anime or Kengan Ashura anime, they would most likely be slaughtered effortlessly. Well, I guess that example is a bit unfair; after all, these guys are just ordinary teenagers.

After evaluating everyone's strength, I can safely say that silver-haired girl is the strongest among everyone here. From what I know from the anime, she is called Sen Yarizui and her nickname is "The Ice Witch". She is the main heroine of the story and Satou's main love interest. The other girl is named Shaga Ayame; her nickname is "The Beauty of the Lake." She is Satou's cousin and, from the way she behaves and moves, I can tell that she is only slightly weaker than Yarizui.

As for the protagonist, Satou, although he has great potential being the main character of the story, at the moment he is just as weak as everyone else.

Aside from them, I could also recognize some other characters from the anime. There was that guy they call "goatee", that other bald guy who wore clothes that looked like Krilin's, and that girl with long brown hair. In the story they never said their names; those were just their nicknames.

Kenichi: (As you can tell I'm really in an anime world. Just like in the Ben-To anime, I can't see that brown-haired girl's eyes at all. No matter how hard I try, I can only see the exaggerated shadow produced by her hair that hides her eyes, just like that of hentai anime protagonists).

The weirdest thing about the anime is that, even though they were fighting in a public place, no other customers ever approached; even the supermarket employees turned a blind eye.... I guess I'm going to have to get used to the fact that the world I've lived in so far is an anime world, where the most ridiculous things are seen as normal.

And while I was lost in my thoughts, the person in charge of putting the sale tags, or as they call him here, the God of Discounts, finally finished putting the last tag and started walking slowly towards the back door.

Honestly, I don't want to get too involved with the plots of other anime; besides, it's much easier for me to buy something else than to get involved in these stupid fights.

Kenichi: (But now that I think about it carefully, this is a very good opportunity to test the capabilities of this body; besides, it is possible that the system will give me some reward for fighting with the protagonist and the heroines).

After thinking that, I began to walk quietly, not caring about the hostility around me. But just at that moment something happened that surprised even me....

*Narrator's POV*

It was just another day like any other day in the supermarket ***, the God of Discounts would put the discount labels on the bentos and "The Wolves" would prepare for an all-out battle.

They sharpened their claws and prepared their fangs, ready to take their prey, or at least that was what they had planned to do. But as they prepared, they realized that something strange was happening...

Usually, when they were getting ready to fight, they all generated a really oppressive atmosphere that made anyone who wasn't a wolf not want to get close. Usually, the only ones who approached were those who had the instincts to become a wolf, and like them had the hunger of a predator, or the ignorant fools who couldn't feel or ignored the oppressive atmosphere. In this case, the protagonist, Satou Yo, was both: he had the instincts of a wolf and, at the same time, he was a stupid person who was completely ignorant of the atmosphere.

But even a complete novice like him realized that something strange was going on...

The atmosphere, which was incredibly oppressive, was now many times more intense than usual. In fact, the wolves at the bottom of the food chain were trembling slightly...

Even the God of Discounts, who was used to feeling the desperate presence of all these proud wolves, was somewhat nervous, so much so that he even took longer than usual to put on the tags.

Unlike other Discount Gods, he was a rather muscular man. In fact, during his time as a student, he was also quite a well-known wolf, to the point that he came to have a war nickname like "The Ice Witch" or "The Beauty of the Lake".

Once a man accustomed to the smell of battle he now found himself sweating like a pig while shivering slightly. If he had to give an example, he felt as if he was being watched by a wild beast, one that did not look at him with any respect...

No, in fact, the only thing he felt from that look was hunger...

In her eyes, he was insignificant...

Although they were all called wolves here, at the end of the day they were nothing more than ordinary high school students barely making ends meet with the money they had. Even if they had an intimidating presence, they would never come close to that of true predators, like wolves. In the end, the only reason they were called wolves was because they behaved like them: they fought each other for their prey, but they did it with honor.

At the end of the day, calling themselves wolves was just a metaphor...

But what they were all feeling now was a strange sensation. If they had to describe it, it was as if a real wolf was literally watching them, which made them all nervous. And it made them even more nervous when they felt its gaze; it was as if it was sizing them up. At first they were scared, but within seconds they felt incredibly angry.

They were proud wolves, but when they felt that look that only saw them as insignificant, they felt very frustrated, especially the stronger and more experienced wolves.

Not wanting to get involved anymore, the discount god quickly put the last tag on and walked away, or at least he tried to, but he was so nervous that his walk was even slower than normal. He opened the door to the employee room and walked in.

When he did so, all the wolves were ready, as usual, to jump out and catch their Bento....

But just at that moment...

Something happened that froze them...

Kenichi: "GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!"

A growl, like that of a beast, echoed throughout the supermarket; you could even feel how everything began to shake intensely.

The first to react were the three characters, who, by and large, were just supporting characters and had so little dialogue that they barely qualified as such.

Monk: "Th-That was... The roar... Of a l-lion..."

Goatee: "N-No... I don't think so... I went to the zoo a while ago... I-I'm pretty sure it didn't sound like that..."

Brunette: "T-That sounded more like.... T-The roar of a hungry stomach..."

All the wolves were in shock; the weaker ones instinctively dropped to the ground thinking that a wild beast had gotten into the supermarket. Only a few could sense the true meaning of that roar...

While everyone was hesitating about what to do, they suddenly saw a single person approaching the half-priced Bentos...

His gait was slow but steady, and his posture was erect. Her hair was black, messy and wild, so long that it reached her shoulders. Her eyes were brown and her expression was calm; it seemed that nothing in this world could disturb her. He wore a rather large black sweater that made it difficult for everyone to get a good look at her body, and her height was only a little taller than average.

He was none other than Kenichi.

It took a few seconds for everyone to notice that the boy, who was apparently the same age as most of them, was walking nonchalantly towards the Bentos while ignoring them...

He even took the time to choose which Bento to buy...

Anyone else who would have approached him like that would have been knocked out even before realizing it, like Satou when he first entered this cruel world where only the strong prevail. However, when Kenichi did it, for some strange reason, no one found it strange; they even found it natural. At the time, they didn't realize it, but in their minds they had already unconsciously recognized him as someone worthy of respect.

But when they realized it, they quickly became angry once again...

How could they, who considered themselves noble wolves, let an unknown beast simply enter their hunting territory and take the prey that belonged to them?

Especially Kenichi, who walked with a certain air of arrogance as he seemed to be ignoring them and their ways.

Unable to stand the situation any longer, they all furiously pounced on him.

Wolf #1: "AHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Wolf #2: "AAAAHHHHH!!!"

Wolf #3: "I WILL KILL YOU!!!"

Wolf #4: "TAKE THIS!!!"

One after another, the wolves bravely launched themselves to attack this new threat. Obviously, not all of them jumped in to attack recklessly; after all, the wolf was just a proud animal, but it was also very intelligent and waited for the best moment to attack its prey.

At that moment, they all came to an agreement: in order to get the bento, they first had to defeat this beast that recklessly entered their hunting zone. So, although they all fought with honor, just for this moment they decided to ally to defeat this common enemy.

They all expected to give Kenichi a brutal beating for carelessly entering their battlefield, or at least that's what they wanted to do. However, Kenichi simply turned around calmly and, for the first time, looked them all in the eye. At the sight of him, they were once again overwhelmed by his presence, but that didn't stop them from continuing to run, ready to hit him.

At this point, even Kenichi himself was somewhat surprised at how calm he was. Although his opponents were weak, this was the first time he was going to have a fight in his life. However, for some strange reason, he felt that even if he just stood there taking the blows without doing anything, they would not cause him any harm.

Everyone could only watch in amazement as Kenichi casually launched a flurry of incredibly fast punches that hit them all with great precision and force.

It was a completely unreal spectacle.

Four people were sent flying like simple rag dolls.

In the group of wolves that attacked, there were boys who were much taller and more muscular than Kenichi, but they were still sent off without any problem. The waiting wolves remained frozen in position, mouths agape.

Even Kenichi himself could only watch in amazement as his casual blows caused so much damage; in his enthusiasm, he kept throwing punches without any hesitation.

In just 3 seconds, more than 15 people went flying comically, and if you looked closely, you could see that only one of his punches was enough to knock them completely unconscious.

Monk: "W-What the fuck...!"

Goatee: "That guy.... He's definitely a monster!"

Brunette: "Why are you guys chickening out...! So what if he's strong... We're the proud wolves! WE'RE GOING TO ATTACK HIM!"

The three wolves in the background, who were more experienced than the rest, started running to attack Kenichi.

Kenichi: (Aren't these guys supposed to be wolves with honor who don't attack in groups? I see that, as soon as someone shows up to intimidate them, they immediately forget about all that crap they invented themselves).

Kenichi didn't even bother to look at them; he even turned his back on them. Even though they were somewhat frightened, the fact that they ignored them infuriated them even more. They had been wolves for several years and they weren't going to let a guy who knows where he came from make fun of them like that.

Goatee: "TAKE THISSSS!!!"

The first to attack was the one everyone knew as Goatee. His plan was simple: he was just going to attack it from behind while it was distracted with the other wolves. It was a flawless plan, without a single flaw....

Or at least that was what he thought. As he approached to deliver the final blow, he was met by a powerful fist straight to the face....

Goatee: "AAAAAGHHHH!!!"

The other two froze in position, again watching the one with the goatee fly off as far as the rest of the wolves. And in those few seconds, Kenichi took care of 10 other wolves at the same time, until he suddenly stopped...

Kenichi: "Hey... You!"

Kenichi turned around and, in a loud, intimidating voice, pointed at the bald guy in the background who, for some reason, was cosplaying Krillin.

Monk: "Who, I-I....!!!?"

Kenichi: "Yes! You!"

Kenichi slowly approached Monk, who froze when he saw that his friend was defeated just as easily as all the other wolves. When he was only a few inches away, he threw a powerful punch at him that sent him flying through the air quite far, while spinning in such an exaggerated way that he ended up taking off all of his clothes. In the end, he ended up lying on the ground only in his underwear.

Kenichi: "You should be ashamed of yourself for wearing that outfit.... You don't deserve it...!"

Brunette: *shuddering*

Kenichi glanced slightly at the girl known as Brunette, who was shivering as she looked at him. Even though she was quite a beautiful girl, he decided to simply ignore her as he walked back to the bentos.

In less than five minutes, he had taken care of all the wolves; only the protagonist and the two main heroines remained.

Satou: "Who is that guy...? Don't you think this is a bit unfair!? How are we supposed to defeat someone that strong!!? Also, does he look like he's going for more than one bento?"

Ayame: "Yeah... No matter how you look at it, he's definitely on another level... He defeated more than 30 people in less than five minutes, and if you look closely, he hasn't even moved from his starting position... He's like the final boss of a game..."

The protagonist, Satou, was really scared. Even though it had only been a few days since he joined the bento battle, he had already faced a good amount of opponents, such as Nikaidou Ren. He even saw Kaneshiro Yuu (the Magician), who everyone says is the strongest wolf of them all, but none of them compared to the boy standing in front of them.

Satou: "S-Senpai!"

Ayame: "Hey!"

Yarizui ignored them and started running quickly when she realized that Kenichi was about to take the bento she was aiming at. When she was only a few feet away, she did one of her trademark leaps and threw a powerful knee directly at Kenichi's face.

The few wolves that still had some consciousness were stunned by what they were seeing.

The Ice Witch managed to land a knee to the boy that defeated them all without any trouble. Most of the wolves present were frequent customers of that supermarket, and more than a few had already been beaten by Yarizui before, so they were all well aware of how powerful his legs were.

At first, they were happy that this intruder was going to be defeated, but after a few seconds they realized something that made them quite nervous....

Satou: "W-Why is that guy standing there as if nothing happened to him...?! H-He just got hit by senpai directly in the head..."

Ayame: "You're right, it's like he didn't hurt him at all.... Her hit didn't even move him from his spot."

Seeing that his punch was ineffective, Yarizui quickly moved out of Kenichi's reach.

Unexpectedly, Yarizui, who always kept an expressionless face, now had a rather pained expression; she even looked worriedly at her own leg. But she put aside all her worries and got into a battle stance, ready to attack Kenichi again.

Kenichi: "Hey, are you okay?"

Since hitting the Monk, this was the second time Kenichi had spoken. His voice was very relaxed; it was as if the fight from a while ago never happened, he didn't even seem affected or resentful of the hit he received from Yarizui.

Yarizui: "What do you mean?"

Kenichi: "Don't play hard to get. I can tell you just hurt your knee because of the hit you just gave me."

Wolves: "!"

Yarizui: "I don't know... what are you talking about..."

Kenichi: "I just told you not to act tough. Not to brag, but the muscles all over my body are very hard. Even if you have well-trained legs, what you just did is like you just threw a knee straight into the concrete. Maybe it's enough to knock these guys out, but those punches don't work on me..."

Yarizui: "..."

Satou: "..."

Ayame: "..."

All the wolves that remained conscious could only remain silent at what they had just heard: the best fighter got hurt just by giving her a simple punch.


And once again, a great roar echoed throughout the supermarket.

Hearing Kenichi's stomach growl, Yarizui couldn't help but put on a pitying expression; it was as if she identified with him at the sight of it.

Kenichi: "Hey, don't look at me with those eyes like you've met a fellow. I'm not like you guys, I'm not some poor guy who's desperate enough to fight like an idiot just for half-price food."

The moment those cruel words were uttered, everyone felt as if an imaginary arrow was stabbed into their chests. Their words were merciless, but they were also true. Although everyone had their own personal reasons, most were students with financial problems; even with part-time jobs, they were lucky to survive until the end of the month.

A good example was the protagonist, Satou. The money his parents sent him was little, and instead of saving it, he preferred to spend it on video games. He was so stupid that the idea of looking for a part-time job never occurred to him.

Then there were the people like Ayame, who liked to eat a delicious meal after having a good fight.

Kenichi: "The reason I'm so hungry is because I did something today that ended up using up a lot of my calories. So, my body is screaming for me to eat something, and unfortunately for all of you, this is the closest place to my house where I can eat something quick... But you don't have to worry too much either, I'm not interested in your weird bento fight, I'm just going to grab a few of these and then I'm going to go buy some other ingredients to cook myself something. You guys can keep fighting amongst yourselves over the leftover bentos."

Although Kenichi's way of speaking was polite and his reason for being there was understandable, they all felt as if a lot of imaginary arrows were sticking in their chests because of his cruel remarks. If someone else had criticized them like that, they would have been furious, but for some reason, when Kenichi did it, they felt strangely embarrassed.

Yarizui: "It may be true that you are strong.... But that doesn't give you the right to make fun of our battles."

Yarizui was the only one who stubbornly defended herself against Kenichi's cruel words. She had lived a monotonous life, without any kind of goal or purpose. It was at that moment that she found the battle of the bentos; this was not something she did for mere fun, for her it was a way of life. For that reason, she was not going to allow Kenichi to mock in such a way what she cherished so much.

Hearing her, Kenichi stared at her with an incredibly serious expression.

Kenichi: "You're right, I'm sorry.... As strange as I find everything they do, it's not my place to mock or criticize their fights. In the end, everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do; it's not right for someone like me, who doesn't even know them, to say anything about it."

Both Satou, Ayame and Yarizui were surprised by what they heard.

Because of the confident attitude and his arrogant words, no one thought that Kenichi was going to apologize for his comments.

Kenichi: (That's right... I have no reason to criticize them. I'm not like Yujiro, who was born strong. Just a few minutes ago, I was just an ordinary boy who didn't even have control over his own actions.... The only reason I can stand like this in this place is because of the help of the system. Besides, it's possible that, like me, they too are being influenced by the will of the world).

Kenichi: "What is your name?"

Yarizui: "Yarizui Sen."

Kenichi was silent for a few seconds until he finally spoke again.

Kenichi: "Then I should call you Yarizui-senpai. From your clothes, I can tell that we attend the same school and I can also deduce that you are older than me. My name is Saruyama Kenichi and I am a freshman at Sainan High School."

When Kenichi said that, Yarizui was quite surprised. Although from Kenichi's appearance one could tell that he was young, his way of fighting said the opposite; he looked like a professional fighter of some kind of martial art, that's why everyone considered him to be of age.

Yarizui: "I see... Then I'll call you Saruyama-kun."

Kenichi: "Thank you, Yarizui-senpai. My apologies, I may be being rude to a superior, but I would like to be very honest with you now."

The moment Kenichi said that, his atmosphere changed completely compared to the friendly one he had a moment ago, and at the same time he put on a rather serious expression. This new change stunned everyone. He now looked completely different from how he looked a while ago, when he hit them.

Only at this moment, everyone realized that he was just playing around so far; that's why he had a bored expression during the whole exchange: it was because he wasn't fighting seriously.

Yarizui: "..."

Yarizui was a rather expressionless girl; the only times she showed emotion were when she was fighting for bentos. Honestly, so far she had no interest other than that and, of course, she had never shown interest in the opposite sex. The only exception had been Satou, but so far their relationship was just teacher-student and friends. Besides, Satou always looked at her and the other girls, including her cousin Ayame, in a perverted way, although she always hid it.

But when Yarizui looked into Kenichi's eyes, something in his gaze made her blush a little. It was the first time in her life that she saw a man with that expression; she could tell that whatever Kenichi said was going to be the absolute truth.

Kenichi: "Honestly, I could just step aside and ignore all this. Like I said before, money is not an issue for me; I can simply buy myself some ingredients and cook whatever food I want, or I can just go to some restaurant around this area. Either option is much simpler than getting into a fight in this place over a simple half-price bento..."

Yarizui: "..."

Not only Yarizui, but also Satou, Ayame and all the other wolves who were conscious stood silently listening to him. For some strange reason, when Kenichi spoke, the only thing heard in the supermarket was his voice; all other sounds were lost.

Kenichi: "But the thing is, I... I'm hungry, and the normal thing a person does when they're hungry is... eat.... Right, Yarizui-senpai?

When Yarizui heard those words, he couldn't help but have a slight smile on his face.

Yarizui: "Yes, when someone is hungry, regardless of place, origin, or their species, the natural thing anyone would do is to eat."

Kenichi: "That's right... I'm hungry and the food is right in front of me. What other reason do I need to stay in this place and fight? That's why... Fight me with everything you've got. I don't consider myself a wolf, but I can assure you that I'm at the top of the food chain. So, following your ways, I'm going to fight and I'm going to take the bento I like the most."

Yarizui: "Hehehe..."

Everyone was surprised to see Yarizui put on a strange but beautiful expression of happiness.

It was a very strange scene; as far as everyone knew, the Ice Witch rarely smiled, and even if she did, it was only when she was with her friends. So seeing her with such a happy expression was incredibly strange; even Satou had never seen her put on such an expression until now.

Kenichi looked at Satou and Ayame with a wild look that made them freeze for a few seconds. They both understood the implication of that look very well. Although the wolf was an animal that waited for the best moment to attack its prey, they both knew that that kind of strategy was not going to work with Kenichi. The only way to have any chance of defeating him was to fight the three of them together.

Satou: (That's right... I'm a wolf. What I need to focus on is not the fight, nor him; as a wolf, the only thing I should care about is the Bento.)

Ayame: (That wild look looks so.... AMAZING... N-No, that doesn't matter now. Focus, Shaga Ayame. What you need to focus on now is the bento. As long as he's here, we can't get any. This is like a game; the condition for winning is not to defeat him, I just have to get the bento I want. When I do, I will win).

While Satou and Ayame were lost in their own world, Kenichi also had his own inner thoughts.

Kenichi: (Shit... I completely got into the role. Although what I said wasn't a lie, my real purpose isn't the bento. Actually, I want to fight them. They may be weak, but they are the main characters of a fighting anime. Maybe, by fighting me, they will become stronger, like shounen anime characters who awaken a hidden power when they are pushed).

Once they reaffirmed their determination, both Satou and Ayame started to run, ready to attack Kenichi and wait for the slightest carelessness to get the bento.

Kenichi: (As expected, they are different from the rest. Even though they are aware that I am much stronger than them, they still decided to fight me. I guess that's what you'd expect from a protagonist. Although their reason for fighting is ridiculous, I wish Rito had some of their guts...)

While thinking, Kenichi got into a position that left everyone somewhat puzzled.

Kenichi turned his body, showing only half of his figure, while his arms were crossed in front of his upper body. His left arm was at the bottom of his torso in an "unguarded" L-shaped posture, while his right arm was held near his chest area.

Although several of the wolves were confused by her posture, there were some who could recognize her instantly.

Goatee: "Hey! Th-That stance is..."

Monk: "Yeah... Th-That's definitely Hitman's style stance."

Although both Goatee and Monk were very surprised, most of the wolves were only further confused by his words.

Brunette: "What's this Hitman's style thing?"



They all looked at them with strange faces, wondering internally:

All: (Why are these two so excited all of a sudden?).

Although they had to admit that Kenichi's pose looked cool, none of them had the slightest idea what the fuck Hitman style was.

Monk: "The Hitman style is a boxing style created by five-time world champion Thomas Hearns, a famous American boxer who everyone called The Hitman."

Goatee: "It's an amazing style that can-"

Monk: "Bla~ Bla~ Bla~ Bla~"

Goatee: "Blah~ Blah~ Blah~ Blah~ Blah~"

Kenichi: (This just confirms more and more that I'm in an anime world. Those two suddenly became like those background characters explaining the protagonists' special techniques. For my part, I quite like this style; it was Mashiba Ryo's signature move in Hajime no Ippo and also Kengan Ashura's Gaolang Wongsawat. It's a style that works for both offense and defense).

Although he was still unsure, the first to launch an attack was Satou. His way of fighting was the same as all the other wolves; he just ran while raising his arm, ready to throw a punch. It didn't have any kind of special technique or pattern; it was just an ordinary punch.

Kenichi, still with an expressionless and serious look on his face, responded by throwing three incredibly fast jabs that impacted without any difficulty on Satou's face, chest and stomach.

Satou: "AAAAGGGHHH!!!"

Satou was a pretty tough guy. Since he was little, he was involved in ridiculous situations that put his life in danger several times, so even though he was a beginner in fights, he had a very good endurance. However, even someone like him had to admit that he had never been hit as hard as this.

With no resistance whatsoever, he was thrown several meters away from where he stood. Although still surprised, Ayame did not let this opportunity pass her by; she quickly launched a series of punches directly at Kenichi's chest. Although she already knew that Kenichi's body was hard, she still opted to hit him to find some opening. But what she didn't expect was that, unlike a while ago when she simply let herself be hit by Yarizui, she now easily blocked his blows without any difficulty with the same left arm with which she hit Satou.

He just kept moving his arm slightly, blocking each of Ayame's blows.

Ayame quickly tried to get distance, but before he could, Kenichi stepped forward with incredible footwork that made him move at great speed. And before he knew it, he received a quick left jab. Perhaps, due to her good instincts, she managed to raise her guard, but she was still sent flying just as far as Satou.

Ayame: "KYAAAAAAA!!!"

This time it was Yarizui's turn. Unlike a while ago, now she did not plan to recklessly attack Kenichi; she had already learned from her mistakes. Kenichi was very different from them, who just threw crazy punches; he was a real fighter. She was sure that even Kaneshiro Yu (The Magician) would be no match for him. Generally, Yarizui's fighting style was quite similar to Kaneshiro's; it was a fighting style that was mainly based on throwing powerful kicks and acrobatic jumping moves. Sometimes, he would even use the ceiling as a support to attack at a faster speed.

This time, with quick movements, he launched a kick with his right leg with all the strength he could muster, but, to his surprise, Kenichi advanced ready to receive his kick.

All the wolves watching the fight finally understood why this hitman style was so impressive. At the exact moment he received the kick, Kenichi used his left shoulder to deflect Yarizui's kick and quickly responded with a powerful direct hit with his right arm. Yarizui, like Ayame, also tried to defend himself with his Arms, but to no avail.

That blow was even more powerful than the one he threw at Ayame.

Yarizui: "UGH...!!"

Fortunately for Yarizui, as Kenichi punched, his control got better and better, so the moment he threw the punch, he knew how to control his strength perfectly so as not to break any bones. To everyone's surprise, the fight barely lasted a few seconds. This showed that Kenichi was someone who was on a completely different level than everyone was used to.

But, to everyone's surprise, Kenichi held still, using the same hitman-style stance. Some wolves were even tempted to jump to get a bento, but they quickly dismissed that idea; their fighting instincts told them that the moment they jumped, they would be hit immediately by Kenichi's powerful blows.

Kenichi's concentration was incredible. Despite being focused on the fight, he could still tell what everyone else was doing. Within seconds, Yarizui stood up, followed by Ayame and Satou. Despite being badly injured, they got back up with some difficulty.

Ayame: "Haa... Haa... Shit... I thought he was going to get careless after hitting us."

Kenichi: (As expected of the main protagonist and the heroines, even though they hit him much harder than the others, it didn't take them long to get back up.... No, in fact, they were waiting for me to let my guard down; they wanted to sneak attack me while I was choosing a bento.... Unfortunately, I think I'm going to end this now, I'm already very hungry and honestly, I don't think they can do anything else. Well, what did you expect? This is just a simple fighting anime; it's impossible for them to awaken something like a hidden power or a special technique).

While Kenichi was immersed in his thoughts, Yarizui, Ayame and Satou were still not giving up and were determined to get the bento in their next attack.

Satou: "Shit... Haa... Haa... Haa... What the hell is up with those punches? I had to give my best effort just to get up..."

Ayame: "I understand what you mean... Ugh... Now I understand why everyone lost the will to fight... It's the first time I've received such fast and strong punches..."

Yarizui: "From his movements, I can tell that he is using boxing, but this is not the first time he fights with a boxer. Since boxing is a sport where you can only hit with your fists, he should be at a disadvantage against kicking or lunging attacks."

In the battles for the Bentos, it was normal for groups of members of sports clubs, such as the rugby club or various others, to sometimes appear. In the past, Yarizui fought against members of a boxing club. While it was true that they had better stamina than several of the wolves, in the end it was just that. The moment he started throwing kicks, they were quickly overwhelmed.

Satou: "That's right, if he's using boxing, that means he can only throw punches with his fists.... So, to defeat him, the most logical thing to do is to attack his legs."

Ayame: "I see, then lunges work too."

Yarizui: "But don't be complacent either. Saruyama-kun's strength, stamina and defense are far superior to ours. If we're not careful, he can knock us out of battle with just one of his strikes."

After talking a bit, they finally decided to attack with a new plan in mind.

Kenichi: "You guys are being too naive."