This world is much more dangerous than I had thought

After we decided to ignore what we saw a while ago, we were walking while talking animatedly, who would have thought that I a guy who was destined to be one more pervert in this world was going to end up hanging out with this group.

But I'm not complaining, on the contrary I'm happy with all this, although I still consider Rito as a close friend that's more because I've known him for a long time, but the reality is that we never had such a close friendship, that's why it didn't affect me much that he ignored me during the course of the day.

While I was walking, I couldn't help but remember the characters of the different anime I identified, although most of them were of the genre of daily life, comedy and romance, there are some that are quite dangerous.

-To Love-Ru

-Shinmai Maou no Testament

-Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai

-Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san

-Sora no Otoshimono

These five are the anime with the most dangerous plots I have seen so far, and also thanks to my new childhood memories, I was able to identify three others but for the moment I will focus more on these.

Although these 5 are mainly humorous manga and anime with Ecchi scenes, the backgrounds of their stories are somewhat complicated.

At least with To Love-Ru I can relax a bit, at first the story is just humorous, it's going to get dangerous only when it gets to the Darkness part, for now it's just an Ecchi story.

But the real problem is the other stories.

Among them, one that is especially dangerous is "Shinmai Maou no Testament", although it is also an Ecchi story with harem, its plot is more fight oriented, plus the story is more serious.

The main plot is about three races that are at war, which are:

-Hero Tribe

-Demon Tribe

-God Tribe

These are the three main races that appear in the story, although they usually fight each other all the time, the great war that broke out years ago began because the Demon's Tribe wanted to conquer the human world and then invade the Divine Realm, which is inhabited by the Goddess Tribe.

Currently, the three sides are in a state similar to that of the cold war.

Although my dad was quite vague when he told me the details as a child, apparently he was part of the Hero Clan, although more than a member you could say that he was more a kind of mercenary, so he was not bound to the rules and customs of the clan, I understand that he never liked the way they did things, and why not if that clan is led by some corrupt shitty elders.

Kenichi: (Come to think of it, it's quite common for organizations with extremely powerful individuals to put decrepit elders in charge who are always involved in shady things, a good example is Bleach, Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen. Those elders always make horrible decisions and when everyone is in danger they are the first ones to run away).

On the other hand, my father also told me that he fought alongside Toujou Jin "The War God", he even got to fight alongside him during the battle against the Dragon Fafnir, which is a bit different from what happened in the original story.

Although there are still many other details in the story about the protagonist and the heroines, the main plot revolves around the war between these three races.

Although I'd like to leave all the annoying problems related to factions and politics to Toujou Basara, the protagonist, but I feel that being the son of someone who was a partner of the strongest hero, I'll somehow end up getting dragged into all that shit even if I don't want to, especially that stupid Hero clan.

Then there would be "Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai", this is a story I could identify today by watching Katsuragi Keima, the protagonist of that story.

Although it looks like a simple story of humor and romance, it actually has quite a dangerous plot, the story revolves around beings called Runaway spirits who escaped from a place called New hell. These Runaway spirits or Weiss for short, were sealed long ago by some Goddesses.

The Weiss, being a type of spirits, can hide inside the hearts of women, in doing so they have a great negative influence on their personalities, in some cases women can even acquire abilities, the main objective of the Weiss is to reincarnate as humans with their demonic powers intact, it is for that reason that they only possess women, when they feed on enough negative emotions, they can reincarnate as the first child of the women they possessed.

The only way to expel a Weiss is to make the woman they possessed fall in love with someone, thus filling the void in the heart left by the Weiss.

Those who are assigned to capture the Weiss are known as "The Runaway Spirit Squad" an organization belonging to the New hell that sends their demons into the human realm, where they can make contracts with humans who help them fall in love with the women possessed by the Weiss.

Kenichi: (Apparently they are a different type of Demon's than the ones in Shinmai Maou no Testament, although come to think of it, each religion has their own definition of what paradise and hell are, so even though their race name is the same and means the same thing, that doesn't mean they are the same).

Although there are many more things involved in the story, like villains, goddesses and betrayals, this is the main thing.

For me personally, I only liked the first and second season of the anime, in that part of the story it was only about the protagonist making the heroines fall in love with him in order to seal the Weiss, but in the third season, apart from skipping several plots from the manga, for some reason the story took a more serious direction in which the protagonist seemed almost like a secondary character.

To begin with, the protagonist Katsuragi Keima, was just an ordinary guy, at most he was good looking and smart, but other than that he had nothing else. His only talent was his great ability to play dating simulators (Galges). He even became known on the internet as "The God of Conquests" for his legendary abilities to conquer any 2D girl in the Galges.

His only function in the story was to make the girls who were possessed by the Weiss fall in love with him, that's why I think that change in the story was unnecessary, if they were going to change the gender of the story at least they would have given Katsuragi a power or something to defend himself.

If I'm honest I don't want to get involved with that guy, I know that when he signed the contract he was obligated to make the girls fall in love with him or else they would kill him, but I didn't like that after he made the girls fall in love he acted like he never had a relationship with them (although that's mostly because they forgot everything after the Weiss was expelled), but that doesn't take away that I don't like that guy, even Tomoki who is a pervert has a better personality than him.

The good thing is that this story doesn't bother me much, as long as a Weiss doesn't try to possess someone I know I have no reason to get involved.

Then there would be "Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san", as someone who has lived in this town for almost all my life, I obviously know the Yuragi-sou hot spring inn which is where the story of that anime takes place, after all it is one of the most famous tourist attractions in town and it's not only because of its beautiful traditional appearance, but also because of the rumor that an evil ghost has it haunted.

Rumor has it that the ghost always chases away all potential tenants, which is why it now operates mainly as an inn with extremely cheap rent. Although the rumors are somewhat exaggerated, they are not wrong in saying that the inn is possessed by a ghost, although it is completely harmless, plus most of the tenants living there are supernatural beings or involved with the supernatural.

Although the story is humorous and has Ecchi scenes quite similar to To Love-Ru, what makes this story dangerous is that it is much more fight-oriented, it mainly features various supernatural beings from Japanese culture, such as Youkais, Ghosts, Mediums, Ninjas and Gods.

Several of them have the power to overwhelm entire countries, a good example is the protagonist Fuyuzora Kogarashi, although he is a human, he possesses spiritual powers that allow him to defeat all kinds of supernatural beings with just one of his punches, even defeating Gods with his punches.

Although the story has more details, it is not as complicated as the previous ones, its perverted scenes make it similar to To Love-Ru, even Kogarashi has a perverted luck similar to Rito's that always puts him in compromising situations with all the heroines, the only thing that differentiates them is that Kogarashi knows how to fight and in general he is much better as a protagonist than Rito.

Kenichi: (The only problem with this story was the ending, I don't know why they made Kogarashi have such a close relationship with all the heroines if in the end he was only going to stay with one).

Although in general it's a simple story, I have to be careful, in some of the plots especially in one of the last ones, the world was really in danger, although I wouldn't like to get too involved, most of the events are going to happen in this city, so it's very likely that I'll have to fight at some point.

Don't get me wrong, as a Hanma I'm eager to fight, in fact, when I think about it I can't stop my blood from boiling with excitement, but the problem is that at my current level I can't fight on equal terms with any of the enemies that appear in those stories, some have great physical strength plus special abilities and magics, even with Yuujirou's strength I don't see myself being able to defeat guys that can destroy entire cities with just one of their attacks.

Kenichi: (So until I become strong enough to back up the Hanma blood's trust, I have to act cautiously, but that also doesn't mean I'm going to run away if I meet someone stronger than me, the easiest and quickest way to become stronger is to fight subjects that are stronger than me).

After thinking that, I couldn't help but put on a conflicted expression as I remembered the last story.

"Sora no Otoshimono", this is the story I'm most familiar with after To Love-Ru and it's also the one I'm most worried about from the previous ones.

Sohara: "What's wrong Ken-kun, for a while now you've been rather quiet?"

Kenichi: "Hmm... Sorry, I was thinking about something, what were we talking about?"

Hearing Sohara's voice, I stopped thinking so deeply and came back to reality, although my current mental capabilities allow me to have conversations while thinking about other things, sometimes I tend to focus more on my thoughts.

Sohara: "You know if something is bothering you you can talk to me, after all we have known each other for quite some time."

Kenichi: "Haha, I guess you noticed that I was worried about something."

Sohara: "Of course~ Unlike Tomo-chan who tends to always do the first thing that comes to his mind, Ken-kun always stops to think things through a lot, that's one of the bad habits of both of them~"

Well, I guess that's true.

Kenichi: "Don't worry, this is something I have to solve on my own, but if at some point I need a friend I won't hesitate to ask you for help, after all I know better than anyone how powerful your Karate punches can be."

Sohara: "Th-That was only when I was little... Now I'm a perfect lady who wouldn't even kill a fly."

Shuu: (A perfect lady?)

Raku: (Wouldn't hurt a fly?)

Miyamoto: (Wasn't she the one who gave that pervert a brutal punch in the crotch?)

Onodera: (I also remember seeing her giving Sakurai-kun a powerful punch that left him buried on the classroom floor)

Kato: (...)

After hearing Sohara's words I couldn't help but look at her while we were still talking, both her appearance, her attitude and her personality are still the same as when we were little, except that now she's not as shy as before.

Kenichi: (And to think she's not really the Sohara that Tomoki and I used to play with all the time).

That's right, the Sohara who was our childhood friend died due to an illness several years ago now, it was around the same time my parents died.

The Sohara that is standing in front of me now, is a copy of the original, just like me when I used the plot change ticket, she only has the memories and some experiences from the past, that's why she is not aware that she is a copy.

This is all because of the plot of Sora no Otoshimono.

It turns out that somewhere in the sky is an alternate dimension called Synapse, it is similar to the Demon Realm, Divine Realm and New hell, they are separate dimensions of reality that can be as big as the earth.

The Synapse in particular, is a huge dimension that is divided into several separate islands that are floating in the air, some islands are organic while others are not. The exact size of Synapse is never mentioned in the story. But there is one character who in his fastest form, can travel at the speed of light and still took several minutes to travel through Synapse. Implying that it is possibly several times larger than the earth.

The only two known ways to enter the Synapse are:

1.-Flying through the entrance which is depicted as a black hole in the sky, although if anyone without clearance approaches, they are quickly bombarded by Synapse's defense systems.

2.-Entering through the Dive Game, a device used to enter people's dreams, if used to enter Tomoki's dream which is connected to the Synapse, it is possible to enter through that connection.

The Synapse is inhabited by beings that can be identified as angels, although of course I am not referring to those of the bible, these are a much, much older race (Officially they have no name, they are only called angels because they have wings, in history they only referred to themselves as inhabitants of the Synapse), In the story it is mentioned that the inhabitants of the Synapse began being the same as humans, the only thing that differentiated them was that they had wings and did not possess the ability to dream, with the passage of the eons, their technology and civilization advanced to the point that they could create bodies for themselves that could not age or die.

But that was one of their biggest mistakes.

As time went by, the inhabitants of the Synapse, having eternal lives, began to get bored of life and feel unhappy without a purpose, it was as if the more their technology advanced the more they lost their freedom, it became more and more difficult to find satisfaction in their lives.

It was at that time that the Synapse's greatest scientist named Daedalus, in an attempt to solve this problem, created "The Rule", a device that would be able to grant any wish that the inhabitants of the Synapse had, this was done with the intention that everyone could achieve happiness.

But after all their wishes were granted, the inhabitants of Synapse were happy only for a short period of time, soon after all their wishes and dreams came true, they began to face a collective existential crisis.

Fewer and fewer people wanted things, dreams, hopes, a reason to live.

They had nothing, they were completely empty.

The Synapse became a land full of people empty inside who found no reason to go on living, it was during that time that a large number of them decided to end their own lives of their own free will. A land of hundreds of millions was reduced to less than three thousand inhabitants in a short time.

In a desperate attempt to solve this problem, Daedalus and the rest of the inhabitants of Synapse tried to create a new world/universe. Together they used "the Rule" to create a new world, they believed that in this way they could recover the hope they had lost, that is why they recreated the universe. Although how they did it is not explained in the anime, it is only known that they were the ones who caused the Big Bang.

Kenichi: (The anime was a bad adaptation in which they didn't go into much detail, but in the last chapters of the manga, it is explained how they recreated the universe. First, the Synapse had to cease to exist, and then, whether people, animals, plants or even the sky, had to be destroyed).

Although this desperate measure changed absolutely nothing, it was during this time that the inhabitants of the Synapse, in search of ways to entertain themselves, began to create different types of life forms, one of them being the "Angeloid", a series of androids built by Synapse. As their name indicated, they were made using the inhabitants of Synapse as a model, their main function was to serve their masters for different types of purposes.

Although the Angeloid were useful, with time they also got bored of them, and after several considerations, they decided to create humanity and began to observe them, sometimes they even played with their lives as if they were simply toys, even if it was only for an hour that gave them great fun, until after several years of observing them the impression they had of them changed.

As they watched humanity as they lived their lives on the surface of the earth, they realized that they possessed everything that they had lost, even though they were created primarily to be their playthings, the short life of a human had much more meaning than their eternal lives.

At some point they began to be envious of humanity, and most importantly, humans had the ability to dream that they craved so much.

To acquire what they most desired, Daedalus along with the rest of the inhabitants of the Synapse, created a dome with machines to put themselves in a dream state, being in that state, they were able to live among humans on Earth projecting their consciousness onto artificial humans.

The only rule they imposed was that they could only live one dream, in which they would be born as humans, live as humans and die as humans, when they died their consciousness would wake up in their real bodies inside the Synapse and they could not have that same dream again.

Kenichi: (And here is where the plot gets a little complicated, it turns out that Daedalus the creator of most of the technological advances of Synapse, also started living as a normal human, but had the bad luck to be born in a sick body that could not live long).

This is something that was revealed at the end of the story, but it turns out that the Sohara that Tomoki and I knew as children and was our childhood friend was actually Daedalus. After she died in her dream life, she was erased from the memories of humans on Earth (including Tomoki). But like the rest of the Synapse inhabitants who die in their dream lives, despite the rules they imposed she wanted to live in her dream again.

But since she knew she couldn't live the same dream again, she created a clone of her former dream self, which is the Sohara walking right now next to me.

Kenichi: (That would be the main thing, I'm a bit surprised that a manga that was 80% humor with Ecchi scenes and 20% story, had such an amazing main plot, with that backstory it could have become a very good shounen manga, but unfortunately the story was much more humor oriented, not even the romantic relationships went anywhere, the story simply ended with everyone going back to living their lives normally, it was hinted that Tomoki was in love with Angeloid Ikaros in a few special chapters, but in the end their relationship was left in doubt).

Honestly, the story of Sora no Otoshimono is by far one of the most dangerous, the inhabitants of the Synapse itself are not the problem, it's the things they are capable of creating, already the Angeloids are capable of overwhelming almost all supernatural factions and can easily be created en masse, plus the Synapse also has weapons of mass destruction.

It turns out that Daedalus (Sohara) is not the only scientist in the Synapse, there is also a guy named Minos who is known as "The Master of Synapse", if Daedalus specializes in creating life, Minos specializes in creating weapons.

Although it could be said that he is the villain of the story, in reality he is just as broken and empty as all the inhabitants of the Synapse, but unlike them he has his pride as the master of Synapse, that is why according to his way of thinking, he would never lower himself to live among inferior life forms like the Downer (Humans without wings).

What makes him dangerous are the weapons he creates, one of them is "Zeus". A huge cannon that is capable of firing a huge laser that is said to be able to destroy anything, it has a destructive power far superior to Ikaros, the most powerful Angeloid that is said to have some integrated weapons with which it could easily destroy the Earth.

And the other is a spear called "Poseidon". It can create powerful energy blasts to throw at its opponents, it can also create electrical pulses that depend on the physical and mental state of its user. So far in the story, Minos is the only known inhabitant of Synapse with combat abilities.

In the movie "Sora no Otoshimono: My Eternal Master", it was also mentioned that Synapse created and rules over multiple timelines of parallel universes and universes of different time axes in the Hyperdimension, although I can't rely much on the information in that movie, it was a horrible adaptation of the manga, plus it was left unfinished.

The biggest problem I have with Sora no Otoshimono, is that in the Synapse they can easily make humanity disappear and redo everything as if nothing, although I don't know if it works the same in this world that is a mixture of several fictions, in which there are several humans with powers and abilities.

In the story it was never mentioned that the inhabitants of the Synapse created races other than the Angeloid and humans, so I doubt that they had anything to do with the Demon's of Shinmai Maou no Testament, or the spirits and the Youkai, besides that in this world there are also gods.

Kenichi: (Although in my personal opinion, the inhabitants of Synapse seem more gods than real gods, they can easily create life and also destroy it, plus for some strange reason all the weapons of the Angeloids and Synapse have the names of Greek gods, but seeing as they are older than Earth, it would be logical that the Greek gods have copied those names, I have too little information to make conclusions, the end of the story was somewhat rushed so they never explained things in more depth).

Remembering the first chapter of Sora no Otoshimono, I couldn't help but shiver.

I still remember perfectly how Tomoki accidentally wished to conquer the world, but since no one recognized him as a ruler, the Synapse programming assumed that the most efficient way to fulfill that wish was to eliminate every human, so as to create a new human race that would recognize him as their master.

Kenichi: (The story was about to end in the first chapter, luckily Tomoki again made a wish that everything was a bad dream and the Synapse programming fulfilled that wish by turning everything that happened so far into a dream).

At the moment, I still lack a lot of information to make conclusions, it is at times like this that I would like to have a unique ability convenient as Rimuru's "Great Sage", I'm sure he could answer all my questions easily. For the moment the only thing I can think of, is to enter the Synapse and look for some information they have stored about this world, after all, they have been watching humanity since they created it, they may have the answers I am looking for.

While walking little by little we said goodbye, Raku, Shuu, Onodera and Miyamoto, they lived by another area, so they parted from us before, unexpectedly Kato's house was close to mine, the only one that was further away was Sohara's which was in the rural area, after saying goodbye to Kato, I started to walk together with Sohara while we talked animatedly about the old times.

Kenichi: "I see you two have had quite a good time."

Sohara: "Not at all, after you left Tomo-chan didn't take long to go back to his old habits of sleeping late and staying up late, plus I can't even count the number of times he has received sexual harassment complaints anymore, just look, they even have a poster with his face plastered on the walls."

Following Sohara's gaze, I could see a poster, which had a rather comical picture of Tomoki running wearing a panty as a mask, while being chased by a group of angry women.



Anyone who sees the individual in this photo named Sakurai Tomoki is requested to immediately call the Sainan police, he is wanted for various misdemeanors ranging from:

-Entering the women's area of the public restrooms.

-Entering the women's locker room at the municipal swimming pool

-Sexually harassing female police officers

-Stealthily stealing the underwear of various girls in the city

-Buying adult materials illegally

Sexually harassing young housewives in the neighborhood -Stripping in public areas

-Stripping in public areas

-Stripping on private property

The person who finds him will be rewarded with the generous sum of 100,000 Yen, for any questions or inquiries call +81 *** *** *** *** ***.

Thank you for your cooperation, we hope to create a better Sainan with everyone's cooperation.


Kenichi: "..."

Sohara: "See, that's what I mean, he's been in so much trouble that he's already considered as a potential criminal, every week a new poster is put up again with new charges after he gets caught and jailed for a few days, even the 1,000 Yen initial reward increased to 100,000"

Well, I guess that's to be expected, unlike Rito, Tomoki doesn't have a perverted luck, plus he stalks girls willingly, I still wonder how he managed to get so many girls to fall in love with him in the story of Sora no Otoshimono, this is something he and Rito have in common, they don't make a big deal and girls fall in love with them easily.

Kenichi: "Come to think of it... There's something I should have told you since the day we met again, something I can definitely only tell you."

Sohara: "E-Eh!"

For some reason, when Sohara heard me, her face suddenly blushed and she also started fidgeting nervously, but without taking much notice of her strange behavior, I kept talking.

Kenichi: "This is something very important.... The truth is that I..."

Sohara: "Y-You can't do that right now Ken-kun...! I-I'm still not mentally prepared for you to tell me that now-!!!"

Kenichi: "I want to apologize to you!"

Sohara: "..."

Sohara: "..."

Sohara: "..."

Sohara: "Eh"

Kenichi: "I want to apologize to you, for leaving when we were little without even saying goodbye to you, I heard that during that time your illness got worse."

After I said that, the silence remained for a few seconds, until Sohara spoke in a nervous and hurried manner.

Sohara: "Y-you don't have to worry about that... It's true that at first I felt sad because you suddenly disappeared without saying anything... And I won't deny that at some point I felt a little resentful... B-But after a while I heard what happened to your parents and I... I couldn't be by your side at that time... That's why I... Sniff... I..."

Suddenly Sohara began to speak in a halting manner and slowly began to sob as thin tears streamed down her cheeks.

I was honestly quite surprised, I thought she was going to be mad at me, after all, the story followed its original course and the only one who stuck together with her until the end and cried over her death was Tomoki, I was just the guy who played along with them for a few years and then suddenly disappeared without saying a single word.

Sohara: "I wanted to... Apologize... Sniff... With you... Buaaa!"

Seeing Sohara in this state I couldn't help but remember the little girl who followed me everywhere while crying, even though we were the same age, she was like a little sister that I always worried about.

I slowly approached Sohara and either consciously or unconsciously, I slipped my arms behind her back and gave her a light hug, being as careful as possible to avoid hurting her in any way.

Sohara: "E-Eh! Sniff... K-Ken-kun...!"

Ignoring Sohara's words, I slowly brought my head closer and rested my forehead next to hers.

Kenichi: "Thank you, So-chan... You don't know how happy it made me to hear you cry for me... And it made me even happier to hear you talk about my parents... The truth is that I don't usually talk about them much to other people... Since they left I felt a deep hole in my heart, and I completely closed myself off thinking that I didn't care about anything anymore... But the reality is that I was just being a fool... There were so many people who loved and cared about me..."

The memories I have about our childhood may not have been real, but those memories filled me with a deep happiness, that's why even though I still regret some things that happened, I don't regret using that plot change ticket.

Thanks to that I was able to meet Sohara, Tomoki, Raku, Chitoge, Onodera, Mari, Yui, Haruko, Inaho, Himari, Arashi and Ryu.

I have had so many friends who have come to care about me.

As I continued to affectionately hug Sohara we suddenly heard the voices of some people who were walking around.

Elder: "Hehehe~ He's hugging her with the sunset in the background, Haa~ It reminds me so much of when I was young~"

Child: "Mom, why is that boy hugging that girl?"

Mother: "Shhh, you shouldn't interrupt them, they're having a typical scene of youth, Haa~ It's too bad your father never hugged me like that."

Guy: "You've got to be kidding me, how many Normies do I have to see in a day to be left alone? Now I can't even walk home without seeing those damn couples, I hope they die."

Sohara: "E-Eh... Wait Ken-kun, people are looking at us."

Nervously feeling the stares and hearing the words of the people walking around, Sohara tried to break away from my embrace nervously. But I, indifferent to the looks of the other people, did not let Sohara go from my embrace and slowly brought my right hand to her head and began to caress it.

Kenichi: "In the past, I was a coward who didn't even have the guts to try to talk to my friends after what happened... But now I am different, now I am much stronger and I can assure you one thing... I'm never going to leave like that again."

Sohara: "Ken-kun"

After saying that, we just stared silently into each other's eyes.

Sohara: "Ken-kun.... T-The truth is that I-!"


As if to interrupt our pleasant moment, suddenly Tomoki suddenly appeared screaming, while running naked and with his body full of scrapes and slight wounds along with a huge bump on his head.

Kenichi: "But how amazing, you have improved a lot, in the past it would have taken you a whole week to come back, but now you only took a few hours, you have really grown a lot Tomoki, now you are a real degenerate, your mother and grandfather would be proud".

Tomoki: "Hehehe~ Even if you flatter me like that you're not going to get anything.... Eh... WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOUR WORDS!!! BESIDES YOU SIMPLY JUST CALLED ME A PERVERT!!! Although now that I think about it, that actually makes me happy, I even got to see my grandfather when I was about to cross over to the afterlife!"

The plan went perfectly, I barely flattered him a little and the very stupid guy immediately forgot the reason why he was mad at us.

Tomoki: "Come to think of it, what are you two doing standing in one place like hugging each other like that? Is this it!"

As if realizing something, Tomoki put on an incredibly serious expression.

Tomoki: "Sohara has constipation and that's why you're hugging her, don't worry Sohara, that will go away eventually on its own, as your childhood friend I heartily support you."


And just like that, my touching moment with Sohra was completely destroyed, not wanting to fall victim to the crossfire, I slowly let go of Sohara who was starting to project a now dark and purple and walked away to safety.

Sensing something wasn't right, even Tomoki started to slowly walk away with cold sweat running down his face.

Unexpectedly the hit I was expecting never came, Sohara just smiled, slowly took out her cell phone from her bag and without saying a single word started dialing a number, while humming a song happily.

Sohara: "Good afternoon, I'm talking to the police, I have to report that I just ran into the stalker you were looking for... Yes... For some strange reason he buried himself head first in the ground with half of his body completely exposed... Yes, my name is Mitsuki Sohara... My address is..."

Tomoki: "E-Eh... Sohara-san..."

After ending the call, Sohara began to slowly approach Tomoki, and with moves that would put the world's best athletes to shame she appeared in front of Tomoki faster than the eye could follow.

Sohara: "Tomo-chan! YOU ARE STUPID!!!"

After shouting that, she started to brutally beat Tomoki.

*Bang* *Zas* *Plum* *Crack* *Crash*

I could only watch with indifference as Sohara gave Tomoki a beating that was comparable to what the characters of Baki would give, that's how brutal it was, by the time it was over, Tomoki's body was completely censored while his head was buried in the ground and his crotch was completely in sight.

Kenichi: "..."

Sohara: "..."

Kenichi: (Hmm... I think I'm going to try not to piss Sohara off from now on, I guess even with Hanma blood I can't fight on equal terms with her.)

I think that as I take one last look at Tomoki's mangled body and start walking slowly accompanying Sohara back to her house.

While doing so I couldn't help but think of something.

Kenichi: (This world is much more dangerous than I thought it would be)